similar to: Stop browser from "form filling" fields.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Stop browser from "form filling" fields."

2007 Mar 15
SEC to minutes
Hi Friends, I am new to ruby on rails. I want to convert seconds to minutes. like if 220sec= 3.40 minutes I did in this way sec/60 but it giving the false results ex : 70 sec = 110/6=1.8 but it is worong as for time Can u give any advice? -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed
2010 May 03
rendering images dynamically
Hi, I have a rails application where I respond to a request by fetching image urls from various web api calls and need to display them as they come available. I am able to display all the images once I get them all, but that causes an unacceptable delay for my user. One approach I am trying is, from my controller, set an @image variable, and then pass in a block to the model that retrieves the
2007 Feb 16
negate the regexp in validates_format_of
Railsters: ActiveRecord''s validation system puts other database systems to shame. However, the newbies might not know how to write a regexp that excludes a match, instead of tests for it. Understand - I''m just asking this question to help them. I have been using Regexps since ''grep'' on Xenix! But the newbies here might not know how to do this:
2006 Dec 07
need to transfer data from old php like db to rails style db
hey all, I have two tables like that from an old php project: artists(id,name) albums(id,artist_id,album_name) and I need to transfer the data of this database to three tables that look like this: artists(id,name) albums(id,name) artists_albums(album_id,artist_id) any idea what''s the fastest query to do this? thanx in advance Pat --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~
2007 Feb 14
File into database migration
Hi, I am trying to figure out an approach to load in our initial data into our database. I have written some load_data migrations which populate a lot of the stuff, how some of the database items are images etc and I am trying to figure out how to approach added them to the database during a rake db:migrate I am thinking if I store the files in a folder off the RAILS_ROOT I should be able to
2008 Dec 20
IMAP_Authenticatable Problem
Good morning all, I''ve been using the imap_authenticatable plugin for about a year now without incident. All of a sudden, I tried logging in this morning and this error is showing up in the logs. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this or how to fix it? Thanks, Pete NoMethodError (undefined method `disconnect'' for nil:NilClass):
2009 Feb 09
forms that mix new and old records
I''m trying to create a form/view that displays a mix of records that exist in the database and records that the user is working on but that don''t yet exist in the database. I want to leverage all of rails'' nice form helpers, especially the params hash that it generates for the records when the form is submitted. So - I am creating ''dummy'' records with
2009 Jul 07
link_to, how do you combine url options and html_options?
I have a link-to that I wish to look somewhat like this: link_to "link here", new_object_path, :method => :post, :confirm => ''Press OK'', #url options :class => "css_class", :id => "css_id" #html options In any case I can either get the url_for options to work or the html options to work, but
2011 Aug 22
Shocking Easy Google First Page RankingUsing The Backlink Syndication! Up To 250k+ Unstoppable, Uncontrollable! The Secrets Revealed!"
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="content-type"> <title>250K</title> </head> <body> <div style="text-align: center;"><span dir="rtl"> Do you want to boost your blog in
2007 Jan 23
dynamic tablenames
Hi List! May I tap into your combined common sense ? I have a legacy logging app that needs to be modernized. At the moment, Data is going to be stored in 5 tables, one table is going to contain more than 200 million and 2 others about 60 million rows. Mysql will be used, unless someone sees a major advantage in using something else (at the moment data is stored in a raw positioned file format,
2008 Aug 31
assigning collection values and exceptions
hi everyone, I''ve this code in my Report model: has_many :report_reasons, :validate => true has_many :reasons, :through => :report_reasons #, :uniq => true # :accessible => true def reason_attributes=(reason_attributes) reasons.clear reason_attributes.uniq.each do |reason| reasons << Reason.find_or_create_by_content(reason) end end
2006 Oct 31
Moving page_cache_directory
Howdy. I''m working on a RoR CMS and need cached pages to all be in public/cache rather than public [in order to set svn:ignore on all the files properly]. I can get page_cache_directory set correctly and the pages are cached in the right place but Mongrel isn''t serving them because it''s only looking for them in public. During development I know I can set -r public/cache
2006 Oct 24
How can my boss take rails seriously with bugs like this?
The Time::next_week method is supposed to give the time of the start of the next week. But look at this, it cocks up : >> t=Time.parse "Monday October 16th 2006" => Mon Oct 16 00:00:00 BST 2006 >> t.next_week => Mon Oct 23 00:00:00 BST 2006 >> t.next_week.next_week => Tue Oct 24 00:00:00 BST 2006 >> t.next_week.next_week.next_week => Mon Oct 30
2007 Jan 06
Exception notifier not working
I installed the exception notifier via: /script/plugin install -x exception_notification It resides in the vendor/exception_notification directory (as advertised). I''ve configured environment.rb with the following: ExceptionNotifier.exception_recipients = %w( ExceptionNotifier.sender_address = %("Application Error"
2007 Mar 29
validates_length_of not working with :if ?
Hello, I''m trying to cut down the errors if the guy already getting the empty nickname, so he doesn''t get anything about the nickname is short. validates_presence_of :nickname This below is not working ? validates_length_of :nickname, :within => 4..40, :if => { |user| user.nickname.length > 1 } nor this one below? validates_length_of :nickname, :within
2007 Oct 19
Patch idea for rspec_on_rails
I recently wrote a matcher for testing AR associations which allows you to specify things like: Foo.should have_many(:bars).through(:bazes) I''m pretty darned proud of it and a couple of people have suggested that I should submit it to the rspec_on_rails project. Before I go to the trouble of writing out rdoc and fully spec''ing it, I just wanted to make sure this was
2007 Oct 21
Making 'expire_fragment' available to a model?
I noticed a lot of repetition across different Sweeper models in my app expiring the same fragments and so have been trying to move all the expire_fragment calls into another model which the sweepers can then use but it''s not working as I''d hoped.. I''ve created a CacheDestroyer model and want to be able to call something to the effect of:
2007 Mar 01
Cookie based session management problems
Edge has a change in default behaviour where sessions are stored as cookies instead of in the file system. This was a pleasant surprise when I synced up, fired up my app, and nothing worked. Ah, life on the edge. I''m sure I''m just missing something, but I can''t get sessions to survive the first redirect. I added the following code to environment.rb, based on
2008 Nov 17
super global dummy method for gettext + rails 2.2
Hi, since rails 2.2 doesn''t work with gettext anymore I decided to use a gettext dummy method until the gettext team relases a working version for rails 2.2. My application doesn''t need any i18n support right now and this way i figured it would be very easy to integrate gettext later. Just setup the plugin and go. So I need a method called _ which is available in alle models,
2007 Jan 24
Viewing Rails from non-localhost using WEBrick server
During development, I''d like to see my Rails app from a computer other than localhost on a Linux system and also want to change the default port#. I thought this would do it: Linux server: $ script/server -b -p 5432 => Booting WEBrick... => Rails application started on => Ctrl-C to shutdown; call with --help for options ... Windows browser URL: