similar to: HABTM Reading Rows From Two Tables

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "HABTM Reading Rows From Two Tables"

2007 Jan 03
Self-referential habtm with condition is broken
Here''s a simplistic model class. class Person < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :relatives, :class_name => ''Person'', :join_table => ''relatives'', :foreign_key => ''from_id'', :association_foreign_key => ''to_id'' has_and_belongs_to_many :brothers, :class_name =>
2007 Dec 05
Active Record, Migration, and Translation
Hi, I think the columns and table in migration should be able to have an optional "display_name" set manually. Something like: create_table :people, {display_name => "Personne"} do |t| t.column :first_name :string, :display_name => "Prénom". end Let me explain my point of view: Rails is a framework made to write programs in English. You see it when you
2006 Dec 27
HABTM Checkboxes - Adding/Updating Users to a Project
Hello all, I''m trying to create a HABTM checkbox action that adds/updates ''users'' to a ''project''. I have the following laid out. --------------------- TABLES --------------------- create_table "assignments", :id => false, :force => true do |t| t.column "project_id", :integer, :default => 0, :null => false
2013 Oct 23
Rails 4 and HABTM Checkboxes: Unpermitted parameters error
I have a simple Rails 4 project with two scaffolded models: Practice and Practitioner. I have set these both as habtm and am in the process of adding checkboxes to the Practitioner form so that I can check off the practices that this practitioner belongs to. In the practitioners_controller, I added practice_ids to the practitioner_params permit list, but I am still getting the error: Started
2007 Sep 06
So, I have a "schedules" table and a "hours" table, joined by a "hours_schedules" table. Think of the hours table as a category for when people will schedule themselves to work, which happens in weekly increments. At any given hour, there will be X number of people working. I need to represent each worker with an asterisk symbol in the weekly view. For example,
2006 Jul 23
destroy vs delete
what is the difference between destroy and delete in AR I am not sure what they mean by "Destroys the record with the given id by instantiating the object and calling destroy<>(all the callbacks are the triggered). If an array of ids is provided, all of them are destroyed." in
2006 Jan 04
habtm recusive
I have a people table: CREATE TABLE people ( id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, first_name varchar(75) default NULL, middle_name varchar(75) default NULL, last_name varchar(75) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1272 ; and a people_people table: CREATE TABLE people_people ( person_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
2006 Feb 20
No Magic for HABTM forms?
Hi, I posted yesterday asking how to get form tags to reference the associated objects in a habtm relationship. I was hoping for Rails Magic, but it looks like Rails doesn''t have habtm magic beyond a certain point. Here was my solution for others who might have the problem. Also, I hope someone shows me that there is a simpler way. The Database Model: class Registration <
2010 Jun 05
How do you update HABTM relationships or create.
Hi, I have a User model with a HABTM relation to a Role model and vice versa. So There''s a roles_users table that references :user and :role. I''m using formtastic, and in the user.edit.html.erb I have a line that outputs the roles as a multi-select list box. But the box is not showing the roles that have been assigned to the users. Another problem is that if I select a few
2008 Jul 13
Problem with ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch
Hi all ! I''ve written a Character model, each character has many Attributes. My schema.rb looks like this: create_table "characters", :force => true do |t| t.string "first_name" t.string "last_name" t.integer "user_id" t.datetime "created_at" t.datetime "updated_at" end create_table "attributes",
2007 Jul 17
habtm confusion
Hello friends! I am trying to make a database that will have a group of people set to committees, and a person can be in multiple committees, and a committee obviously has multiple people. The people are senators at my university. These are my current models: senator.rb: -- class Senator < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :first_name, :last_name, :floor has_and_belongs_to_many
2006 Dec 14
Saving dates
Hi having trouble saving dates in my form i have the following in the view <%= date_select("details", "open_date") %> and i have @exhibition.open_date = params[:details][:open_date] and then All the other values form (not seen here) get saved but not the dates. What am i doing wrong ? -- Posted via
2012 Nov 03
ids writer fields for HABTM relationship.
Hello forum readers, Let''s say i have two models: Person and Role (i replicated the problem with Post & Tag as well, as i thought the problem was linked to some application-specific rights problem, but it wasn''t). In Person, attr_accessible role_ids is declared, so it accepts an array of Role ids as an argument when creating / updating. If i fire up the rails console and
2007 Aug 26
Multi-word query searching across columns
I''m trying to implement a basic name search on a People table with separate first_name and last_name columns. I am using the will_paginate plugin and have the following search method in the model: def, page) paginate :page => page, :conditions => ["lower(last_name) like ? or lower(first_name) like ?",
2008 Jul 20
STI and fixtures
Hi all ! Loading fixtures doens''t seems to associate my 2 objects, do know what''s wrong ? In app/ class Manager < Employee has_many :employees, :foreign_key => :reports_to end class Employee < Person belongs_to :manager, :foreign_key => ''reports_to'' end class Person < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :address end fixtures for
2006 Jun 23
form_remote_tag is not passing form params
I''ve searched and searched and searched again, and I cannot find any help with this problem. There''s an identical problem on this forum, but it was never resolved. I''ll try to re-open the subject with a bit more information. Problem: The form_remote_tag() method in my "list" view is not passing the params[] hash of the values stored within my form.
2006 Feb 03
contoller code mysteries
In my controller...this code works def list2 first_name = params[:client][:first_name] @myclients = Client.find(:all, :conditions => ["first_name = :first_name", {:first_name => first_name}]) end this code doesn''t... def list2 first_name = params[:client][:first_name] if first_name searchstring = ''["first_name =
2010 Oct 05
Is it possible to query on virtual attributes?
I have a Person model with attributes first_name and last_name. I want to implement autocomplete search that looks that the entire name. Hence I have a method: def full_name self.first_name + " " + self.last_name end Is it possible for me to query on full_name and have rails match the first_name and last_name fields? I currently receive this error when I try, because full_name
2006 Jan 19
Help with nested HABTM relationship
Hi, I am trying to perform a query with ActiveRecord that I want to put into a Rails application later. For now I just wrote it within a plain old Ruby script for easier testing. I am working with an existing database so I had to map some foreign keys myself. As you can see from the models below, the database has a structure of Prospectlists <=habtm=> Contacts <=habtm=> Accounts
2010 Jan 20
need help with nested forms and habtm
Hi, I''m currently stuck with a problem I just can''t find a clever solution for. I checked every tutorial, issuetracker, API reference I could find but found nothing to "enlighten" me --> I desperately need your help :-). My Question is: is it possible to use nested forms for habtm associations? --> Here some more info about what I wanted to do and what failed