similar to: Load balancing (LARTC 4.2) over 2 connections on 2 routers.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "Load balancing (LARTC 4.2) over 2 connections on 2 routers."

2005 Jul 15
FW: LARTC Chapter 4.2, variation on a theme.
Hi, I''m building a network similar to that seen in 4.2 of the LARTC Howto. There is a diagram of this attached to this mail. Addendum to diagram: AlexRouter br0 = eth0 = dhcpcd DaveRouter br0 = eth0 = dhcpcd But we''ve run into some problems when actually implementing the routing for multiple uplinks. The difference between my
2004 Jul 26
Load Balancing
Hi. I´m making an script for load balancing of two cablemodems internet connections toward my LAN. The problem is that when I try to ''equalize'' the the two internet connections with the weight=1 it doesn´t work. On the other hand, if I put 5 and 5 it works, but not at 100%, it does intermittlently, some times works and others don´t. example: ip route add default equalize\
2007 Jul 05
Load Balancing , MSN and SSL
HI All , I am running a FC6 box with two internet links with load balance . Every thing is working fine expect the MSN connection that failed and reconnect every time and SSL connections . I would link to know if with the nona howto I could fix that . I have been tried with no success to redirect that connection only to one link but its look like do not work . Here my configuration :
2005 Nov 24
Load Balancing/NAT
Hey, I''m trying to set up a Gentoo box to replace an aging BSD box here. The BSD box is running packet filter and I have it set up to take all data and route it to one of six sattelites. I have come up with the following config, but unfortunately I have no real way to test it short of switching the satellites over to the new system and prayer. The setup is: 192.168.252/22 - The LAN
2005 Feb 01
multiple uplinks example script
Hi! I had two uplinks till today. We stopped one of them today, so i thought i could share my experience. (it is maybe useful for somebody) I hadn''t managed to configure it using a LARTC howto, but the Nano-howto ( and julian''s kernel patches. I had some problems with icq connections, because it is a two step connection (It is just theory). 1.
2004 Sep 23
two internet connections don''t appear to be masqing
I have a script for dual internet connections that does this: ------------------------- #!/bin/bash IF1=eth1 IP1= P1= P1_NET= IF2=eth2 IP2= P2= P2_NET= IF0=eth0 P0_net= TABLE1=inet1 TABLE2=inet2 ip route add $P1_NET dev $IF1 src $IP1 table $TABLE1 ip route add default via $P1 table $TABLE1 ip
2006 Mar 19
need help with route tables and policy routing please
Hello folks: I am trying to set up a router machine to handle all my network connections to the internet and my local network. I have five interfaces in total, three to ISPs (two adsl and one cable) and two interfaces to my local network one to a switch and one wireless card. I have some of the routing working acceptibly but another portion I cannot get working not matter what I''ve
2005 Jul 06
can''t figure out nat''ing by port
Hello folks: This may have been discussed many times before but I have not been able to find it. I have also not been able to resolve it myself so I am asking here with hope that someone can straighten me out. I am using ip to do multisource policy routing or two connections to the internet. I have a linksys wrt54gs route which connects two machines by wire through the switch and three
2005 Oct 18
Two differente networks at the same ethernet pci adapter
Hello all, I need to put an IP alias to the same ethernet card, like this: eth0 - IP1/MASK1/BROADCAST1 eth0:1 - IP2/MASK2/BROADCAST2 In this box I will have another card that conects to a LAN netowork. I need this two alias in eth0 becouse I have two routes do take, but it seens to do not work. This is the script I am using (this scripts works fine when I have two ethernet cards
2004 Aug 01
Hi. I´m making an script for load balancing of two cablemodems internet connections toward my LAN. The problem is that when I try to ''equalize'' the the two internet connections with the weight=1 it doesn´t work. On the other hand, if I put 5 and 5 it works, but not at 100%, it does intermittlently, some times works and others don´t. example: ip route add default equalize\
2004 Aug 26
Problems with QOS
Hi. I´m making an script for load balancing of two cablemodems internet connections toward my LAN. The problem is that when I try to ''equalize'' the the two internet connections with the weight=1 it doesn´t work. On the other hand, if I put 5 and 5 it works, but not at 100%, it does intermittlently, some times works and others don´t. example: ip route add default equalize\
2002 Nov 01
The split access puzzled me
Hi, Very sorry for my poor Enlgish because I''m not a native speaker. I had read the lartc HOWTO and ip-cref very hard but puzzled by those commands in lartc, 4.2.1. Split access. They are (only xx1 listed): ip route add $P1_NET dev $IF1 src $IP1 table T1 ip route add default via $P1 table T1 ip route add $P1_NET dev $IF1 src $IP1 ip route add default via $P1 ip rule add from $IP1 table
2004 Aug 12
Advanced Routing and FreeSwan
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hello, I''m trying to setup a central IPSEC-Gateway with several ipsec tunnels. Some are to be routed over one leased line, some over the other leased line. Both leased lines have their own public ip adress. The setup looks kinda like this: eth1(ipsec0)--ISP0--Internet--eth1-Linux1-eth0--Subnet1 /
2006 Mar 28
IP route balance problem
Hello Im having a problem similar to sawar Here is my configuration --------------eth1--- ------------- ISP router 1 | my | ---Eth0---| | | linux |
2004 Jul 12
Multipath load balance issues
Hi All, I''ve configured a mutlipath as detailed in the HOWTO. For the most part it''s great, but when the cheap DSL line drops it''s connection, as it regularly does, the outbound routing doesn''t automatically use the remaining path for internal outbound traffic. Ip route show lists no default route once the default path dies, and if the ppp connection is
2005 Oct 19
Load balance (two links in one server): why is this not working?
Hello, I am trying to make a load balance at my box using two conections. I have compile my kernel with this patch routes-2.6.13-12.diff (tha I get from this website: The problem is that when I try to balance using weight sintaxe (i will put the script bellow) some conectios just drop. So I can enter some pages but other I could not...
2006 Mar 26
vpn multihoming
Hello all, I have a linux router with 2 interfaces(eth0 - ISP and eth1 - LAN). I''ve established a VPN connection(openvpn) over eth0 with a friend of mine => tun0 interface. I want half of my LAN to have Internet access through the eth0 interface and the other half through the tun0 interface. I''ve set up a script like the "load balancing split access" instructions
2006 Jan 05
multiple links and nat
Hi, this might be a dumb question, but I''m not finding much information online. I''m trying to setup a 2.6 linux box to run nat across multiple upstream links as a simple way to aggregate bandwidth. I found the instructions in lartc section 4.2 ( fairly clear and straightforward. I implemented those, and a couple of trivial
2006 Dec 24
Question regarding Split Access description
Hi All, I''m a big user of the LARTC document but am currently stuck with a question around section 4.2 ( in relation to "Routing for multiple uplinks/providers". I''m wanting to do a similar setup to the diagram where I have - lets just say for the moment - two uplink providers where I want to route over two
2002 Jun 15
Hi William. Thanks a lot for your help. Im having some trouble recompiling my kernel after a installed the patch. Im running RH 7.3 with kernel 2.4.18-3. The patch I installed is routes-2.4.16-6.diff. I got no errors installing it. I added the multipath support, and recompiled it. The make dep and the make bzImage went fine. I got error during the make modules. These are the errors: