similar to: Unexpected behaviour looping an array in a model.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "Unexpected behaviour looping an array in a model."

2009 Mar 06
Interpreting GLM coefficients
Hi all, I?m fitting GLM?s and I can?t interprete the coefficients when I run a model with interaction terms. When I run the simpliest model there is no problem: Model1<-glm (Fishes ~ Year + I(Year^2) + Kind.Geographic + Kind.Fishers + Zone.2 + Hours + Fishers + Month, family = poisson(log)) # Fishes, Year, Hours, and Fishers are numeric, Kind.Geographic, Kind.Fishers, Zone.2 and
2010 Aug 20
plotting moving range control chart with qcc. . .
This regards an old post that posed the question: Tom Hodgess wrote: "The problem is the (apparent?) inability to produce moving range process behavior (a.k.a. "control") charts with individuals data in the package "qcc" (v. 2.0). I have also struggled with the same limitation in package "IQCC" (v. 1.0). The package "qAnalyst" (v. 0.6.0) provides an
2010 Feb 11
Regarding a error while plotting R chart using qcc package.
On 11 Feb 2010, at 06:53, Vikrant Shimpi wrote: > Dear Luka , > I am using qcc package in R to plot SPC charts. BUt while plotting > R chart I had a error. My question is it necessary while plotting > R Chart the group sample size must be < 25 ?. Because when I took > group sample size as 1000 it gave me error, till I took group sample > size as 26, But as sooon as
2009 Aug 13
Limited number of replicates in qcc()?
Dear R-users, I'm encoutering some problems with the qcc()-function. When there are more than 25 replicates per "sample" the estimate for the standard deviation becomes NA, implying that nothing is plotted (error message: "Error in plot.window(...) : need finite 'ylim' values") On the forum I found a way to work around the error message, but this does not
2008 Sep 13
QCC - Change Background Color and Remove X Axis Text
Hi, I am working with QCC and would like help with the following: a) Change the color of the background. I tried bg="#FFFFFF" in par and also in qcc and it did not work. b) I want to remove the X Axis Text (i.e. 1, 2, 3 ... n) -- but xaxt="n" does not work in qcc. Thanks -- View this message in context:
2005 Feb 04
QCC and PlotMath question
For some reason, using the qcc package, I'm unable to use the plotmath notation in the title. Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? library(qcc) a <- rnorm(100) qcc(a,type="",title=expression(bar(X)),ylab=expression(CFU/ft^3) ) This seems to not let the expression be evaluated, so I tried:
2019 Aug 21
Resumen de R-help-es, Vol 126, Envío 9
Estimado Martín, Prueba a usar el parámetro ?restore.par = FALSE? a la hora de imprimir. Ejemplo reproducible en el código de mi libro ?Quality Control with R?: <> (Descarga el código del capítulo 9) Un saludo, Emilio > > > Asuntos del día: > > 1. qcc con par (Martin Vidalon)
2019 Aug 20
qcc con par
Hola colegas, por favor si me indican que estoy haciendo mal. Estoy tratando de usar el paquete QCC y colocar mas de gráfico de control en una sola ventana usando función "par" con "qcc" para presentar varios gráficos en la misma ventana. He probado pero no funciona, solo muestra un gráfico miren el código # set unequal sample sizes n <- c(rep(50,5), rep(100,5), rep(25, 5))
2009 Sep 10
importing/loading package without a namespace
I am developing a package that imports some functions from another package. The imported package (qcc) does not have a namespace and this is causing problems with loading of my package, which has a namespace. Is there a workaround to allow loading the namespace-less package? I searched the archives and found a suggestion that the package should be included in the Depends list, but this has not
2008 Sep 02
qcc help
Hi Gents, I need to get the control limits from qcc function. As follows: qcc(MDI, type = "") Call: qcc(data = MDI, type = "") chart for MDI Summary of group statistics: Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 0.3266 0.4249 0.4371 0.4333 0.4451 0.4858 Group sample size: 1 Number of groups: 383 Center
2010 Jan 13
plotting moving range control chart
I have been having the same problem as poster Hodgess, below. It appears that her question was never answered, so I would like to share a solution with the community. The problem is the (apparent?) inability to produce moving range process behavior (a.k.a. "control") charts with individuals data in the package "qcc" (v. 2.0). I have also struggled with the same limitation in
2007 Dec 03
help on qcc
Hello R Experts, I started to work with the qcc package and it wprks quite nicely. Heres My Code: n <- c(55,5,94,25,10,15,15,40,44,34,90,114,204,37,30,28,12,68,64,29,24,14,31,16,62,45,55,20,24,14,9,19,76,57,55,42,6, 54,32,117,19,32,9,11,13,31,27,33,44,28) x <- c(6,0,30,5,2,1,4,5,2,9,12,24,64,3,9,21,9,48,15,4,3,0,1,0,6, 7,2,0,3,2,0,5,1,2,6,9,1,6,2,0,1,4,8,0,1,1,3,0,0,0)
2012 Oct 09
make install errors in openssh(when openpam is to be integrated with openssh)
Hi, I want to integrate openpam with openssh in our server (which uses QNX632 operating system). I am facing some problems in the "make install" part of openssh. Following are the steps I followed to build zlib, openssl, openpam and openssh. *NOTE*: Since I want the sshd and ssh binaries in my server(using QNX), I had to cross compile the packages for QNX (environment was set to x86)
2010 Feb 04
problems with SPC charts in R
Hi all, I am using SPC techniques of plotting Xbar, R, S, P and C charts in R.For this I am using qcc package in R and also using the following document for reference. But while plotting S chart, R chartchart and also C chart I am getting following errors. I have plotted the Xbar chart successfully using following command obj <-
2018 Jan 29
Add ablines
Good morning, I have some problem adding ablines in Rstudio. The lines drew by the software doesen?t match with the added values, what can I do? pfaOK<-qcc(D[!trial], sizes=size[!trial], type="p", nsigmas=2,"Polli positivi al Campylobacter") pfaOK1<-qcc(D[!trial], sizes=size[!trial], type="p","Polli positivi al Campylobacter")
2009 Nov 21
MASS loading error
Dear R People: I just installed R-2.10.0 on Karmic Koala Ubuntu, via the sudo apt-get install r-base, etc. However, when I try to install an Rcmdr Plugin package, I get the following: > install.packages("RcmdrPlugin.qual",depen=TRUE) Warning in install.packages("RcmdrPlugin.qual", depen = TRUE) : argument 'lib' is missing: using
2013 Feb 08
qcc package
Greets, My data looks like: > p3.18 s xbar subgroup 1 0.84 12.2 1 2 1.64 11.2 2 3 2.07 10.6 3 4 2.49 12.2 4 5 0.84 11.2 5 ... Using the command > qcc(p3.18$xbar,type="xbar",sizes=5,center=mean(p3.18$xbar),$s)/0.94,title="X-bar Chart for Paper Sheet Length Data") I get the x-bar chart I expect. However,
2011 Oct 14
qcc package
Hi All, I installed qcc package and the dependency packages. For the first time I can use the function : process.capability.sixpack(). But later when ran the code again I always got the following error: Error: could not find function "process.capability.sixpack". I tried reinstalling the qcc package but didn't help. Does anyone have this kind of experience? Thank you! Regards, Yan
2004 Jul 26
qcc package & syndromic surveillance (multivar CUSUM?)
Dear R Community: I am working on a public health early warning system, and I see that the qcc package allows for CUSUM and other statistical quality tests but I am not sure if my project is a good match for qcc functions as written. Any advice you may have is very much appreciated. I have four years worth of daily counts of emergency room admissions for different conditions (e.g. respiratory,
2009 Nov 11
plotting moving range control chart
Dear R People: I am using qcc for a quality control class. I have used qcc with type "" for individuals but cannot determine how to plot a moving range control chart. Has anyone done that, please? Thanks, Erin -- Erin Hodgess Associate Professor Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences University of Houston - Downtown mailto: erinm.hodgess at