similar to: url_for_file_column undefined method

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200000 matches similar to: "url_for_file_column undefined method"

2007 Sep 20
undefined method `request' for "products":String ?
Since updated edge yesturday i have had a series of errors related to undefinded methods for "products":String. I do have these controllers namespaced. ==== Errors example 1: undefined method `request'' for "products":String Extracted source (around line #2): view: <tbody> <%= render :partial => ''admin/products/product'',
2008 Jun 08
Plugins - helper function is an "undefined method", Objects "can't be referred"
I''m modifying a shopping cart plugin, MinimalCart, and for some reason I can add one item to the cart multiple times, but as soon as I add a second item, all kinds of strange things start happening. An actionview::template error is thrown because a method defined in application_helper is "undefined" What could cause a defined application helper method to all the sudden not be
2008 Dec 20
undefined method `stories_path'
Hi, I recieve error "undefined method `stories_path'' for #<ActionView::Base:0x995b4ac>" when going to the view via The model is setup correctly, I can retrieve data from the db fine. I think it might be related to the helper but I have no idea where to start. It seems to think its failing on the first line of the view, i belive on the
2006 Dec 11
auth_generator 2.0.1 undefined method `login_required' for ... ArticlesController
I am a relative RubNub and attempting to implement auth_generator v.2.0.1. I am getting an "undefined method `login_required'' for #<ArticlesController:0xb732c0b4>" error when I attempt... http://localhost:3000/articles/new Help would be appreciated. My app/controllers/application.rb reads... ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2007 Dec 29
url_for_file_column not works
I am using the file column plugin. If i upload an image it works correctly but if i want to show an image it not works. in my template i insert url_for_file_column(@core, "image", "thumb") but return "" i tried to print @core.image but it is set to nil. My model is this: class Core < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :forum_topic has_many :votes has_many
2008 Sep 15
url_for_file_column within if within a partial
I have a partial that has the following code: <% if product.prd_big_image.nil? %> <img alt="Image" src="/images/empty.jpg"> <% else %> <%= image_tag url_for_file_column(:product, :prd_big_image, "normal") %> <% end %> and get the following error You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! The error occurred while
2007 Apr 07
Undefined Method 'rewrite' when calling link_to
Whenever I try to pass an options hash to the link_to method (or url_for, or button_to) I get this error: undefined method `rewrite'' for []:ActionController::Routing::PathSegment::Result The trace ends with /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.13.2/lib/action_controller/base.rb:522:in `url_for''
2006 Sep 03
Undefined method "xxx" of a model when calling a helper
Hi all I''m creating a shop page. I have a cart model that looks like the following: class Cart attr_reader :line_items def get_line_item id @line_items.each do |l| return l if == id end end def initialize @line_items = [] end def empty! initialize end def empty? return true if @line_items.empty? false end end And I have some
2007 Jul 22
undefined method `stringify_keys'
Hello I have a view for user registration but when i try to view this page i get this error: undefined method `stringify_keys'' for "username":String Here''s my registration.rhtml: <% form_tag :controller => :user, :action => :register do %> <fieldset> <label for="username">Username>/label><br/><%= text_field_tag
2007 Dec 17
undefined method `param_posted?'
I upgraded an app to 2.01 and can''t figure out why I am getting a undefined method `param_posted?'' for #<ControlPanelController: 0xb748ba18> The controller should be inheriting this. class ControlPanelController < ApplicationController --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2007 Dec 31
undefined method `content_type'
I am using form_remote_tag to upload a file, but it says .. undefined method `content_type'' for #<String:0x477a930> what could be wrong when it works fine with form_for? -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To
2009 Mar 09
undefined method `symbol_path'
I am getting following error while creating a new topic using RESTful design. But, everything works fine when I use <% form_tag :action => :create do %> . ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `symbol_path'' for #<ActionView::Base:0xb72a2e40>) on line #3 of topics/new.rhtml: 1: <h1>New Topic</h1> 2: 3: <% form_tag :topic, :url => topics_path do %>
2008 Apr 01
undefined method 'find' error
I just moved my app from development to test, and now getting the following error on my form: undefined method ''find'' for Status:Class The only difference between the two environments is that test is using Mongrel and we were running WEBrick in dev. We are on Rails 1.2.5 . Any suggestions? Thanks, Brian -- Posted via
2008 Dec 08
undefined method 'render_file' for class 'ActionView::Base'
I need some help with SimpleLog I have SimpleLog running at HostingRails. I want to develope and test new themes stuff on my local system. I getting the error from actionview_ex.rb:12 undefined method ''render_file'' for class ''ActionView::Base'' I am at: Ruby: 1.8.6 Rails 2.2.2 gem: 1.3.1 rake: 0.8.3 I am a new rails/merb/ruby developer. I think I am on the
2008 Jun 19
undefined method `text_field_with_auto_complete'
Hello everybody, I am new to ruby on rails, I am trying to create an auto_complete field on Ruby on Rails 2.0 and even though I have installed the auto_complete plugin and followed the instructions of various tutorials, specially the following: I am still getting the same error: undefined method
2008 Apr 16
undefined method exception if no data is present
I get this error if no relational data is present: undefined method `notes'' for #<Array:0x226cc4c> Here is the code that causes the error: @notes = @account.notes If I call this method through the script/console I get account = Account.find(3) => #<Account id: 3, ...> >> account.notes => [] I get the same error if I don''t declare the @notes var and
2007 Feb 26
undefined method ... from `alias_method'
0 wicked var/www % ./script/console Loading development environment. >> r = Recipe.find :first NameError: undefined method `recipe_type='' for class `Recipe'' from ./script/../config/../config/../app/models/recipe.rb: 101:in `alias_method'' In recipes_controller: alias_method :orig_recipe_type=, :recipe_type= def recipe_type=(t) if t.nil?
2007 May 04
ERROR While executi gem (NoMethodError)undefined method =
I''ve just installed ruby and rubygems on a solaris machine, but when i do this : gem install rails --include-dependencies -p it crashes out with : ERROR: While executing gem ... (NoMethodError) undefined method `[]='' for #<Gem::ConfigFile:0x84691d4> Does anybody have any idea why its hapenning? Im totally at a loss. Any help would be greatly
2008 Jan 30
undefined method `scaffold'
Hello, I have been busy for a while and now I am back to messing with rails. Last time I tried to use scaffold i worked now I am getting this error. Not really sure since I am using version 1.2.5 still NoMethodError in BlogController#index undefined method `scaffold'' for #<BlogController:0x506eb7c> Session dump flash: !map:ActionController::Flash::FlashHash {} Thanks for any
2008 Apr 12
acts_as_tree undefined method?
i have acts_as_tree installed as plugin under rails 2.0.2 and also its defined in class TreeItems, but when i put this in my view <ul class="tree_level1" id="cars">Furniture <% TreeItem.root.category.children do |cat_children| %> <li><a class="list_item" href="#"><%=h %></a></ li> <%