similar to: Rescue don't work on web applications

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Rescue don't work on web applications"

2008 Mar 06
ActiveRecord exception handling
Hi, I''m writing some scripts on the command line using ActiveRecord, and some interesting (read: confusing) things are happening with the way exceptions are caught and re-raised. In AbstractAdapter.log (connection_adapters/abstract_adapter.rb:144), Exception is rescued and reraised as an ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid exception. While in most cases I''m sure this is fine,
2006 Jan 23
prototype.js: enumerable mixin for hash broken
Hello everyone. I am not sure if this is the right place to post, please redirect me if there is a mailinglist more specifically dealing with prototype.js. After playing around with the very inspiring prototype library I have found a rather annoying thing, that makes the usefulness of the Enumerable mixin for Hashes questionable, if I am not totally wrong (again :-). Here an example:
2008 Sep 05
Still confused on content blocks...
I''ve read the docs. Honestly. But, I still can''t get my site working with the latest gem. I''m confused over when and how I need to specify content blocks, and how these relate to the stuff in config.yaml. The specific problem is with my analytics file include, I get errors like this: An error has occurred: Error while processing </analytics.en.html>: Error
2012 Jun 07
Gentoo Linux-installed Samba 4 alpha 21 getting python error
I installed the Samba 4 alpha 21 using the Samba 4 alpha 20 ebuild as a template: When I try to run the samba-tool command, I keep getting *Code:*File "/usr/bin/samba-tool", line 38 except SystemExit, e: ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
2005 Jul 08
Integrating into existing javascript codebase
Hi, I''m new to this mailing list, so first off, a big THANK YOU for the and prototype.js libraries. I''m trying to integrate into an existing pretty large Javascript codebase (see I''m running into a problem with prototype.js and the existing codebase''s use of for/in loops over an Array.
2007 Oct 07
Specing exit codes
I am writing a small ruby script that will be accepting input from postfix''s pipe command (ie, not running via the shell, directly executing). One of the things I need to do it spec the exit codes to make sure I am returing the correct exit codes for each condition as Postfix will then return SMTP errors as appropriate. I have two files that concern this bit of the program, init.rb and
2015 Nov 25
IP table Restore
Now I am following you. FYI [root at ns1 network-scripts]# systemctl start firewalld [root at ns1 network-scripts]# systemctl status firewalld firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; enabled) Active: inactive (dead) since Wed 2015-11-25 17:20:14 SGT; 24s ago Process: 2865 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/firewalld --nofork
2006 Jun 02
escaping quotes for generating xml
Hi, I need to have my controller return xml from db content. Is there a method I can call to clean up the text for xml rendering? I tried CGI:escapeHTML, but forgot it would ignore quotes. some of the db content is going in xml attributes so the quotes need escaping. thanks. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Jun 11
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid error
Hi, I have an application that is running fine on two different machines, but when I ported the code to a third machine, it doesn''t seem to work. More specifically, for users with a significant amount of info, it seems to stop working. All the functionality seems to be working properly on a small test set, but with a larger set I get the following error: AssociatedAp Load (0.000000)
2005 Jun 24
apache2 fastcgi (fcgi) internal server errors, still :(
hi all, I can blab, but here is a sample of my /var/log/apache2/error.log, it has all the info: any ideas what I can do prevent 500s from hitting my users? (besides redirecting them with javascript to the same URL which will be fine on the next request? :) thanks, _alex [Fri Jun 24 12:30:45 2005] [error] [client] FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) received from
2006 Mar 21
Konqueror Ajax update
I had been comparing IE and Firefox Ajax performance, and since I have a couple of Unix boxes in my workshop, I threw Konqueror into the mix, and reported here earlier today (or yesterday) that Konqueror ( 3.4.3) could handle Ajax perfectly, at least as far as the simplest AWDWR Ajax example (./example/index) was concerned. It occurred to me to do a more grueling test. I took the
2007 Dec 23
Rails: possible routing discrepancy
Hey all, I''m seeing a strange behavior in my spec that I can''t account for. I''ve got a route that looks like this: map.writing \ ''/writing'', :controller => ''abstracts'', :action => ''index'', :index => { :select => ''all'' } and I have template code that looks like this: <br
2007 Sep 08
zpool degraded status after resilver completed
I am curious why zpool status reports a pool to be in the DEGRADED state after a drive in a raidz2 vdev has been successfully replaced. In this particular case drive c0t6d0 was failing so I ran, zpool offline home/c0t6d0 zpool replace home c0t6d0 c8t1d0 and after the resilvering finished the pool reports a degraded state. Hopefully this is incorrect. At this point is the vdev in question now has
2009 Sep 29
Error in host-register
Good morning, I have compiled an installed ovirt . I started i physical node and it appears on web interfaces as enabled and available but without CPUS and NICs. I restarted matahari on node but on ovirt server in the file host-register.log appears the following error: ERROR Tue Sep 29 11:57:28 +0200 2009 (7335) Error in hostregister: #<SystemExit:0x7fb658b3a518> ERROR Tue Sep 29
2019 Dec 11
CentOS-8: firewalld not starting
Hello everyone, When I try to start firewalld in CentOS-8 it refuses with this in the /var/log/firewalld, any suggestions? 2019-12-11 19:11:25 WARNING: ipset not usable, disabling ipset usage in firewall. 2019-12-11 19:11:25 ERROR: No icmptypes found. 2019-12-11 19:11:25 ERROR: Failed to load nf_conntrack module: modprobe: ERROR: could not find module by name='nf_conntrack' modprobe:
2011 May 22
How to capture correctly a specific exception
I a using delayed_job, and I am raising an exception this way : config/initializers/custom_exceptions.rb class RemoteLockerException < StandardError; end class RemoteLockerDenied < StandardError; end lib/instruction_request_job.rb class InstructionRequestJob <, :request_id) def perform .... > connector =
2015 Nov 25
Install Firewalld
I am trying to install Firewalld. I am using CENTOS 7. Please help me to solve the error. [root at ns1 httpd]# systemctl enable firewalld [root at ns1 httpd]# systemctl start firewalld [root at ns1 httpd]# systemctl status firewalld firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; enabled) Active: inactive (dead) since Thu
2009 May 25
Passing a JavaScript variable through a Rails params hash
Hi guys, hoping someone can give me a pointer with this? I have a Javascript variable that I''m updating dynamically as a user interacts with the page. I want the user to be able to save it''s value at any time along with some text data in a pop-up form, so the best way I can think of is to pass it through the params hash without writing it into the form. I''m not totally
2006 May 26
win32-dir, unicode
Hi, I''ve got a preliminary version of the pure Ruby version of win32-dir in CVS. However, I was hoping to work out the Unicode issue. Run this: from = "C:\\test" to = "?????" Dir.mkdir(from) unless File.exists?(from) Dir.create_junction(to, from) It works, but my explorer (and dos) window shows the name garbled. I don''t think it''s a font
2011 Mar 09
prerun_command don't stop puppet on error
When an error occurs in prerun_command, puppet continues execution instead of stopping. We can see the error at the log file, but puppet cotinues doing changes: puppetd[18430]: Failed to prepare catalog: Could not run command from prerun_command: Execution of ''/path/to/command'' returned 1: We want to prevent changes when an error occurs in prerun_command. Our puppet.conf: