similar to: Iproute2 src mangling problems

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Iproute2 src mangling problems"

2013 Jan 04
T38MaxBitRate issue on fax passthrough
Having an issue with receiving faxes, but when I pass through the fax. Currently, I receive the fax with Digium's Fax for Asterisk, store it and the initiate an outbound call to our fax server. (XMedius Fax). This works, but we would prefer to have Asterisk simply route the call directly to the fax server and take the store and forward out of the equation. When I do that, however, the
2006 Feb 01
Unable to Register to Asterisk through Proxy
Hi, Has anybody come across a situation where they were unable to register with Asterisk through a SIP stateless proxy server? I'm getting an error: "403 Authentication user name does not match account name" As far as I can tell the requests reaching Asterisk with and without the proxy are identical excepting the IP address the REGISTER request is coming from and the Via header
2010 May 25
help required to melt a data frame
I have the raw data with 9 column and 197977 row: > dummy State Months Bedroom 1 xxx Jan 1 2 xxx Jan 2 3 xxx Jan 1 4 yyy Jan 1 5 yyy Jan 2 6 yyy Jan 1 7 zzz Jan 3 8 zzz Jan 1 9 zzz Jan 2 10 xxx Feb 3 11 xxx Feb 4 12 xxx Feb 2 13 yyy Feb 1 14
2017 Jan 06
Issue with handling of 480 DND
Hi List, we're calling a sip phone from our Asterisk Server, and try to add logic depending on the dialstatus Stripped down example; exten = 494XXXXXXXXX,n,Dial(SIP/4120089,15,w) exten = 494XXXXXXXXX,n,Goto(98-${DIALSTATUS},1) exten = 494XXXXXXXXX,n,Hangup() ..... exten = 98-BUSY,1,NoOp(Busy) exten = 98-BUSY,n,ExecIf($["${Voicemail}" =
2010 Jun 10
Re :help to aggregate data
Dear All, I have the data some thing like this, I am showing here three days data only: > <- read.table(file='dummy.txt',sep='', header=TRUE) > StDate Domaindesc Logins 1 05/01/10 xxx 10 2 05/01/10 xxx 45 3 05/01/10 xxx 2 4 05/01/10 yyy 45 5 05/01/10 yyy 20 6 05/01/10 yyy
2004 Jan 22
Problems with netfilter
Hi, I have 2 internet connections (1 adsl/1 cable). I am try to route all outgoing mail from the mail server (on the same box), through the ADSL connection routing through the cable will mean mail will get rejected by AOL :( I am using qmail as the mail server. The configuration is: eth0 : cable connection ppp0 : adsl connection eth2 : internal lan connection I have configured split access as
2011 Mar 28
special control 16
Hi What is special control 16? I am getting this error quite often -- special control 16, then for some reason it puts on hold and then logs is full of Asked to transmit frame type ulaw, while native formats is 0x8 (alaw) read/write = 0x8 (alaw)/0x8 (alaw) Both peer and trunk have same codec priority (disallow=all then allow=alaw then alllow=ulaw) Any ideas how to fix this ? --
2011 Jan 05
Asterisk replying to wrong port for NOTIFY messages
See the following SIP trace. Where in the world does Asterisk get port 1025 to respond to? This is asterisk 1.6.x. Thanks. -- James <--- SIP read from zzz.zzz.zzz.44:9363 ---> NOTIFY SIP/2.0^M Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-b9a860d3^M From: "xxx-xxx-xxxx" <sip:xxxxxxxxxx at>;tag=467525dd6fac949do0^M To:
2009 Aug 10
strsplit a matrix
Dear all, I am trying to split a matrix into 2 as efficiently as possible. It is a character matrix: 1 2 3 1 "2-271" "2-367" "1-79" 2 "2-282" "2-378" "1-90" 3 "2-281" "2-377" "1-89" I want to make 2 matrices from this, as succinctly and efficiently as possible. I've tried such
2005 Aug 29
Belkin and newhidups
Hi Peter, I got all your patches and applied them, and I wanted to say kudos for a great job done. This is the output of upsc that I'm getting right now. I had the same issue when using any cvs version (from two weeks ago) that made my UPS go into a state where it wasn't functioning normally (checking the kernel log shows that it cannot be connected and I had around a page of DEVFS_USB
2005 Mar 29
slide show with R
Trying to use R to build an interactive "slide show", to be displayed on a projector. The purpose of the presentation is to show how one could construct a simple graph using R. It is meant as a general overview rather than as detailed instruction. For example, something like the following sequence of commands. At lecture time, I want the interpreter to read these commands one at a
2010 Apr 01
Printer Admin Difficulties
I have been trying to setup a new print server on Fedora 12 based around samba-3.4.7-58.fc12.x86_64 and cups-1.4.2-28.fc12.x86_64. All looks good except for the ability for printer administrators to manage printers. Whether I specify users in a system group using the deprecated printer admin option, or specifically using net rpc rights and the SePrinterOperatorPrivilege, it does not matter.
2019 Dec 23
Trouble using reverse dsync backup (log in successful but almost nothing happens)
I am migrating an old dovecot 2.2.30 (macOS High SIerra, macO S Server) to a new server with dovecot 2.3.7 (macOS Mojave, macports). To get the data over, I?m trying to do a reverse backup with doveadm between an old and a new mail server, but failing to do so. I?m trying (from the new server, the old server is doveadm -Dv \ -o imapc_host= \ -o imapc_user=gerben \
2016 Aug 17
Issue with acl_xattr:ignore system acls in 4.5rc2
I was testing Samba 4.5rc2 with an existing smb.conf file that I have been using since Samba 4.1.x and found that I cannot access data in the share on Windows 2012 (my AD server), a Windows 2008 client or on a Ubuntu 16.04 client. I built a new version of Samba 4.4.5 using the same procedure as I did for building 4.5rc2 and the 4.4.5 Samba version worked with my smb.conf file. I then created a
2014 Apr 10
replication + attachment sis + zlib bug ? (HEAD version from
Hi, i have setup with mail_attachment single instance store + replication + zlib and got this bug when i try to replicate one test mailbox: On master1 in mail.log: Apr 10 13:25:22 master1 dovecot: dsync-local(zzz at Error: read(/nfsmnt/mailnfs1/attachments1/6b/57/6b57ad34cf6c414662233d833a7801fde4e1cdcb-92b5052558774653a728000013e2b982[base64:18 b/l]) failed: Stream is larger than
2008 Sep 23
GIMP 2.4 packages for CentOS 5
Hi, One of my rare regrets with CentOS 5 was that GIMP only came in version 2.2, but 2.4 offers many nifty new functions quite handy for everyday work. For those of you who are interested, I built some GIMP 2.4 packages for CentOS 5. Download and install (using rpm -Uvh) the following packages:
2019 Sep 05
DNS question
This does not look bad, pretty ok. But im do have a question here. > ipaddress: X.X.103.1 This indicated that the primary interface is eno2 > 2: eno2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP > ??? inet brd scope global eno2 > 3: eno1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP > ??? inet
2008 Oct 21
OT: Setting a CentOS to gateway a private IP address
This is mildly off topic since it has more to do with TCP/IP networking than with CentOS per se. However, at the risk of ruffling a few feathers I would like some advice on how to resolve the following routing problem: Given: dual homed host running CentOS-5.2 with eth0 = 2xx.yyy.zzz.23 eth1 = and a Cisco gateway at 2xx.1xx.y7y.1 with the following networks: interface
2012 Jul 08
list.files() find files beginning with a .
Hello, when I use list.files with recursive = TRUE and all.files = TRUE, R returns a list of strings/paths. >From all those strings I want to keep only the ones starting with a . I tried using grep to achieve that. However, the problem is that because of the recursive list.files parameter, for some files beginning with a . there is a path attached. I think it is not as simple as it looks
2013 Jul 10
Replacing part of delimited string with R's regex
I have the following list of strings: name <- c("hsa-miR-555p","hsa-miR-519b-3p","hsa-let-7a") What I want to do is for each of the above strings replace the text after second delimiter with "zzz". Yielding: hsa-miR-zzz hsa-miR-zzz hsa-let-zzz What's the way to do it? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]