Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Is Rails on GoDaddy worth the hassle?"
2006 Feb 22
Urgent help needed
I''m on Apache 2.0.54, Linux Fedora Core 2 with Plesk.
I installed a Rails application previously on the box using SCGI and
it works fine; even now.
I''m trying to get a second app online and it fails. Same config,
except for the SCGI runner ports of course.
It looks like the error comes from the fact that the mod_rewrite
loops. WHY ???
BTW : I have to put this app
2005 Oct 10
Need help from Apache mod_rewrite crew !
Hi !
Has anyone got any tips/tricks on running a Productized Rails app on
DreamHost ?
Specifically, I get this in my error.log:
[Mon Oct 10 11:39:46 2005] [error] [client]
mod_rewrite: maximum number of internal redirects reached. Assuming
configuration error. Use ''RewriteOptions MaxRedirects'' to increase the
limit if neccessary.
2006 May 17
Apache config: Two different rails apps using same domain name (mod_rewrite issue)
The problem I''m solving here is that I have two different Rails applicatons
that uses the same domain name. One handles the www (e.g. www.mycoolapp.com)
and is used as the main site, and the other handles the user subdomains
(e.g.. someuser.mycoolapp.com). The DNS stuff and the Apache virtual hosts
were all set up, the two rails apps are in place in the file system, and the
2006 Mar 20
Error when configuring rails to run in subdomain
I''ve a problem configuring rails app to run in a subdomain.
I''ve set up an application that runs on sth like:
which points to /home/myhome/webroot/shop/public/admin
where "shop" is the rails app directory - and it works fine.
But when I use my ISP''s web configuration utility to set a subdomain
2006 Jun 29
can''t run rails application
I''m trying to run Rails on Apache 2.0 with mod_fcgid. It seems like
fcgi has been set up ok, but still I can''t run my rails application.
Here is my httpd.conf
IPCCommTimeout 40
IPCConnectTimeout 10
DefaultInitEnv RAILS_ENV production
SocketPath /tmp/fcgidsock
<VirtualHost *:80>
<Location />
RewriteEngine On
2006 Apr 03
GoDaddy royally screws over aussievoip.com.au and soft-swtich.org
Well, I wake up this morning, and aussievoip isn't up. I ring godaddy,
who _were_ hosting it, and they say that the machine's been compromised,
and you can't have your data. Nyah Nyah.
I spent 1 hour and 38 minutes on the phone to them, trying to convince
them to let me somehow get access to it, but to no avail. I've reported
it to the Australian Federal Police High-Tech Crime
2006 Mar 31
Rails with GoDaddy problem
Hopefully someone can help me with this. I''m trying to learn Ruby on
Rails and have GoDaddy as a web host. I''ve followed their help files and
taken the following steps.
I''ve made sure my plan supports Rails. I used their interface to create
the directory (test2). I then used an FTP client to upload my project
files to the directory I made. Also to clarify, this is
2010 Nov 25
can't use godaddy SSL cert
Hey list,
I was having a similar SSL/openLDAP problem to this last week. I had
a chance to look at this again today and it still appears to not be
working. I called godaddy and had the last cert cancelled and reissued
as I had mis-typed the name of the CN on the last one.
I am trying to setup a Godaddy turbo SSL certificate with an openLDAP
2.4 server under FreeBSD 8.1. The clients are mainly
2011 Aug 31
I''ve been trying to get a very simple app running on godaddy
Do you think using godaddy for rails hosting is a good idea?
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2008 Oct 01
[Fwd: Certified GoDaddy.com Renewal Notice]
I think you said we can let these go, correct?
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An embedded message was scrubbed...
From: <Renewals at godaddy.com>
Subject: Certified GoDaddy.com Renewal Notice
Date: 1 Oct 2008 06:10:10 -0700
Size: 42493
URL: <http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos/attachments/20081001/6eadca7f/attachment-0004.eml>
2008 Sep 27
client certs with godaddy ssl cert
I've read the client ssl cert section in the wiki and it talks about using a
self signed cert, if I am using a commercial cert, in this case godaddy, how
do I implement a self signed cert for the client side and have dovecot make
use of this? I know the mechanics of setting up the self signed ca, the
question is more what configuration changes do I need to make in dovecot to
handle both
2010 Mar 21
Deploying my rails app to GoDaddy
So I''ve written my first real-world RoR app and I''m now getting ready
to deploy it. Unfortunately, my client decided to use GoDaddy as the
hosting provider and based on what I''ve seen so far from the web, it''s
not really the smoothest or ideal hosting for RoR apps. There were
several posts here that I tried to follow but they were kinda old
(2008, 2007). Most of
2006 Mar 29
HELP: Installing RoR on GoDaddy
Hi all,
I''m new to rails and have finally started working with it to the point
where I can no longer be a troll on the message board. So here is my
Second post.
Does anyone have a step by step on how to install RoR on godaddy? I have
a virtual dedicated server so one would think it would be easy. However,
I''m still having problems installing.
Posted via
2006 Aug 09
load_paths on godaddy hosted account
I am trying to get typo to load on my godaddy account. I''ve loaded
other home grown apps and they work. I get issues when trying to load
libraries from my vendor directory.
In my enviroment.rb I have
config.load_paths += %W(
2006 Aug 10
More GoDaddy Woes
My GoDaddy Rails site has been plugging away for a couple of weeks.
Its just a proof of concept with very little use. I haven''t updated
it or restarted FCGI at all. But today, it just quit working
altogether. In the error log, I''m getting:
(104)Connection reset by peer: FastCGI: comm with server
"dispatch.fcgi" aborted: read failed
FastCGI: incomplete
2006 Mar 17
Installed Gems on godaddy.com
Hi, is there a core list of gems that one needs to install in a production
environment? Anyways, here''s a current list of installed gems on
Gems *actionmailer 1.0.1* [www] <http://www.rubyonrails.org/> - depends on
actionpack <http://www.situationman.com/_h_admin_/gems.html#actionpack>.
layer for easy email delivery and testing.
*actionmailer 1.1.5*
2007 Oct 18
Rails app settings for GoDaddy
I have a rails application that I am trying to get up and running on my
GoDaddy account. I read an article that I got from this forum about how
to properly set-up my account, but after following those direction I
still get nothing to work. Just wondering if there is anyone out there
that can point me to other resources to get me started or if anyone has
any suggestions on what to try next. The
2006 Jan 09
Noob, installing rails on a goDaddy virtual server?
I''m completely new to all of this. Not even certain this is an
appropriate forum for an installation question.
I''m just about to plunk down some money to get a virtual server. In
looking over the list of isp''s elsewhere on this site, goDaddy isn''t
mentioned - probably because they don''t offer rails as a standard
distribution. There are some
2006 Dec 21
Ferret and Godaddy.com
Ok, first up, I''m a Rails newbie. My site is hosted on godaddy.com
Godaddy has the Ferret GEM installed by default. They do not have
acts_as_ferret installed so I can''t use that.
I''m trying to follow the tutorial on the Ferret wiki
It includes all of the code I need, but it doesn''t tell
2006 Jul 20
GoDaddy Woes
Has anyone had any luck setting up a Rails App using GoDaddy? I''m at my wits
end, I uploaded the site using the "instructions" in the Help Center but I
keep getting the
Application error
Rails application failed to start properly"
Error. I''ve lucked all over for help, and I''ve tried a bunch of things
(adjusting the chmod values of my dispatch files