Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "best way to add "created_by" entries to all tables???"
2006 Jan 20
Userstamp Plugin
I''m pleased to announce a new plugin for Rails: Userstamp. You can read my
blog post at http://www.delynnberry.com/articles/2006/01/20/userstamp-plugin
and/or read all about it at the perminant page
http://www.delynnberry.com/pages/userstamp. Any comments or suggestions for
improvement are much appreciated.
DeLynn Berry
A dump of the Readme
2006 Dec 06
validates_uniqueness_of where scope euqals created_by "magic" field
I have the following ActiveRecord objects:
class Recipe < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :ratings, :dependent => true
. . .
class Rating < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_uniqueness_of :created_by, :scope => :recipe_id
belongs_to :recipe, :counter_cache => true
. . .
The created_by field on Rating is implemented as a "magic" field
similar to this:
2006 Mar 26
How to write manage created_on and created_by via mixin?
Definite newbie here - I''m working through this like-hate relationship with
Ruby and Rails right now... sometimes things work really well (like blobs
seem to rock) but other times, I dunno! :-)
Anyway, I''d like put in create and update user timestamps on all my primary
domain tables and allow them to be updated automatically by ActiveRecord.
Coming from Hibernate, I just
2006 Sep 09
why doesn't this work (setting attribute in "before_create")
Can anyone spot why the below doesn''t work?
* I have a "created_by" column in my create table in the dB
* I have a "before_create" line, which definitely gets called
* I tried a few different ways to set the "created_by" attribute in the
model but it doesn''t seem to work, i.e. doesn''t appear in the database
2006 Jan 16
acts_as_authenticated current_user in a model?
What do I need to do to be able to use an acts_as_authenticated
current_user in a model?
Is there some sort of include or require I can do some where that would
allow this?
Here is what I am trying to do:
class Setting < ActiveRecord::Base
before_create :created_by_user #
2006 Feb 14
acts_as_versioned and getting authors
Hey guys and gals,
I have the following object that has acts_as_versioned:
class Note < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
The schema for my notes table is as follows:
create_table :notes, :force => true do |t|
t.column :id, :integer
t.column :noteshare_id, :integer
t.column :user_id, :integer
t.column :title, :string
2006 Apr 03
Retrieving a record using created_by
Thank you all in advance for your help with this.
Windows XP Pro (Development only)
Ruby 1.84
Rails 1.1.0
Plugins: file_column, userstamp
I have a user table per the salted_hash_login generator. I have an
orders table that has a column named created_by that is updated by the
userstamp plugin. I am trying to retrieve all of the orders for a single
2006 Feb 26
Rails Naming Conventions
DB field names:
If I have a table that references 2 or more separate users from my users
table, is there a recommended naming convention for this situation? In
my case, I have 3 users associated with a record in my projects table:
I could name one of them "user_id", and then projects.user would work I
guess, but wouldn''t work
2006 Jul 18
usermonitor / user stamping active record
Quick question about userstamping records in a similar way to
timestamping. There is an example of how this might work at:
This seems to work fine on my development system. However, I am not
sure how the User.current_user method, which is required, can guarantee
to return the correct user since this is a
2011 Nov 18
What does :count actually mean in assert_select?
Hi guys,
I tried reading up the RSPEC Book (Dec 2010) and googled a bit but I
could not find anything.
I''m using Rspec2.
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :category_intakes, :class => ''category'' do
name ''intakes and filters''
description ''airfilters and
2006 Jan 03
help me understand association attributes
I have a model with a belongs_to association. The first model is called
Thing and the associated model is User. I''m attempting to assign the user to
the thing.
To accomplish this I used a before_save method, like this:
class Thing < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :created_by, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key =>
def before_create
2006 Apr 01
Triple relationship
Hi list,
I need to represent a relationship between three tables:
Tags (id, name)
Users (id, name, email, ... )
Documents (id, title, ... )
I created a forth table called Assignments(id, tag-id, user-id,
document-id, date).
I have couple of questions:
Should I use belongs-to and has-many to capture this? If so, How can I
do that?
should I have the id as the primary key in Assignment table or
2005 Aug 09
Adding created_by and updated_by trouble
Hi everyone. This is a real noob question that I''m hoping someone out there
can help me with.
I have followed the tutorial How to Ad created_by and
and it works ok for retrieving the data. I''m using the Login_Generator.
I cannot get it to work on create or update. I think
2007 May 06
Comparing polymorphic property to same object fails
I''ve got a polymorphic association on one table. I assign to it in the
This is handling invitations of users to tasks in a task management
application. If the user issuing the invitation is the user being
invited (ie the user assigned themselves to a task), I want to
activate the invitation immediately in the model.
The trouble is that this:
if self.assignable ==
2010 Mar 04
how to share variables in data migrations (up/down)
hi there,
How do we share variables in a given data migration?
For example,
the code below fails to work because "statuses" don''t seem to be in
scope for both up and down.
class AddDefaultValuesToStatuses < ActiveRecord::Migration
statuses = [
''details'' => ''details'',
2008 May 06
Best way to implement?
So I''m new to all this Rails stuff and this is probably a database
design-related question to, but here it is...
Just for learning I''m trying to build a little real estate listings
application. Of course there is the listings model which will store
basic information like name, price, description, and all that jazz.
I''m to the point where I want to figure out how to
2006 Aug 02
mangle ActiveRecord
Dear Gurus on Rails!
How do I change the behaviour of one method in
ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SchemaStatements ?
Full story:
I''d like to mangle
so when it creates a new sql table, it also (optionally) creates my
created_at, deleted, key_id, session_id etc columns that I use on basically
all tables.
It would not be DRY to repeat
2006 Apr 11
Multiple "has" in ActiveRecord
Please excuse a newbie question, but I couldn''t find anything by
searching the archives.
What I want to know is how to have multiple references to the same
class/table within a class. For example, let''s say I have a table called
create table people (
id serial8 primary key
which just holds a list of the people in the database. Then I have
2008 Sep 25
question about exception
In the controller I have the function
def convert_sd_ticket_to_incident
Now in the ServiceDeskTicket model
def self.close_ticket(sd_id,created_by,modified_by)
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
2007 May 20
beating a dead horse - proper association selection
okay... i have two models
- id
- username
- id
- number
- created_by
- approved_by
now created_by and approved_by are both id''s of employees. in most
cases, two different employees.
currently i do something like
@open_orders = Order.open_orders
def self.open_orders
find(:all, :conditions => [''is_open = ?'', true],