similar to: 2 DSL providers, 1 GW IP and Vlans

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "2 DSL providers, 1 GW IP and Vlans"

2004 Nov 26
Vlan routing problem
Hi all, I some vlan routing problem, I''m using a linux box with an 8021q kernel. I have connect eth2 ethernet controller from linux box to a switch port that carry for vlan tagged as 2 3 4 5, I''m able to connect to the internet from vlan but not to route traffic between vlan, this is the output of ifconfig -a: eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:A0:24:50:E5:B2
2011 Mar 28
ERROR: Invalid Mark Value (1) with HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS=Yes
Hello, When i restart the firewall when i put the HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS=Yes i can''t restart it, i receive the following message in the logs: 18:17:35 Compiling /etc/shorewall/providers ... ERROR: Invalid Mark Value (1) with HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS=Yes : /etc/shorewall/providers (line 13) My files have: tcrules: empty Providers:New 1 1 main eth0
2011 Jul 22
Hi, I have a firewall running IPTABLES. I have tried to route sip traffic from my WAN(eth3) interface to a VLAN(eth2.2) interface, however the data will not route to the VLAN it keeps routing to the default interface(eth2). Does anyone have an idea as to what I need to look for? Regards Jennifer Botten ETECH Tel: +2787 150 5285 Fax: 086 638 2412 Mobile: +27 82
2006 Apr 26
IAX calls dropping after minutes
One of my PBXs drops calls after 7 to 10 minutes. I cannot see any reason for this. I upgraded to asterisk last night, still no improvement. Calls are IAX2 to either teliax or voxee, doesn't seem to matter which. Codec is G729. Connecting over ADSL. Load is only onw or two calls, server is P4 2.4 GHz. Monitoring the ADLS does not show any significant packet loss. Watching the CLI
2006 Sep 05
Reserve and biobase
Hi I am using Rserve for R2.3.1. every time after I load Biobase library, a new Graphics window frame pops up. Could any onw know how can avoid it. Best Saeede class testReserve { public static void main(String[] args) { RServeConnection rsCon = null; Rconnection c = null; Process proc = null; try { Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); proc
2005 Jul 28
multiple uplinks works on linux router but not on clients
Hello, I''m trying to achieve the following. 2 ISP''s and 1 LAN with failover. So, when 1 internet connection fails the other need to take over. I''m aware of the restrictions. The current sessions are lost. I did this before, one and a half year ago or something. But at that router wasn''t failover. Now i''ve read the nano howto and followed it.
2007 Apr 05
How should I create a repo on Centos 2.1?
I tracked down a createrepo rpm "for RHL 7.x, AS 2.1" etc (hosted by Dag), but it's uninstallable. Eventually I managed to create an rpm from the source (actually, that's fairly easy when onw knows to say "python2"), but python-urlgrabber has completely defeated me. According to Dag, the problem is that "upstream" doesn't see the need to support
2015 Feb 12
EFI PXE help
Im a long time PXE boot fan. I use it for wimbooting windows PE, linux images via http, and memtest mainly. Ive got it nicely customised with my onw graphics etc. Then UEFI booting came along. Till now ive been content simply setting bios's to CSM mode and doing my thing.... Ive had another go at EFI PXE booting and can now get the menus and grahics from syslinux working, but I cannot get
2006 Jul 29
How to keep permissions from rsync server?
Dear readers, Does anyone know how I can keep the file permissions on the destination side when I sync? This is what I have done so far. In /etc/rsyncd.conf on the server have I: ------------------------------------------------------- log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log pid file = /var/run/ lock file = /var/run/rsync.lock [server] path = / uid = root gid = root read only = yes
2010 Nov 16
Bug#603727: xen-hypervisor-4.0-amd64: i386 Dom0 crashes after doing some I/O on local storage (software Raid1 on SAS-drives with mpt2sas driver)
Package: xen-hypervisor-4.0-amd64 Version: 4.0.1-1 Severity: normal My 32Bit Dom0-crashes with error "Out of SW-IOMMU space for 65536 bytes" after doing moderate I/O on the local storage, which is a software-raid1 over 3 harddrives, connected to the builtin Perc H200 controller with ext3-fs. The error is reproduceable with "dd if=/dev/zero of=bigfile bs=1024 count=1000000"
2019 Nov 14
SASL AUTH with postfix
On 2019-11-14 15:41, Benny Pedersen via dovecot wrote: > Jorge Bastos via dovecot skrev den 2019-11-14 16:25: > >> I've tried to search for the realm part in dovecot but didn't found it, >> Could you guide me to it? > > doveconf -d | grep realm > > doveconf -n if more help is needed Thanks Benny, It was in my front and didn't saw it. Now i need to
2008 May 13
Question over broadcasting using icecast server
Hallo everyone in the Icecast project. First of all i want to apologize in case this message should not be in this list but i believe this is the place to answer my question. I know only a little about icecast server. I would like to build up a live radio station. The concept is something like : the server is set up in some place and all producers broadcast themselves from their place, so
2005 May 16
Shutdown from PXELinux
Hi Please excuse my english ... Does somebody have a .c32 , .cbt or .exe program to shutdown an ACPI and/or APM BIOS PC from PXELinux or DOS ? Or could be shutdown added as an option to PXELinux ? School environment, remote administration. On night time the electrical power is turned off in labs and PC loose WakeOnLan(WOL) and AlertStandardFormat(ASF) capabilities. In the morning when the
2007 Nov 02
Postfix and Dovecot Deliver LDA
Hi all, Having problems moving from postfix/dovecot/mysq/maildrop existing intall to dovecot LDA dovecot -n # 1.0.5: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf log_path: /var/log/dovecot.log log_timestamp: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S protocols: imap pop3 login_dir: /var/run/dovecot/login login_executable(default): /usr/lib/dovecot/imap-login login_executable(imap): /usr/lib/dovecot/imap-login login_executable(pop3):
2016 Mar 21
hosted VMs, VLANs, and firewalld
I'm looking for some information regarding the interaction of KVM, VLANs, firewalld, and the kernel's forwarding configuration. I would appreciate input especially from anyone already running a similar configuration in production. In short, I'm trying to figure out if a current configuration is inadvertently opening up traffic across network segments. On earlier versions of CentOS
2004 Jan 30
two interfaces - borrowing bandwidth...
Hello... I have one 2Mbit WAN interfaces and two vlan LAN interfaces - vlan2 and vlan3. I''d like to limit bandwidth something like this: rate 1Mbit ceil 2Mbit for vlan2 and rate 1Mbit ceil 2Mbit for vlan3 with possibility to borrow bandwidth between vlan2 and vlan3. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Is it possible to do in any way? regards, -- Michal
2007 Dec 09
Getting estimates from survfit.coxph
Dear all, I'm having difficulty getting access to data generated by survfit and print.survfit when they are using with a Cox model (survfit.coxph). I would like to programmatically access the median survival time for each strata together with the 95% confidence interval. I can get it on screen, but can't get to it algorithmically. I found myself examining the source of print.survfit to
2007 May 10
gw, lsrc in julian''s patches
In I read: -- - key "gw" for ip_route_output used to select the right route for the gateway - key "lsrc" for ip_route_input used to find the best unicast route between this IP and the destination address (similar to output routing call but still makes the checks needed for input packet). -- Could someone please provide a couple
2008 Apr 21
Asterisk Jingle<->SIP GW Question
Dear All I am using gtalk features with my own XMPP server "OpenFire" I have setup gtalk.conf and jabber.conf on asterisk and now I can make calls from clients registered on my XMPP server to SIP devices by calling the xmpp accounts registered as clients on asterisk. So far so good. So if I want to call sip:1000 I call the xmpp account that is bound to that account in extensions.conf.
2009 Apr 28
Gw.exe -- keyboard:X11DRV_MapVirtualKeyEx keyboard layout
Under wine versions .19 and .20 (only 2 I've tried), I get sticking keys resulting in uncontrollable spinning (or running or whatever key gets stuck. The log output has a bunch (100+) fixmes relating to keyboard (see code). Thanks for any help! Code: fixme:keyboard:X11DRV_MapVirtualKeyEx keyboard layout (nil) is not supported fixme:keyboard:X11DRV_LoadKeyboardLayout L"00000409",