similar to: Creating defined resources based on array of parameters.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Creating defined resources based on array of parameters."

2006 Oct 06
virtual host on latest centos 4.4
Good morning All, I have a slight issue with apache virtual hosts not working on my newly installed CentOS (4.4). I am very new to Linux, however I have experience with apache etc on 'w1nd0ws'. I've been round and round in the apache conf file and to no avail. Basically if I setup a virtual host the default then looks at it. Also, if I setup multiple virtual hosts they all look at
2016 Nov 20
CentOS 6, Apache 2.2.15 and SNI?
Hello, is Apache 2.2 which is part of the CentOS distribution capable of SNI? I have troubles that are coming from server side (CentOS 6.8, Apache 2.2.15) just did 'yum update' in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf I've the following NameVirtualHost ipaddr:443 Include /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/vhost-ssldom1-box.conf Include /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/vhost-ssldom2-box.conf both
2007 Nov 22
reg vhost in apache
Hi all, I am facing one problem in configuration of httpd-vhosts. my requirment is if url comes from servername (i.e http://sutra) it should redirect to my home page.if url comes from serverAlias(i.e http://sutrateam) it should go to advance search page....if any one knows how to do pls help me below file is my vhost file <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName sutra ServerAlias
2009 Apr 21
create objects in a loop and adding sqlQuery content to them
Hi there, I've got a database or rather spreadsheet with several columns and rows. For one column named sites I want to loop through all possible values and retrieve all data out of the database where site = x and write it into an object named 'sitex_data'. Somehow I'm really missing something as I'm not able to create these sitex_data objects with the database values,
2006 Jun 09
Virtualhost, Alias & Subdomains
I am having a problem with subdomains, alias & virtual hosts Centos 4.3, Apache 2.0.52 & PHP 5.04 I can get the primary to work, but not the aliased servers. http.conf extract ********* NameVirtualHost * <VirtualHost *> ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/html/domain/ ServerAlias <> </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost
2013 Feb 15
Puppet agent daemon not seeing a Facter fact
Hi all, first post here... reposting this from Stack Overflow as it didn''t get much traction there... I am using puppet to read a fact from facter, and based on that I apply a different configuration to my modules. Problem: the puppet agent isn''t seeing this fact. Running puppet agent --test interactively works as expected. Even running it non-interactively from a script
2006 Jul 25
problem with * urls
I am using Apache2.2 + mod_proxy_balancer + mongrel setup and my mongrel.conf file(for apache is like this) 2 3 <Proxy balancer://mongrel_cluster> 4 BalancerMember 5 BalancerMember 6 BalancerMember 7 </Proxy> 8 9 <VirtualHost *> 10 ServerAdmin rags at
2012 Aug 17
Hiera, Hashes, and Create_resources
Howdy: I need some help please to get hiera configuration data derived from YAML, thru puppet. I have studied Internet search results and puppet documentation on create_resources and custom defines but need a little help along. I can print out the YAML from variables, arrays, and, finally, hashes too from a puppet manifest. One thing that is stumping me is how to access from the custom define
2006 May 17
Apache config: Two different rails apps using same domain name (mod_rewrite issue)
The problem I''m solving here is that I have two different Rails applicatons that uses the same domain name. One handles the www (e.g. and is used as the main site, and the other handles the user subdomains (e.g.. The DNS stuff and the Apache virtual hosts were all set up, the two rails apps are in place in the file system, and the proper
2017 Nov 13
Strrange behavior of VirtualHosts in Apache (CentOS6)
Hello, there is a short explanation about virtual hosts in Apache ... the `hostname` gives a different donmain name than what should be hosted ... e.g. `hostname` is and the domain to be hosted is, so I did this: <VirtualHost> ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/default
2014 Feb 06
Virtual Hosts question
I am running Wordpress on a CentOS 6.5 server which is behind a router. The private IP is, the public URL is (name changed). I have two virtual hosts in my httpd.conf file. The second one, listed below, is for Wordpress and it is accessed with or They work fine. Actually, not show, I have more Wordpress virtual hosts, and they are
2013 Jan 11
Profiles, Hiera, and create_resources('class','...')
Hi all, We''ve recently started exploring the role / profile / component module described by Craig Dunn in his blog here: and discussed on the list the other day. As I was implementing this for a profile using the apache module, I realized that I could make another refinement to our approach by using
2017 Mar 14
httpd/sites-available directory
The goal is to have access to a specific virtual host on port 80, to be routed to port 443. Any other port 80 access is left as is. So let us assume a server and the specific virtual host is So I have tried: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ServerAlias webmail RewriteEngine On ReWriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}
2005 Dec 08
lighttpd proxy w/ apache2
I''ve tried a bunch of things trying to get ruby/apache2 and php working together. I looked over my earlier post and followed the instructions on ezra''s website to install lighttpd on debian. I''ve gotten really far but I think there is one bit missing: 1. I got apache2 and php working together 2. I got lighttpd working on port 3000 and my rails app launches ok
2013 May 09
equivalent way to iterate through a hash
If I have something like this in my node file: daemontools_service::setup { ''carbon-cache'': service_name => ''carbon-cache'', .... extra_envs => { "GRAPHITE_STORAGE_DIR" => "/mnt/statsd-data/graphite-storage" "SOMETHING_ELSE" =>
2009 Sep 20
SSL and virtual hosts?
Hi, I successfully managed to use SSL on a local webserver for testing purposes, following the section "Using SSL" in the Chapter "Using Apache" of the "Definitive Guide to CentOS". Now I wonder: how can I use SSL with virtual hosts? I have several virtual hosts defined. Let's say I want to use SSL with this one: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin info
2017 Mar 14
httpd/sites-available directory
I just received some advice from a colleague of a colleague over at But they use debian. Please look at this and help me out on how Centos7 handles this: Note the comment of the location of virtualhost config files. Centos7 does not have a "man a2ensite". thanks Rewriterules and https. Actually, looking at what you have doesn't really tell me why it gets applied
2013 Mar 08
hiera / create_resources / define
I''m trying to use create_resources to create a series of files with semi-custom content based on a template. This is what I have: foo.conf.erb: Name "<%= name %>" WorkingDir "<%= working_dir %>" ... a bunch of static entries YAML: configs: config1: Name: app1 WorkingDir: /var/app1 config2: Name: app2 WorkingDir: /var/app2
2012 Jul 18
create_resources function and puppet enc
Hi, I am trying to create multiple users using puppet. I have created a ENC and trying to use class wrapped defined types with create_resources function. For some reason things are falling apart. I would really appreciate some help on these Here are the details about my classes and configuration -- You
2012 Mar 30
Does create_resources support virtual resources?
Hi all, I''m interested pushing my user list out of my users manifest and into Hiera. Unfortunately I haven''t been able to get it to work the way I thought it would. The error suggests that perhaps create_resources cannot create virtual resources, but the docs I''ve read so far don''t address it. The class (in init.pp): class users { $system_users =