similar to: Sharing models between two applications

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Sharing models between two applications"

2005 May 30
Testing action mailer in functional tests - missing section in the book
Hi ! I just need a pointer on how to do functional testing of ActionMailer. My unit test for the ActionMailer is working fine - now I simply need to assert that it''s being called in my Controller. The testing book ends quite abruptly at I searched around on the web, but I didn''t find anything very conclusive. Thanks, François
2005 Oct 10
Need help from Apache mod_rewrite crew !
Hi ! Has anyone got any tips/tricks on running a Productized Rails app on DreamHost ? Specifically, I get this in my error.log: ----------- [Mon Oct 10 11:39:46 2005] [error] [client] mod_rewrite: maximum number of internal redirects reached. Assuming configuration error. Use ''RewriteOptions MaxRedirects'' to increase the limit if neccessary. ----------- As
2005 Sep 14
How to drag/drop visitable anchors ?
Hi ! I have the following: <li id="photo_<%= %>" class="photo"> <%= link_to(image_tag(url_for_file_column(:photo, :picture)), {:action => ''photo'', :id => @photo}, {:title => @photo.description}) %> </li> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"><!--
2005 May 23
has_and_belongs_to_many dual insert error ?
Hi ! (See references at the end) I have a slight problem. Whenever I save one of my domain models, which contains an has_and_belongs_to_many relationship with another one, the relationships are doubled. My domain is a series of pictures, where each picture can be tagged with one or more words. So, a picture of my dog could be tagged "Jordy, Dog, Dog 2005", for example. In my
2006 Jan 20
Sharing a Model
I have two rails applications that modify/view the same data. Is there a DRY way of sharing a model (not just database) between two separate applications? -- Mike
2007 May 15
hi all I''m trying to use spec_server to run my specs in rails, but the specs don''t seem to be running any faster, and it looks like they''re being run twice when I use the --drb option ..? The app I''m testing is just a basic rails app with 2 empty models and a hello world controller. The specs are just the default ones created by the generators. I was
2007 Feb 26
drbspec - "no server running"
At times I''ve gotten the message "No Server Running" from drbspec with my rails app. The thing is, the drb server certainly is running! This happened a few times with my model specs. I''m not sure exactly what the problem was there - I believe I was loading up fixtures that didn''t exist. I was calling fixtures :singular_table_name as opposed to
2005 Dec 15
Rails vs. J2EE: Sharing state in memory?
Hi, I am from a Java background and pretty new to Ruby and Rails. What I am wondering is how I would shared state accross requests and users without involving IO, i.e. use memory. My current understanding is that for each request a new process ist spawn and therefore it gets its own memory. So no sharing can take place between requests? Do I understand this right? For those who know
2006 Oct 27
Error after moving to production server
so i have an after_create method on my track model that kicks off a background process that converts an mp3 to a swf. this is working fine locally on my machine, but upon moving it to my production server, i am getting the following error. I''ve only been using backgroundRB for like 48 hours, so i''m not really sure what this means or where to go. any ideas?
2001 Jul 16
openssh 2.9p1 on Solaris 2.6 with AFS
Jan, maybe I should check the /afs information that you pointed me at in a subsequent email first, but I wanted to update you on what happened following this path: I did get some mileage out of both of your suggestions below, but still did not make it through (now working with openssh-2.9p2): gcc -o ssh ssh.o sshconnect.o sshconnect1.o sshconnect2.o sshtty.o readconf.o clientloop.o -L.
2005 Aug 25
newbie questions about hosting address
Dear Rails groups, thank you for all the previous helps in this group, and me being a newbie is getting more comfortable with rails and now I finish most of the scaffold modification without much problem. My question is(I know it''s absolutely basic questions but I''m a real outsider :~( ) I have been developing in my own pc, now my office ''s other people will test on it,
2007 Apr 09
Drb Connection error on multiple dispatch.fcgi ''s
Hi All, I''m using Backgroundrb as a general purpose long-running-task back-end (upload processing, email sending, etc), and it''s been a great solution. However I''ve recently run into some some intermittent connection issues that have me baffled. I''m running on apache2/fcgid and the problem occurs in both devlopment and production mode. The problem seems to
2007 Apr 04
Exception when doing DRb remote calls from a BackgrounDRb worker
Hello, I am trying to make DRb calls to a external server from a backgrounDRb worker, but I''m getting always the next exception when I make the remote call. > ERROR: > drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrb.11175/experimenter_worker_3e899de945f0803a82cd257cfac316d0_0_0.0738904928422051 > - #<Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - >
2007 Jul 25
DRb not starting
Hi, I have my Model as follows: class Mutation < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret ({:fields => {:description=>{}, :product_id=>{:index => :untokenized}, :product_description=>{}, :product_label_description=>{}, :product_label_free=>{}, :product_product_id_supplier=>{}, :product_description_supplier=>{}, :supplier_description=>{}, :pub_date_sort
2007 Aug 08
Cannot start workers in production mode
I have a job that I am starting from a Rails controller in production mode using MiddleMan: MiddleMan.new_worker(:class => :import_ccg_category_worker, :args => { :category_id =>, :remote_category_id => params[:remote_category_id], :description => "Importing CCG products for #{@}" }) Both of the category ID variables are just basic integers. I
2008 Jan 14
problem with backgroundrb
hi, i am using drb and it is working fine on my local pc on windows.. and after uploading the code to the server it was working for sometime but now it gives me error every time i invoke the process.. error--- uninitialized constant EmailWorker::Notifier - (NameError) /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.4.2/lib/active_support/ dependencies.rb:477:in `const_missing''
2006 Sep 06
DRb error when using rails_spec on OS X
Hi, all- I started playing with RSpec in a new Rails app. I''ve installed the plugin and bootstrapped it, and run ''script/rails_spec_runner'' (not rails_spec_server as the website currently reads, btw) in a separate shell, then in another shell I run ''script/rails_spec'' and get the following: /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:837:in
2006 Jan 27
Multiple Apps running under Lighttpd with scgi on a Windows Box ... possible?
I''ve run into a problem on one of my development machines. I''m trying to run multiple rails apps on one dev machine that runs Windows. Problem is that is seems that I can only run one scgi_service at a time, meaning that only one of my apps will function at a time. Anyone know how I can get around this, other than getting a *nix box (which I should have soon, hopefully) ?
2006 Feb 09
breakpointer error
Hi, I can''t get breakpointer to work on locomotive. Pretty sure it used to work... Any ideas?? Jeroen jeroen$ ruby script/breakpointer /Applications/Locomotive/Bundles/rails-1.0.0-max.bundle/Contents/Resources/ports/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:828:in `getaddrinfo'': getaddrinfo: No address associated with nodename (SocketError) from
2006 Nov 20
Production RAILS_ENV / DB Selection
Hey all, I''m having some issues moving a project that incorporates Backgroundrb onto a staging server... For some reason (surely of my own doing), my RailsBase workers are insisting on using trying to access my development DB instead of my "production" DB. When I try to load a model object from within a worker, I get the following: 20061120-21:54:28 (26296)