similar to: NameError: uninitialized constant Addres

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "NameError: uninitialized constant Addres"

2006 Feb 22
Unit test failure - nil object?
I''m following instructions in the Agile book, page 146 for testing an object update to the database. Here''s my code: def test_update assert_equal "", = "" assert, @user.errors.full_messages.join("; ") @user.reload assert_equal,
2008 Feb 12
Funny behavior with Fixtures... on Ubuntu..
Hey Guys, I''ve got a test class that loads a bunch of fixtures. My understanding is that fixtures are reloaded between each test... and I even have the following two method calls at the top of my test class to make doubly sure... class TaskTest < Test::Unit::TestCase self.use_transactional_fixtures = true self.use_instantiated_fixtures = false When I run my tests
2005 Apr 06
NameError in <controller not set>#<action not set>
I can''t figure out why I''m getting the following error. There''s nothing wrong in my communities_controller file. And the helper for communties exists. Any ideas? Thanks, Joe NameError in <controller not set>#<action not set> uninitialized constant CommunitiesHelper app/controllers/communities_controller.rb:1 script/server:48 Show framework trace
2007 Jan 10
ActiveRecord Error?
We spent a big chunk of yesterday hunting down a strange bug in one of our rails apps and created a test project to try out different theories on what was going on. The result so far is a very small test case app that perfectly reproduces the problem. The question is, is there anything *wrong* with what we''re doing here, or is it a problem with ActiveRecord? We''re on rails
2006 Jan 24
simple formmail question
I have a few forms that I''d like users to fill out. The results of the form will be sent to a few addresses. What''s the least painless way to do this and keep everything DRY? There''s no database involved. Ideally, I''d like to email the form questions with the answers inline. Seems like using ActionMailer and separate email views would be overkill in this
2006 Jan 14
accessing models from migrations
Ok, so now Users need to be associated with Organizations. I''ve created a migration and added a ''organization_id'' column to the users table. I want the default organization_id to be the first Organization. So I have :default => Organization.find(:first). But it''s complaining about not being able to find the constant ''Organization''. Any
2005 Mar 10
images from database + caching
Is the information in on caching images still the best way on how to cache images that are served from the database? I haven''t added time information to my image table yet, and the images are sent after every single page view (even if it''s been downloaded already). Joe
2006 Feb 08
validates_acceptance_of + functional testing
I had to add a check box indicating that a user accepted certain terms to a page. So, I put in a ''validates_acceptance_of :terms'' line into the appropriate model and added a checkbox to my view. Everything works as expected in my web browser. However, my functional tests still pass and I didn''t add or change anything to them. I was expecting to have to add another
2006 Jul 02
"the number of parameters does not match the number of substitutions" error
All of a sudden, I''m getting this error: 1) Error: test_index(AccountControllerTest): RuntimeError: The number of parameters does not match the number of substitutions. /home/joe/projects/tanga/trunk/config/../vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/assertions.rb:92:in `assert_redirected_to''
2005 Mar 09
rails on low memory vps
Anyone got any tips for running Rails (w/ either webrick or lighttpd/fcgi) on a VPS with a pretty small amount of memory (like 64MB memory and 64MB swap). Thanks, Joe
2006 Mar 15
Question on hardware for site
For a medium-sized website, does one machine for database server (either mysql or postgres) and another for the web server (lighttpd) sound ok? How much traffic could I expect to handle? (I know it depends on the application, but some rough estimates would be nice) Joe
2005 Mar 16
caches_page problem
I''m currently caches_page the show method in my Image controller. The show method looks at @params[''id''] to determine what output should be generated. The first time I access the method, say with http://localhost/public/image/show/1.jpg, the appropriate directories get created in /public (i.e. public/image/show/1.jpg). However, when I try to retrieve
2007 Sep 28
Couple questions about backgroundrb
So, what''s the status of this project? I''m a little confused. The documentation at seems out of date. It refers to, which doesn''t work. All I want is a way to easily set up tasks that should run periodically. Some stuff should run every 10 seconds, some stuff once a day, etc.
2007 Aug 16
Mocking a non-existent method
I don''t like this: i = mock(Integer) i.should_receive(:asdfasdf).and_return(''foo'') puts i.asdfasdf Shouldn''t rspec check to see that :asdfasdf is a valid message to be sending Integer? Joe
2007 Jun 09
mystery problem with svn post-commit script running rspec tests
So, just spent seven straight hours on this. I have a post-commit svn script that runs all my tests. Emails me if something goes wrong. One of the lines looks like: @output = `rake test RAILS_ENV=test` The output from the rspec tests don''t seem to appear in @output. Why would that be? Oddly enough, that only seems to happen when the script is ran from svn''s post-commit
2006 Aug 16
gems vs plugins
Hi, Is there an easy way of converting a gem to a plugin, or at least something you can dump into $RAILS_ROOT/vendor? I''m uncomfortable having stuff like capistrano, the shipping gem, builder, autotest being installed globally as a gem instead of being installed for each application. What do you think? Joe
2006 Jun 29
adding a before_filter to static content
Hi, I have a Rails site that uses a before_filter in the application controller that does some authentication and authorization work. I also have a bunch of HTML in folders in the application''s public directory. Before a user can view anything in the public directory, I''d like to authenticate them. How could I do that? I''m using mongrel, if it matters. Thanks, Joe
2006 Aug 04
Mongril or Lighthttttp? Yes
I was writing my blob at which is for new people who are new to Rubby and I was learning if Mongril or Lighthttttp? or Web Rick is better for me. Have you any advice. Thanks? Rails Blobber -- Posted via
2005 Jul 06
populating development database from test fixtures
Hi, Is it possible to populate the development database from the test fixtures? I''m trying to keep the development database schema in a plain-text sql file and modifying that when I need to modify the database structure. However, then I have to either manually repopulate the database or add in additional sql statements that populate the test database. It seems like it would be useful
2005 Dec 15
How to ensure deletes cascade to associated models?
I have the following models: class Resume belongs_to :resume_assignments end class User belongs_to :resume_assignments end class ResumeAssignment has_one :resume has_one :user end When I delete a resume, I want to make sure that its associated ResumeAssignment gets deleted also. Calling destroy_all to delete some resumes doesn''t seem to do this. Is there an option that will