similar to: How to use helpers in layouts?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "How to use helpers in layouts?"

2005 Jul 22
testing application_helper.rb
I am trying to run some functional (or are they unit?) tests on my application_helper.rb. So far, I''ve not had any success in being able to call the methods defined in application_helper.rb. Here is my app/test/functional/helpers.rb require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../test_helper'' require File.dirname(__FILE__) +
2006 Feb 07
scope problems testing a helper method that calls link_to()
We''ve been having problems writing functional tests for helper methods that rely on ActionView methods. Here''s a specific example. In application_helper.rb I''ve got a method called ''party_link()¨: def party_link(party) link_to party.full_name, { :controller => ''contacts'', :action =>
2007 Jul 31
helper spec not finding rails core helpers
Hi, My helper specs were going ok until I added a call to a rails DateHelper method in one of my helpers DateHelper.html#M000574 The helper runs fine from my view templates, just dies in the spec test. I boiled my question down to a simple (not too useful) example. I''m not sure what I''m missing. #
2006 Jun 22
rails on Oracle 10g - missing controller ?
I am trying to generate my first scaffold but I am getting a 500 error from . Below is the information about my system, as well as the commands I am typing. I have also included the DDL ( Oracle 10g ). I am mid way through chapter 6 of "Agile Web Development w/ Rails". Why aren''t there any files under app/controllers/ ? C:\tmp\rubyWork>ruby
2006 Nov 05
diag()<- in Matrix?
Dear all, I am trying to use the Matrix package to do some calculations on rather large and sparse matrices. An example of such a matrix is given below. mig<-0.2 side<-10 np<-side^2 mig.mat<-matrix(0,np,np) diag(mig.mat[1:(np-side),(side+1):np])<-mig/4 diag(mig.mat[(side+1):np,1:(np-side)])<-mig/4 diag(mig.mat[-np,-1])<-mig/4
2008 May 20
DateHelpers .. don' display.. ?
HI I don''t understand what happen .. if I use the script/console : >> include ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper => Object >> include GLoc => Object >> time_ago_in_words(, include_seconds = false) => "moins d''une minute" I get the correct answer.. but I I write in my view <%= time_ago_in_words(, include_seconds = false)
2020 Jul 20
[PATCH v2 2/5] mm/migrate: add a direction parameter to migrate_vma
On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 10:21:46AM -0700, Ralph Campbell wrote: > The src_owner field in struct migrate_vma is being used for two purposes, > it implies the direction of the migration and it identifies device private > pages owned by the caller. Split this into separate parameters so the > src_owner field can be used just to identify device private pages owned > by the caller of
2019 Nov 12
postfix + spamassassin + dovecot-lda (with sieve support)
Hello, I have FreeBSD 12 server with postfix + spamassassin. Old config work fine. ------ old postfix spamfilter unix - n n - - pipe flags=R user=nobody argv=/usr/local/bin/spamc -e /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -f ${sender} ${recipient} ------ I try to add dovecot-lda (with sieve support) as local delivery agent to postfix config ----------- postfix # Spamd filter spamfilter
2011 May 10
Webrick script/server file does not exist
Hello all, I worked fairly enough with PHP and MySQL, but am very new to Ruby. I have Windows machine with Apache and MySQL installed previously. Both Apache and MySql were stopped while installing Ruby. I tried several ways to install Ruby 1.8.7 and one-step installer. I can use Ruby with netbeans 6.0.1 with its own Ruby or with the one I installed now. The problem starts when I try to create
2006 Apr 27
How to override pagination_links method
I intend to override pagination_links method. I added following lines of code in application_helper.rb module ActionView module Helpers def pagination_links(paginator, options={}, html_options={}) raise("boom!!") end end end But my code is not executing my code. The view is still using the method pagination_links from rails. What''s the correct way to override
2002 Oct 08
repeated measures help; disagreement with SPSS
Hi, all. I have a simple design I'm comparing to output from SPSS. the design is 1 repeated measure (session) and 1 between measure (cond). my dependent measure is rl. here is the data I'm using (in a data.frame): mig <- data.frame(subj=factor(rep(subj,3)), cond=factor(rep(cond,3)), session=factor(c(rep(1,nsubj),rep(2,nsubj),rep(3,nsubj))),
2010 Aug 17
Independent variables omitted in lm and glm
Dear List, Some independent variable were missing in calculation using lm and glm (gaussian). (X= Y1+Y2+…..+Y16, Independent number: 16 variable) However, those variables did work well in cor(X, Y) respectively. str(dataframe) was also run to ensure that the variables were all numbers. Moreover, the missing variables were different in lm and glm. In lm, 3 factors were not taken into
2007 Jul 06
stubbing helper methods for View specs
Hi there I have several view specs, that include the following snippet in their "before" block to stub the methods by acts_as_authenticated before :each do @u = mock_model(User) @u.should_receive(:name).and_return("Hans Muster") template.should_receive(:logged_in?).and_return(true) template.should_receive(:current_user).and_return(@u) end this
2007 Jul 24
spec''ing helpers that use controller
Hi all, I''m in the process of creating rspecs for my helpers. One of the helpers in app/helpers/application_helper.rb looks like this: def page_name @page_name || "Define @page_name in #{controller.controller_name}::#{controller.action_name}" end The rspec is simply: it "should something" do page_name end
2006 Jul 20
RJS where to put helper method?
Hi, If I want to have helper method for my rjs, where''s the best place to put it? so for example: --- bla.rjs: page.replace_html ... page.visual_effect ... --- somewhere: (currently I put in application_helper.rb) def replace_with_effect(page) page.replace_html ... page.visual_effect ... end --- bla.rjs: replace_with_effect page and is there a way to define the helper so we
2008 Jun 08
Plugins - helper function is an "undefined method", Objects "can't be referred"
I''m modifying a shopping cart plugin, MinimalCart, and for some reason I can add one item to the cart multiple times, but as soon as I add a second item, all kinds of strange things start happening. An actionview::template error is thrown because a method defined in application_helper is "undefined" What could cause a defined application helper method to all the sudden not be
2006 Mar 04
application_helper can "include" another helper ?
My "application_helper.rb" become to large. I have basic functions that I use for all projects. Is it possible to define thoses functions inside an external "basic_helper.rb" and include it in "application_helper.rb" ?
2006 Jul 11
better way to include helpers into application controller/test_helper?
Right now, I have the following in my application controller - and a simliar version is duplicated in test_helper. There must be a better way to include common functionality like this that gets used across layers? Maybe at the very least a way to include it at the class level and instance level with one line? # provide access to text helper at class level def self.text_helper
2009 Feb 20
rails 2.2.2 does not work with ruby 1.9.1
Hi everyone! I''ve installed new Ruby 1.9.1 from sources (, then "gem install rails", everything was ok during installation, all tests ("make test") were ok too. After all, i wanted to create my new RoR project, but I could not start it. Plz help me Here is my terminal: [renat@localhost rails]$ rails mysite create create
2006 Jul 21
How to display data using helpers and collections
## application_helper.rb def name_field(object, options = {} ) html = "" html << "Title : " + select(object, ''title'') html << "Given Names :" + text_field(object, ''given_names'' html << "Family Name :" + text_field(object, ''family_name'' html end ## index.rhtml <div