Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "network simulator"
2007 Aug 03
filter hashkey without match
I need to set filter-hash and use source-port as hashkey. It seems that
I can''t use "hashkey" without using "match".
I am using following commands:
tc qdisc add ... root handle 1:0 htb
# Loop to add 1000 classes (i = 1 to 1000)
tc class add ... parent 1:0 classid 1:$i
#set filters
tc filter add ... protocol ip parent 1:0 u32
tc filter add ...
2007 Jun 19
Why does this script noet work (bandwidth, tc en u32)
Can anyone point me out where the script below is wrong?
All I want is that host can only use 10 megabit. If I run
this script on the in-between router nothing happens (the host uses
still the full 100 mbit, tested with iperf) , so i assume that something
must be wrong....
tc qdisc del dev eth0 root
tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: htb
tc class add dev
2007 Jul 02
Kernel Packet Traveling Diagram
I find this diagram which details the kernel packet traveling :
Is it up to date ?
I made some test and I put a DNAT rules in the PREROUTING table of an
interface and I attach it a ingress policy, the dst IP wasn''t changed. the
DNAT it isn''t yet make.
I''ve another question (I''m not sure is it the good mailing list), for
2005 Mar 20
I/O descriptor ring size bottleneck?
Hi everyone,
I''m doing some networking experiments over high BDP topologies. Right
now the configuration is quite simple -- two Xen boxes connected via a
dummynet router. The dummynet router is set to limit bandwidth to
500Mbps and simulate an RTT of 80ms.
I''m using the following sysctl values:
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 4194304
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096
2003 Apr 08
4.8-STABLE Kernel Panic with dummynet options.
I first met this problem when our (60 students) internetgateway refused to
boot its new kernel, it was a 4.7-RELEASE. Then i loaded the old kernel and
went home to check if my 4.8-STABLE does likewise. And the answer was yes!
Both kernels were GENERIC + these options taken from the dummynet man pages:
options DUMMYNET
options HZ
When i boot the machine
2010 Feb 20
Limiting bandwidth
Centos box with eth1 ( and eth0 (
segment on eth0 has access to full bandwidth of uplink
Both are on 100mbps switches
bandwith on segment on eth1 needs to be throttled to different speeds - say
32, 64, 128kbps and the such. Required for application performance testing
As usual my girlfriend google is very verbose.
2003 Jun 02
4.8-Stable DummyNet
Hi. We just opened a gaming center and have chosen to run a FreeBsd box for
our firewall. IPFW is configured at it's very basic running natd through rl0
and allowing any to any connections from the lan to the outer world. Natd
controls access to the lan.
We have a 6.0 mb/s ADSL net connection for all the gaming clients to use,
however if a gamer starts downloading a file, that file
2004 Apr 01
Need help with rate-limiting NTTP traffic
Howdy all,
I posted this message to the netfilter mailing-list and didn''t get much
response. I apologize if anyone here is getting this for a
second time.
Anyway, I recently migrated my firewall from a FreeBSD box running
ipfilter, ipnat and dummynet to a Gentoo Linux box running netfilter and
tc. I have to admit that I''m having problems visualizing tc in my head.
So, I was
2007 Oct 28
MFC requests for 6.3
I would like to request that some useful work on networking be MFCed from
-CURRENT to -STABLE in time for the release of FreeBSD 6.3. In particular,
I'd like to see some of the Netgraph nodes which are new or which have seen
extensive development brought in -- ng_nat and ng_car in particular. Bringing
in the latest version of ng_nat would allow more flexible in-kernel NAT,
while ng_car (which
2008 Nov 23
[LLVMdev] llvm-py 0.5 released.
> Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2008 11:42:49 -0800
> From: Chris Lattner <clattner at apple.com>
> Subject: Re: [LLVMdev] [ANN] llvm-py 0.5 released.
> To: LLVM Developers Mailing List <llvmdev at cs.uiuc.edu>
> Message-ID: <B7A557A7-587A-478A-AB94-B03FDA6254A8 at apple.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes
> On Nov 22,
2004 Nov 09
Firewall rules that discriminate by connection duration
I'm interested in crafting firewall rules that throttle connections
that have lasted more than a certain amount of time. (Most such
connections are P2P traffic, which should be given a lower priority
than other connections and may constitute network abuse.) Alas, it
doesn't appear that FreeBSD's IPFW can keep tabs on how long a
connection has been established. Is there another firewall
2003 May 24
ipfirewall(4)) cannot be changed
root@vigilante /root cuaa1# man init |tail -n 130 |head -n 5
3 Network secure mode - same as highly secure mode, plus IP packet
filter rules (see ipfw(8) and ipfirewall(4)) cannot be changed and
dummynet(4) configuration cannot be adjusted.
root@vigilante /root cuaa1# sysctl -a |grep secure
kern.securelevel: 3
root@vigilante /root cuaa1# ipfw show
00100 0 0 allow
2004 Oct 08
Delay packets by 50ms
Hi all,
I am trying to solve a tiny problem that is trivial to
solve using dummynet (FreeBSD).
I just want to add a delay of 50ms to each outgoing
packet from an interface. This is to simulate a large
pool of multiple modem users so I also need to add b/w
limits etc (which seems to be easy to do).
From the mailing list I could fine 2 qdiscs that can
simulate latency : "delay" &
2003 Sep 15
strange problem with: ed driver / 4.9-PRE
in the kernel I have these lines:
device miibus # MII bus support
device rl
device ed
options IPFIREWALL #firewall
options IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE #enable logging to syslogd(8)
options IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE_LIMIT=0 #limit verbosity
options IPDIVERT #divert sockets
options DUMMYNET
2003 Oct 20
Equal bandwidth configuration among host with dummynet
Hi all,
First of all, I have spent a lot of time reading up on
Anyway, I live in a shared accomodation with 2
roommates and a landlord and we share a cable internet
connection. It is 2Mbit/400Kbit connection. Sometimes
when one of us is downloading a song through Kazaa or
a new Linux or FreeBSD iso, the bandwidth gets hogged
and other users can't get through.
I was trying to configure
2003 Sep 18
Multiple Links
Hi all
Iam planning to deploy Multiple Links
using RH 9.0/ PIII 500Mhz/512MB RAM
With all Patches related to Route and rest Mentioned in nano.txt
Iam Running BGP 4 with all the ISP, but iam not doing Load balancing the
Each Link have specific application and specific users.
Eth0 is connected to Local Net
eth1- ISP1
eth2- ISP2
eth3- ISP3
Now i want to make Specific Routes
2010 Sep 10
Traffic shaping on CentOS
I've been trying to do traffic shaping on one of my public servers and
after reading up, it seems like the way to do so is via tc/htb.
However, most of the documentation seems at least half a decade old
with nothing new recently.
Furthermore, trying to get documentation on tc filters turned up a
blank. man tc refers to a tc-filters (8) but trying to man that gives
a no such page/section
2003 May 19
FreeBSD firewall block syn flood attack
I current have a FreeBSD 4.8 bridge firewall that sits between 7 servers and
the internet. The servers are being attacked with syn floods and go down
multiple times a day.
The 7 servers belong to a client, who runs redhat.
I am trying to find a way to do some kind of syn flood protection inside the
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Ryan James
2004 Dec 07
Adding latency
I use shorewall quite a bit, and I would like to know if the following
is possible with shorewall or even with existing modules with iptables,
etc. We want to be able to add latency to packets (foremost), not rate
limiting but actually adding in a specified amount of latency, etc. It
looks like dummynet for ipfw on FreeBSD will someone to do this easily.
Can I do this on Linux via shorewall?
2007 Apr 20
[OT] Simulating delay, packet loss to test speex?
I'd like to change some network variables (bandwidth, delay, packet
loss) to measure how speex behaves in certain conditions.
Do you recommend any tools you may use in speex development? It seems
NIST Net isn't maintained anymore. I've found dummynet, looks
interesting, but any hints you guys may have would be most welcome...