similar to: change in routes broke variable ?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "change in routes broke variable ?"

2006 Feb 07
scope problems testing a helper method that calls link_to()
We''ve been having problems writing functional tests for helper methods that rely on ActionView methods. Here''s a specific example. In application_helper.rb I''ve got a method called ''party_link()ยจ: def party_link(party) link_to party.full_name, { :controller => ''contacts'', :action =>
2005 Mar 17
Using gettext to localize your rails app
Hi, I am having some trouble finding out how best to use ruby-gettext in my app. I do this in my ApplicationController: before_filter :localize private def localize # we will always use UTF-8 @charset = ''utf-8'' @headers["Content-Type"] = "text/html; charset=@charset" # simplified approach: extract the first language from the request # or use
2007 Jul 31
helper spec not finding rails core helpers
Hi, My helper specs were going ok until I added a call to a rails DateHelper method in one of my helpers DateHelper.html#M000574 The helper runs fine from my view templates, just dies in the spec test. I boiled my question down to a simple (not too useful) example. I''m not sure what I''m missing. #
2008 Jan 29
ActionMailer calling shared methods
I''m trying to use a shared method from an ActionMailer template. The method was originally in ApplicationHelper, but I''ve also tried it in the base controller (application.rb), with and without helper_method. In all cases, I get an error undefined method `wgg_replace_crlf'' for #<ActionView::Base:0x324b230> Here is the relevant block of code from the email
2007 Aug 18
Tests for render when changing view_paths
Hi there, I''ve been getting into RSpec recently and I must say what a fantastic product I think it is. But, I''ve hit a bit of a problem. In my ApplicationHelper I have a method which changes the view_paths in a controller so a partial can be rendered from a different base directory. It simply takes an array of view_paths that a partial could be in, updates the
2008 Oct 31
Strange dependency error after going Ruby1.8.6, Rails 2.1.0 -> Ruby1.8.7, Rails 2.1.2
Hi, I''m getting an error I just can''t find any cause for. The error is "A copy of ApplicationHelper has been removed from the module tree but is still active!" and gets thrown in a Template that uses a method defined in my ApplicationHelper. The error occurs only in development mode. The error did not occur before my switch to Ruby 1.8.7 and Rails 2.1.2 minutes ago. I
2008 Mar 19
When working with views, I use instance methods of ApplicationHelper: # app/helpers/application_helper.rb: module ApplicationHelper def distribute(total, min, cutof, list) [1,2,3] end end # app/views/planner/_mta_colors.rhtml: <td> <% ... dist = distribute(total_v_px, 4, 0, colors.collect{|color| color[1]}) ... %> So to test the distribute method in ApplicationHelper, I have
2006 Feb 06
basic usage confusion
I am confused. Looking at ''list'' from scaffold, I see a record and click the ''show'' button. I put in a ''link'' at the bottom of ''show.rhtml'' to my ''view'' rfn2.rhtml - action = ''rfn2'', :id = @placement I click this link and get error... log/development.log Processing
2006 May 21
Is there a way to call helper methods in a controller?
Hi, Is there a way to call helper methods in a controller? I want to do something like this in my controller Class MyController < Action.... def my_method string = link_to "some_url", :controller => "home", :action => "command" end end link_to is an ActionView helper method and it seems that I couldn''t access the method in the controller
2007 Dec 09
Writing Specifications for Custom Form Builders (and Helpers)
Hello all, Long time reader, first time poster! I am a relative newcomer (no idea what on earth I am doing) to Ruby, Rails and Rspec and have a feeling I am probably trying to run before I know how to walk. I had imagined a cool way of outputting a div around some form stuff which would have a class on it if the related field had errors, something a bit like: <%
2010 May 18
ruby-recaptcha seems be broken or has significant limitation
I''ve installed the ruby-recaptcha gem as instructed here: Here are the steps that I''ve comleted: 1. installed the gem 2. added config.gem ''ruby-recaptcha'' environment.rb: 4. modified action_controller.rb class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base include ReCaptcha::AppHelper 5. modified
2010 Nov 29
[TDD] [Rails] - Rspec test for application_helper.rb fails when trying to access application_controller method.
In a method named logo in my application helper, I reference an application controller method (current_account) that has been marked as a helper method with the following syntax: helper_method :current_account When I test out the setup in the browser (without rspec), rails is happy with this setup. However, when I run the spec, the spec won''t pass and gives me the following error:
2008 Dec 07
boolean button helper
I don''t have a blog, but wanted to share this little bit of code with other semi-beginners like myself who are still learning to take advantage of rails features. Selecting an attribute with a boolean switch is a common pattern in forms. You can do it with a check box, but radio buttons are more expressive in some situations and better convey to the user that they are making a mandatory
2005 Oct 10
[BUG ??] 'uses_component_template_root' problems with implementation in component
Hi all, I hope this will reach those that can help or change things, IF it is a bug/''feature'' issue. At least it seems like it to a newbie like me. BACKGROUND:: I have a basic html file in [ /app/views/layouts/application.rhtml ] that contains this <html> <%= render ''shared/header'' %> </html I then have a component [
2006 Apr 18
''wrong number of arguments'' for text_field?
This is probably something very simple but I can''t seem to figure out why I keep getting the ''wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)'' error with the following code when I try to create a new record. If anyone can see what is going wrong here please help! new.rhtml ------------------------------------------------- ... <%= start_form_tag :action =>
2006 Oct 18
New to Mocha
Hi all I am new to Mocha. I am trying to use it for my pet rails project. I seem to be getting loads of errors when I add mocha as a plugin. It seems to be conflicting with TinyMCE plugin articles/2006/05/31/tinymce-with-ruby-on-rails I am getting the following errors ActionView::TemplateError: undefined method `using_tiny_mce?'' for
2009 Oct 07
Rails, flash, function and parameter
Hi, I try do update the flash on my page with ajax. I have this on my layout : <div id="flash_messages"> <%= render :partial => ''layouts/flash'' %> </div> I have this on my ApplicationHelper : def reload_flash page.replace "flash_messages", :partial => ''layouts/flash'' end and I try do that on my controller :
2007 Aug 11
Rspec and acl_system2 plugin
Hello, I''m trying to spec a Rails application using the couple restful_authentication/acl_system2 plugins. In my admin layout, I put the following code : <% restrict_to "admin" do -%> <ul id="admin-tabs"> <li> /users Users management </li> </ul> <% end -%> Then in my spec file
2006 Jan 16
Problem with production on Dreamhost - TemplateError
Hi all, I''m trying to deploy my app to Dreamhost for production. I''ve managed to solve all of the Error 500s and it''s *almost* working. When I try and view a page, I get a TemplateError that I don''t get when I''m running from home using InstantRails under Windows. The error is: ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `user?'' for
2010 Nov 04
Re: Train wreck getting render_to_string to work from foreign controller [SOLVED]
Just for collective knowledge as I have found no info on this problem online: I solved this by adding an .html.erb file for the "missing template", since by design or bug Rails3 will not find or render another controllers view (in my experience). Then in the new html.erb file, I just put <%= render "comparisons/display" %> because the views *are* able to find templates