similar to: ATM [Cell Tax]

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "ATM [Cell Tax]"

2007 Nov 04
HFSC and that ATM overhead problem (Another VOIP QoS post. Ahhhh)
G''Day I would like to be able to use my VOIP telephone over a saturated ADSL link whilst enjoying optimum audio quality and utilising all of the bandwidth I pay for. It is about this situation that I write. HFSC appears to be the queueing discipline of choice for VOIP. In order for this to work, though, do I have to account for the ATM overhead in the small VOIP packets by defining my
2006 Jul 30
questions about HFSC, VoIP and (dynamic) ingress shaping
Hello, I just found the great howto and started shaping my internet connection. The howto''s last update is a liitle in the past now so I have some questions about how things are done the best way nowadays ;-) To ensure a stable and low latency voip communication I added an HFSC qdisc to device ppp0 (1 Mbit SDSL). There are two classes (by now): One for SIP and RTP and one for the
2007 Feb 05
Shape incoming & outgoing multiple-backbone traffic
Dear all, I have 3 backbones for my local network. 1st backbone: down 1024kbps, up 1024kbps through eth1 2nd backbone: down 2048kbps, up 2048kbps through eth2 3rd backbone: down 1024kbps, up 128kbps through eth3 Local network: through eth0 Router: Linux Slakware 11 with iproute2 Please let me know how to shape both incoming and outgoing traffic for this case. LARTC doc only
2006 Jul 10
simple TOS based setup vs more complex ones
Hi, After reading section 9 of LARTC it seemed to me that a pure TOS based QoS setup with be sufficient for a small newtork. Interactive packets could have the highest priority, second highest for DNS and small HTTP packets and lowest prio for all others. The advantage is that, the setup would be simply a couple of iptables lines, because the default pfifo_fast qdisc already implements
2007 Oct 27
Hello All, My nameis Abdul from Nigeria pls l need information on MAN, what the factors to be considered when planning for a metropolitan Area Network _______________________________________________ LARTC mailing list
2006 Dec 20
Concerning IP over ATM & IP over Ethernet.
Hi there.I''m Brenda from the Australia,I wanna work on a project relating to VOIP QoS.I wanna evaluate IP over ATM against IP over Ethernet on the following parameters relating to voice and video traffic; bandwidth consumption packet loss packet delay(latency) jitter traffic thoroughput Is this project feasible?Can I use NS to simulate the models?I hope you reply.Thanks. Best regards.
2010 Nov 06
Argumento sólido...
Hola a todos... Se que con esto voy a crear un poco de polémica, mal estar, enfados y muchas cosas mas... pero desafortunadamente para mi, es una situación por la que estoy pasando y necesito que me echen una mano... En la institución donde trabajo, se está ejecutando un plan de seguridad informática, el cual tiene como objetivo, evitar la propagación de malwares en la red. Para esto, el equipo de
2011 Jul 07
What is the best practice to clean up installed components on a node?
I am new to Puppet, here is a question that I hope to get some help from the group: - assume I have 2 nodes, vm1 and vm2; - assume that I defined a class of node say, sg_node, that includes components such as Apache and Postgres DB etc. - in the nodes.pp file, we have node vm1 { include sg_node } Now, I want to let vm2 to be the sg_node, which is easy. But how to clean up vm1 so
2007 Jun 21
Redundant internet connections.
(I know that what I''m wanting to do can be done, but for some reason I can not get it to work for the life of me. I think I have been staring at it too long and too closely.) I have two different internet connections from two cooperating ISPs. I also have a small 8 block of IPs that are globally routable that both ISPs will route to me via my world facing globally routable IPs that
2006 Mar 02
Patch to allow for the ATM "cell tax"
I have been trying to optimise my ADSL connections for VOIP. Funny things were happening - for example increasing the ping packet size by 50% had no effect, but then adding one byte had a major effect. It took me a while to figure out that I was seeing the effects of the fixed ATM cell size. This is probably obvious to some of you. For the rest: ADSL uses ATM as its transport. An ATM
2006 Dec 06
ADSL traffic shaping to improve latency
Hello. I have a 1024/256kbit ADSL and tried to shape outgoing traffic in order to improve latency. Here is my config. UPLOAD_RATE="256" UPRATE="$[4*$UPLOAD_RATE/5]" (a little smaller) UP70="$[7*$UPRATE/10]kbit" UP30="$[3*$UPRATE/10]kbit" UP20="$[2*$UPRATE/10]kbit" UPRATE="${UPRATE}kbit" IF="eth2" IPTABLES="iptables -t
2006 Jul 18
skype specific QoS - assigning skype traffic to an HTB class
Hi, What do you think about this solution for skype specific QoS: function HTB_shape { ########################################################### # Shapes the traffic of an interface, limiting the late # # Arguments are DEV,RATE DEV=$1 RATE=$2 [...] PORT=dport if [ $DEV == $EXTIF ]; then PORT=sport fi iptables -t mangle -A MYSHAPER-$DEV -p tcp --$PORT 4000 -j MARK --set-mark
2005 Jul 06
HTB and bittorrent, won''t work
Hello, I''ve been trying to shape the bittorrent traffic (on my external interface, upload), but without luck, for this I''m using layer7 filter right now, but I''ve also tried ipp2p, with the same results, I might say that this is not a problem with this packet classifiers, the problem is with HTB, here''s why. When I open azureus (the bittorrent client I
2006 Nov 12
Why did I need strange ceiling settings? (full version)
Sorry I pressed the wrong key and sent the message too early... > -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- > Von: Philipp Leusmann [] > Gesendet: Mittwoch, 8. November 2006 12:53 > An: '''' > Betreff: Why did I need strange ceiling settings? > > Hi all, > > I recently installed traffic shaping on my
2005 Jun 06
Interleave cells with IP over ATM?
Anyone know if it''s possible to interleave two IP packets when using PPPoA and VC based lines? Can it be done with any PPPoE implementations? The goal is to reduce the delay when you have a high priority packet waiting, but a lower priority (large) packet already started going out ahead of this packet. I don''t want the overhead of much smaller MTU, which is the other way
2017 Jun 06
Saber la capacidad de R
Hola buenas noches, estos días he estado buscando pero a falta de que no encontré una solución me atreví a preguntar por este medio. Quisiera saber cual es la capacidad de análisis de R, cual es el tamaño de la base de datos que puede trabajar como máximo. Un ejemplo seria de que capacidad máxima en filas por columnas es capaz de manejar. Gracias. Wilmer Contreras. [[alternative HTML version
2006 Jun 25
Working out sales tax...
Hi, Having googled extensively about storing money in Rails, it seems to be accepted that the best way is to store the prices etc in the smallest part of the currency so that you can use an integer i.e ?20 would be stored as 2000 pence. This is fine and I''ve made a nice pretty wrapper that outputs the price in the standard form for invoicing and what not - but here I''ve
2010 Feb 19
Drake Tax Preparation Software
Hi, I am new to using wine. I wanted to run our office's tax preparation program (Drake). Using wine, I installed a workstation version of Drake by running a program off the server, as has been done on the windoze machines here. I can get the program to start (the console shows "fixme:wininet: InternetGetConnectedState always returning LAN connection", but I understand that this is
2009 Mar 10
Need help running Windows tax application.
Which I cannot change, because it is the only one approved by our government (as in: "you can either use a licensed windows or you can use paper and pen to submit your tax report"). I first tried to install the app as normal. When hat didn't work, I used S?rgio Lu?s Lopes J?nior's iEs4Linux. Now that did work, but it ties me to IE's EULA, which would require me to purchase a
2011 Mar 03
Future Tax Regression
Hi to all, I'm trying to run a Canadian income tax program called FutureTax2010 ( under wine 1.2 and 1.3 beta, but there appears to be a regression. It runs under wine 1.0.1, and loads OK under 1.3, but when I try to open an existing (known valid) file FT pops up a message box that says "An unsupported operation was attempted". A screen shot of the end result of