similar to: rails+apache2+mongrel_cluster

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "rails+apache2+mongrel_cluster"

2006 Dec 16
trying to add another app
hey all, I have an app working great with apache2 and mongrel_cluster. However, I''m trying to run another application and now when I go to app1.comit falls to and the opposite. That''s probably because I messed up somewhere with the cluster. this is the content of my conf.d/app1.proxy_cluster.conf: <Proxy balancer://mongrel_cluster> BalancerMember
2006 Aug 18
New automated Capistrano setup for Apache2.1+ and mongrel_cluster
Hi mongrel users! I just posted a bad-ass capistrano file that automates *everything* for setting up an apache2+mod_proxy_balancer and mongrel+mongrel_cluster -- including apache2 setups. It''s based off Coda Hale''s guide and all Bradley''s work at fluxura and RailsMachine (thanks Coda and Bradley!). It''s, well, bad-ass, if I must say so myself. My favorite
2008 Jun 16
Apache rewrites with mongrel
I?m knew to rewrites on apache in combination with mongrelcluster. It?s urgend for me, because the server has an loadaverage about 10 :-((((( Ok so I?m using 3 mongrel-server on an mongrelcluster. The Loadbalancer ist apache I think, that my rewrites are not correct. Please can anybody check my rewrites ? That?s in my /etc/apache2/conf.d/rails.proxy_cluster.conf <Proxy
2006 Nov 13
Service Temporarily Unavailable when using apache
hey all, I''m trying to do a mongrel_cluster+apache2 config. this is my testapp.conf: <VirtualHost *:80> Include /etc/apache2/conf.d/testapp.common # ErrorLog logs/testapp_errors_log # CustomLog logs/testapp_log combined </VirtualHost> this is my testapp.common: ServerName DocumentRoot /home/patcito/testapp/public/ <Directory
2007 Jan 02
problem with mongrel/apache2.2.3 and subdomain setup
Hi all I got a vps setup amazingly fast using the deprec recipes on Ubuntu edgy, but now I''m having a minor issue where my site loads for the main domain when I only want it accessible from the subdomain. This is a pretty typical setup, apache 2.2.3 -> mongrel_proxy_balancer -> mongrel cluster. I''m sure I''m missing something obvious in the config... I have the
2007 Jan 25
I''ve been hunting the web and reading the mailing lists all day but I''m not finding any guidance on this problem. When I try to talk to my mongrel it simply responds with NOT FOUND and nothing else. I can''t find anything on google because this has to be the second most commond phrase in existence. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Chuck Vose
2006 Jul 26
I''m currently working on 4 different RoR apps all using mongrel cluster and each with their own config file in /etc/mongrel_cluster. I would like the ability to stop|start|restart a single app. Anyone working on something like this? I''d be happy to code it up and contribute this if there''s a need. Basically I would like this: sudo /etc/init.d/mongrel_cluster restart
2006 Dec 29
Error : No protocol handler was valid for the URL...
Hi everybody, I just suscribe to the list because I have a problem using mongrel and mongrel_cluster... I setup a server (debian unstable wich provide apache 2.2.3 as a pakage) but I have an error when I try to access my application : ERROR 403 : Forbidden, You don''t have permission to access / on this server. When I check apache''s logs I found that : [warn] proxy: No
2006 Sep 07
Mass virtual hosting with mongrel
Ok, a refinement of the question I asked yesterday (If there were any replies from yesterday I don''t have access to them here .. sorry if I''m duplicating anybody''s words here). How can one host multiple domains with mongrel? Assuming you are mass vhosting and you also want the performance benefits of using mongrel ... As far as I can tell, one could set up a
2007 Feb 09
mongrel_cluster clarification
Apologizes in advance if this sounds rather dense, but I want to make sure I''m understanding everything correctly. We''re in the process of migrating from Apache2.0/FastCGI to Apache2.0+mongrel (why not 2.2? that story is too long and too uninteresting to recount here, but I will tell you that it involves RHEL and only using RHN rpms). The init script that comes with mongrel
2007 Jan 26
mongrel_cluster 0.2.2 prerelease
Hey y''all: I''ve added some new stuff to mongrel_cluster. Give it try and let me know if it works for you. * Added ''--clean'' to cluster::start to force removal of the pidfile before trying to start the cluster member. This is useful for recovering from unexpected process death. * Added ''--only PORT'' to cluster::* to support running a
2008 Jan 30
Not all mongrel starting (Errno:EEXIST)
I''m playing with the mongrel clustering, and am having a problem getting 2 mongrels to start up reliably. This should be a pretty simple cluster, with just 2 instances running. My mongrel config (mongrel_cluster.yml) looks like: cwd: /deployment/installed/myapp/current log_file: log/mongrel.log port: "8000" environment: production address: pid_file:
2006 May 04
problem setting up mongrel_cluster 0.1.1
I posted this to the rails list before by mistake, and only later realized that there is a specific mongrel list. Uff, I got lost. I had mongrel_cluster 0.1working fine, even with capistrano (my own hack). Then came mongrel_cluster 0.1.1 and I tried to set it up, but somehow I messed up things and nothing worked anymore. So here is what I did: on production machine: (debian linux, rails 1.1)
2006 Aug 02
capistrano+mongrel struggles
Hello, I am trying to deploy on to OS X Server with capistrano+mongrel+apache2, etc. I''m trying to do a "cap cold_deploy" as recommended here: I had a devil of a time getting cap to find the mongrel_rails command (which is in /opt/local/bin) on the server. I set the
2007 Mar 29
Machine reboot - monit fails to start mongrels
Greetings - I dug around a bit and I couldn''t find a definitive answer to this question, apologies if it''s been covered before. A box running a apache 2.2 -> mongrel cluster for a rails app got power cycled at my ISP. Unfortunately monit couldn''t start the mongrel processes because the pid files were still there. Here is my monit config (for each mongrel
2006 Jul 07
mongrel/win32/apache2 link modification question.
I have apache2 - mongrel running, on a server 2000 pc, by folowing the ''Serving Multiple Rails Applications on Windows with Apache and Mongrel'' ( ) the question I have is why is why is http://localhost/myapp/ addded to the front of all my links and how can I stop it? origanal link using webrick /employees/edit/1214 now
2007 May 21
Deploying in subdir w/ Apache and Mongrel
Hi all, I have been searching for the past 2 or 3 days on how to deploy my rails apps within subdirectories (ie: or even and have found a few tutorials, but all have left something out it seems. I would like to do this rather than since it will be usd internally and I have no real direct access to dns to make the
2006 May 01
mongrel_cluster-0.1.1: the bird dog (capistrano support!)
Hey y''all: mongrel_cluster provides management tools for running Mongrel behind a reverse-proxy/load balancer. It is an extraction from Rails Machine, a deployment service and Ruby library that simplifies Rails application deployment. This release fixes bugs and adds a Capistrano task library. Changes: -changed pid file format to include port -only write configuration options
2006 Nov 13
apache -> pen -> mongrel cluster
Hi everyone, Recently, I''ve been reading about different deployment environments for rails and mongrel. One configuration I''ve started seeing is apache -> pen -> mongrel cluster. See as an example. Can someone explain to me the benefit of using Apache and Pen as opposed to either using apache as a load balancer or pen by itself?
2006 Jan 03
RoR and Apache2 and app in local directory
Hi all. I''m at my wits end.. I''m trying to set up a Rails app (on a Ubuntu system), within the public_html directory in my home directory (as opposed to the /var/www/ directory). ie. in /users/john/public_html/myapp I have a simple app setup, and using the Webrick server it works fine. But trying to get Apache to work is becoming a pain in the *&^*. I followed the