similar to: SQLite error

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "SQLite error"

2005 Jun 13
Question on Eager Associations
Hi - I am trying to use eager associations to cut down on database queries. I have a feeds table, an items table, a categories table, and a categories_items table. feeds have items, and items have many categories (and categories can be assigned to many items), thus the categories_items table which is a many-many join table. I do @feed = Feed.find(1) which works fine, but now I want to use
2005 May 18
Salted Login Generator issues
Hello all, I''ve just installed and begun to integrate the salted login generator. So far I''m very impressed, though I''ve hit a few snags along the way. Unfortunately, I''ve met the first one that I haven''t been able to resolve on my own. When I hit the login action, I get errors in my log files. The specific error with trace is included below.
2005 Oct 21
initialize in helpers
Hi, I have just upgraded to the latest version of rails and zero arg initializers in helpers stopped working. ie I previously had something like module CheeseHelper def initialize ... init some vars etc ... end end class GobbleController < ApplicationController helper :cheese end But this will generate an exception down in the guts of the framework because something has a 3-arg initialize
2007 Jun 11
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid error
Hi, I have an application that is running fine on two different machines, but when I ported the code to a third machine, it doesn''t seem to work. More specifically, for users with a significant amount of info, it seems to stop working. All the functionality seems to be working properly on a small test set, but with a larger set I get the following error: AssociatedAp Load (0.000000)
2006 Mar 31
problem with habtm conditions in pagination
Hello list, I''ve had this problem for two days now. Perhaps someone here would care to comment on it. I''d be REALLY appreciative if that''d be the case. Basically, it''s outlined at this paste: kXQSHZ83.html But I''ll paste it here, too. The main problem is in the customers/list action. The problem is with this line:
2007 Oct 08
Rails reverses apostrophes
Hi, I am quite new to Ruby on Rails so this might have a very simple answer... My problem gives the following error message when I try to call the count function for an item. Mysql::Error: Unknown column ''TournamentTemplate'' in ''where clause'': SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM action_logs WHERE (action_logs.loggable_id = 1 AND action_logs.loggable_type =
2006 Feb 08
Mysql::Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query:
Hi, I am having Mysql connection problem for my first AddressBook application (which I took it from I have gem installed the latest ruby, rails, lighttpd, fastcgi, mysql-4.1.14 on linux. Everything looks good. When I do: mysql -h localhost -u test -ptest -D AddressBook mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM contacts; +----------+ |
2006 Mar 28
cached-model broken with Rails 1.1
It looks like cached-model is broken again under rails 1.1. Can anyone confirm? Note that the exception below indicates it''s trying to treat CachedModel as the class name of the model, rather than using the proper class name (which is Entry in this case, and the table called entries). This is a model using Single Table Inheritance and acts_as_tree, and worked just fine under 1.0 and
2005 Apr 26
NoMethodError (undefined method `fetch_fields' for nil:NilClass)
Hi I''m new to Rails (and Ruby) and I can''t get it to work properly. Every time I want to do something with my database-connection (e.g. use scaffold) I get this, or something similiar (from development.log): >> Beneath this code there''s some more text << ------- Processing CategoryController#index (for at Tue Apr 26 21:43:45 CEST 2005)
2006 Aug 02
Disc quota exceeded when attempting to write session
Hi All, When trying to write sessions file, I''m getting disc quota errors. Looking into the sessions folder, I see: -rw------- 1 www www 188 Aug 2 21:03 ruby_sess.d39a2c77b4750b72 -rw-r--r-- 1 www www 0 Aug 2 21:03 ruby_sess.d39a2c77b4750b72.tmp I''m guessing the the tmp should not be there, as it does not show on my dev setup. I''m using rails (1.1.1)
2007 Mar 01
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid error
When I try to run my webserver in the production environment I just get an application error message. This is all I can find in the log: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.15.1/lib/active_record/ connection_adapters/sqlite_adapter.rb:274:in `table_structure'' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.4.0/lib/active_support/
2007 Aug 19
fastcgi issue on production
I just deployed my rails app to my production server. It''s all working locally, but when I switched it over to the production server (at dreamhost) I get this error: # Logfile created on Sun Aug 19 15:22:48 -0700 2007 by logger.rb/ [19/Aug/2007:15:22:48 :: 1841] starting [19/Aug/2007:15:22:48 :: 1841] Dispatcher failed to catch: You have a nil object when you didn''t
2006 Mar 03
weird error with login engine
Any ideas what would cause the following exception (using the login engine): -------------------------------------- Full executation backtrace: -------------------------------------- [RAILS_ROOT]/vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:1697:in `execute_callstack_for_multiparameter_attributes'' [RAILS_ROOT]/vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:1677:in
2005 Mar 23
Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (61)
I am getting random can''t connect to MySQL server errors on my Rails application located at Do you have any clue why this is happening? This is the error: Mysql::Error (Can''t connect to local MySQL server through socket ''/tmp/mysql.sock'' (61)):
2006 Mar 16
login_engine error
Hey All, I have been unsuccessful at getting the login_engine installed. I have used it before but since the last time I''ve used it I can''t get it to work correctly. I was wondering if someone could help out with the following error: undefined method `password_confirmation='' for #<User:0x2aaaad1421a0> Any Help? Thanks, Adam <<<<<<REST OF
2006 Apr 03
no marshal_dump is defined for class Proc
Hello ~ This problem has me puzzled. When users login to my rails app I have the session set up to be stored in the MySQL database for the app. Intermittently, users will get the following error: no marshal_dump is defined for class Proc D:/apps/xampp/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.12.0/lib/action_controller/session/active_record_store.rb:81:in `dump''
2005 Feb 13
Apache config help needed
Hi all, I''m (STILL) plugging away trying to get rails to work under Apache2 Rails 0.9.5 Apache 2, OS Mandrake Linux 10.1 Apache is already running other stuff on /pluto/ and /localhost/ so I wish to install a new virtual host for rails to avoid upsetting anything. Added rails to my hosts file, and edited conf/Vhosts.conf to contain NameVirtualHost <VirtualHost
2006 Jan 02
HTML Fragment not Loading in Firefox; Fine Elsewhere
Ok, this has got me going a bit crazy. I have an HTML fragment being returned for the result to an AJAX query. It works fine in Safari or from curl (and even in IE/Mac), but utterly fails to load in Firefox, even if I point directly to the URL, skipping all that AJAX stuff in between. (The server logs show a 200 response, regardless of which browser is being used.) I''ve verified
2005 Dec 21
Missing error page templates
Whenever I get any errors on my application, I don''t get the regular rails error page with all the debugging information. What could''ve cause this? This is from the logs: ActionView::ActionViewError (No rhtml, rxml, rjs or delegate template found for /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.11.2/lib/action_controller/templates/rescues/template_error.rhtml):
2006 Jan 28
App running fine on Webrick, ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished in lighttpd
My app runs fine on webrick, but I get a ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished when I try to run it on lighttpd. Here''s the app''s lighttpd config: $HTTP["host"] =~ "(www\.)?mysite\.com" { server.document-root = "/home/pergesuteore/public/" server.error-handler-404 = "/dispatch.fcgi" fastcgi.server = ( ".fcgi" => (