similar to: Accessor not set

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Accessor not set"

2006 Jun 25
how to write the codes in view?(newbie question)
Hi. I have two tables and want to join them. <genres> id genre_name genre_order <links> id genre_id name symbol url order display etc The code of links_Controller is like below. def list @links = Genre.find(:all,:include => :link) end Below is the mysql log. SELECT genres.`id` AS t0_r0, genres.`genre_n ame` AS t0_r1, genres.`genre_order` AS t0_r2, links.`id` AS t1_r0,
2013 Apr 03
validates uniqueness scope allow_blank/allow_nil -> validation error
I have this in a model: class GenreBadge < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :game, counter_cache: :genre_badges_count, touch: true belongs_to :genre validates :game_id, uniqueness: {scope: :genre_id}, allow_blank: true end When I get one existing genre badge genre_badge = game.genre_badges.first genre_badge.game_id = nil! It creates an validation exception:
2008 Jul 30
AssociationTypeMismatch: Genre expected, got String
Hi all I have the following 2 models: class CompactDisc < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :genre end class Genre < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :compact_discs end I have created a select box for my form so I can choose a genre for every compact disc: <p> <b>Genre</b><br /> <%= :genre, Genre.find(:all).collect{|p| [,]}, :selected =>
2006 Apr 23
checkboxes for filtered search
I have a page that renders a series of about 20 checkboxes on the left hand side with content on the right. These checkboxes are created from a DB and that part is all working well. What I want to do is have a user click on a checkbox [genres] and have the content on the right be filtered based on the checkbox ticked. If a user clicks on more than one checkbox than only those stories
2006 Mar 05
AJAX call chain and DRY questions
Hey I have a page with a drop list. When the user selects an option in the drop I call an action in the controller with ajax. Now, in the controller, I gather some data from the db, but how do I present these data in a nice way? I really need to make use of the html helpers, but these clearly are not available in the controller. How do I output the array that I have gathered? My view page
2005 Mar 10
Login controller additions
I have added roles and roles_users table and updated the model so that my users can have multiple roles. ("Admin" role does always have id = 1). I have added these methods to my application controller. <code> helper_method :is_admin? helper_method :is_user? def is_admin? if @session[''user''] @session[''user''].roles.find(1)
2005 May 12
performance update
I have made additional progress with regard to performance. My latest data: configuration 1: r121.latest configuration 2: r121p.latest page c1 real c2 real c1 r/s c2 r/s c1/c2 /empty/index 6.75525 1.71983 148.0 581.5 3.93 /welcome/index 6.89044 1.89244 145.1 528.4 3.64 /rezept/index 4.99573
2005 Mar 31
I cant seem to find much information apart from the basics on transactions in rails. I have 5 nested transactions, and am performing the following basic operations: @whatever1.transaction do @whatever2.transaction do .... @whatever2.something = "foo" @whatever1.something = "bar" ..... end end ((( I had tried using
2005 Mar 08
Rails 0.10.1and WEBrick
Doesn''t appear to work with WEBrick. Works find with Apache/FastCGI. Something wrong in the way Rails is trying to process paths from the WEBrick server. If I try to send in http://localhost:3000/recipes/new, WEBrick is interpreting /new as my controller, instead of my action.
2005 Mar 02
Defect question?
Hey guys, Take a look at The essential ''problem'' is that Rails doesn''t support a module and a class both named Customer. (::Customer, not in modules themselves) Is this something that''s even possible with ruby? it looks like it should be marked as wontfix? But as I''m a little new to ruby, I figured
2005 Mar 02
404 and NameError
Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone knew a fix for this problem I have. I''ve ported one of the apps I work with to Rails 0.10.0 to use Routes. Everything works great, except for 404 pages. The thing is that if I give a non existent path, I get the correct 404 error page back. However if I request a non existent file such as test.php (in fact anything non existent that isn''t a
2005 Mar 02
App behaves differently on Apache and Webrick
When running on the Webrick server (script/server), my app works fine. When running on Apache 2.0.52, I get the dreaded ''unitialized constant Merge'' error. Merge is the name of my model, the controller is MergesController. The deadline looms, any help appreciated! Thanks! Regards, JJ
2005 Mar 05
routes inconsistency?
Hello, As a small excercise in learning rails, I''ve been porting a very simple website from SSI to rails (yep, a bunch of static files that were previously served with a tiny bit of SSI magic are now served by a database-backed rails, it''s total overkill, I know). Part of the reason is that I''m trying to move from apache to lighttpd, and lighttpd''s SSI for
2005 Mar 10
Some Basic Questions
Sorry I can''t access IRC from work so I hope you don''t mind me asking my newbie questions here: 1) I have the following code: @post = Post.find(@params[''id'']) @comments = Comment.find_all "post_id = #@params[''id'']", "created_on ASC" And I am have problems with the second line. I want to pass the id from my post to the
2006 Mar 04
select helper method
Hey I''m having problems understanding the select helper. Here is my code: _____________________ DB table: genres id name descripition ___________________ In the controller: def index() @genres = {|u|[,]} @id = params[''genre''] end ____________________ In the view: <% @genre = = @id %>
2007 Sep 23
Connecting a row of an unknown table to another row of an unknown table
Hello all, I''m currently designing a web app in Rails that lets me keep a directory of free/opensource computer games. Each game has attributes like name, website, review, etc., but each game can also be associated with a set of genres and gameplay elements. The main three tables I''m working with are "games", "genres", "elements",
2008 Jan 02
extracting pvalue from ANOVA with repeated measures
I made an ANOVA with repeated mesures (aov(Mesure~Distance*Genre*Correct+Error(Sujet/(Distance*Genre*Correct)), data)) and I would like to extract the pvalues. The output is: ----------------------------------------------------------- Error: Sujet Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) Residuals 21 97.082 4.623 Error: Sujet:Distance Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) Distance
2005 Dec 15
HABTM being tricky
I''ve just been bodyslammed by a problem with has_and_belongs_to_many - as far as I can tell, if it doesn''t appear at the top of other relationship definitions it doesn''t seem to work right. For example: class Artist < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :genres has_many :albums has_many :videos has_many :cds has_many :collections end fine
2006 Apr 22
one to many question
1. A category has parent categories. 2. A product is in many categories and a category has many products. 3. Products and category both have images in the same image table. ie. a product and / or category could have multiple images.<=== my question is related to this So among other things I presume I have to do the following: class Category < ActiveRecord:Base #...
2012 Jun 14
response.should have_content("1 movie") does not seem to work for me
Hey everybody I have worked quite to near the end of The RSpec Book, but now I''m having some troubles. I''m trying to get the last few Cucumber steps to work, which are: Then /^Caddyshack should be in the Comedy genre$/ do visit genres_path click_link "Comedy" save_and_open_page response.should have_content("1 movie") response.should