similar to: Question 2 Providers

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "Question 2 Providers"

2017 Feb 20
Which tool to automatically restart Asterisk ?
Hi, Oliver. Maybe something like this (add this script to your crontab): ------------------------8<-------------------------- #!/bin/bash # # File: # Date: 2015.05.26 # Build: v1.0 # Brief: Secuencia para monitorizar procesos. # # ${PATH}: Variable de entorno con las rutas a los ejecutables. PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin # ${DAEMON}:
2017 Feb 21
Which tool to automatically restart Asterisk ?
Why not to use Fail2ban *Tahir Almas* Managing Partner ICT Innovations Leveraging open source in ICT On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 12:28 AM, Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at> wrote: > On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 11:36:24AM -0300, Victor
2020 Oct 04
ability to select which identity to forward when using "ForwardAgent" ?
Hi, I usually have around 10 identities loaded in my local ssh-agent and when I use the "ForwardAgent" option all them are forwarded to the remote server, which is not ideal. I usually only need to forward one (or two) of the identities and I would like to be able to choose which one(s) to forward. Looking for solutions it seems that the only option is to create a new ssh-agent, add
2009 Jun 26
changing default arguments of a function and return the modified function as a result
Dear R-users, I am trying to develop a function that takes another function as an argument, changes its default values and returns a list of things, among which the initial function with its default arguments changed. An example of what i will like to obtain below: ## initial function myfun <- function(x, a=19, b=21){ return(a * x + b) } ## this is the function i will like to create ##
2007 Jan 17
How to annotate a graph with non-transparent math labels?
I do not know the precise language to describe the situation. But here it is what I want to do. I need to annotate a graph that contains two or more curves with labels that contain math symbols. The label must go on top of the curve. The problem is that when I annotate the plot, I can see the curve behind the label. Here it is an example using a simple straight line. x<-c(0,1)
2005 Feb 15
Help with bandwith control in a firewall/bridge machine
Hello again, First, excuse me for my poor english. I''m trying now to make bandwith control in a firewall machine running Shorewall. This machine is also a bridge using bridge-utils bridge-utils-devel. It is a mandrake 10. The configuration is something like this: FTP/Webserver ------| eth0 eth1 Mailserver
2005 Feb 15
Bandwith Control with a firewall/bridge machine
Hello again, First, excuse me for my poor english. I''m trying now to make bandwith control in a firewall machine running Shorewall. This machine is also a bridge using bridge-utils bridge-utils-devel. It is a mandrake 10. The configuration is something like this: FTP/Webserver ------| eth0 eth1 Mailserver
2012 Jan 24
[LLVMdev] Use of 'ldrd' instructions with unaligned addresses on armv7 (Major bug in LLVM optimizer?)
No one is arguing that there aren't ABI specs or LLVM design guidelines that say that unaligned accesses "should not", "could not" or "aren't guaranteed to" work, because it's besides the point. The point is that unaligned 32-bit loads and stores *work in practice* on every single ARM device Apple has ever manufactured. I'm not a hardware person, but
2011 Sep 04
Tripp-Lite Internet350Ser
Hello, I'm newbie with NUT, I'm trying to get work a *Tripp-Lite Internet350Ser*, a small UPS with serial port. The only reference about, is a modification patch that Mr. Patrick Levesque did for NUT 2.4.1 but the actual 2.6.1 looks to not have it yet. I tried all tripp and generic drivers but no success. Has anyone luck with this Tripp-Lite model? Thanks! Iv?n Escobar
2005 Feb 11
Help!!! Bandwith Control with a NAT machine
Hello everyone, First of all, sorry for my poor english. I''ve been working with this for a few weeks and I''m getting sick... I''m trying to control the bandwith in my network using the following script. The machine where the script is running makes NAT, eth0 is connected to the router and eth1 is connected to the Lan. When I run the script it doesn''t appear any
2013 Oct 10
Sessión a distancia
Felipe, gracias por tu interés. La sesión quedó grabada y se colgará en breve en la página de R-es. Ya avisaremos cuando esté colgada. Un saludo, Aleix El 10 de octubre de 2013 00:01, Felipe Vargas Reeve <>escribió: > Esta fue una gran iniciativa y tenía muy presente el tema relacionado a > la transmisión por internet, pero por motivos de trabajo no pude
2010 Jul 20
Servreg $loglik
Dear R-experts: I am using survreg() to estimate the parameters of a Weibull density having right-censored observations. Some observations are weighted. To do that I regress the weighed observations against a column of ones. When I enter the data as 37 weighted observations, the parameter estimates are exactly the same as when I enter the data as the corresponding 70 unweighted observations.
2013 Oct 09
Sessión a distancia
Esta fue una gran iniciativa y tenía muy presente el tema relacionado a la transmisión por internet, pero por motivos de trabajo no pude conectarme al enlace en el horario establecido y me gustaría consultar si existe la posibilidad de subir algún enlace que tenga el video o grabación. Agradecido de su respuesta, atte Felipe Vargas R. El 8 de octubre de 2013 12:59, Aleix Ruiz de Villa
2013 Jul 13
★ Libvirt Users, Rene Bon Ciric te ha dejado un mensaje
Rene Bon Ciric te ha dejado un mensaje Este mensaje es personal. Sólo tú y su remitente tenéis acceso a él y te recordamos que lo puedes eliminar en cualquier momento. Si quieres responder puedes hacerlo desde el chat. Para leer tu mensaje, haz clic en el siguiente enlace:
2010 Sep 24
¡Marcos Ortiz te ha dejado un mensaje en Badoo!
?Tienes un nuevo mensaje en Badoo! Marcos Ortiz te dej? un mensaje. Haz click en este enlace para verlo: M?s gente que tambi?n te est? esperando: Relquis (Trinidad, Cuba) Yadiria (Trinidad, Cuba) Elcubanito (Trinidad, Cuba) Si al hacer click sobre el enlace, no funciona,
2014 Oct 08
Pregunta sobre manipulación de shapefile
Gracias Beatriz, efectivamente, lo que indicas en tu ejemplo es lo que obtengo al final de mi proceso. En todo caso pruebo tu opción con mis datos, si es como imagino seguro que es más rápida de montar y más elegante que tratar el resultado de un sink() (recuerdo que en su momento lo intenté con fotify pero no supe bien como atacarlo, no conocía el enlace que me mandas, por tanto lo pruebo de
2002 Sep 06
(Newbie) Trying to get name resolution functional across the WAN
Hello all, Sorry if this is not new for you, certainly it is for me. I've setup Samba 2.2.3a on Redhat 7.3, right off the distribution's RPMs. Somehow I managed to get it working, as seen from the local LAN where the server sits, at building A. Problem is, all of my users are in building B, 10 miles across the city from the server room. This is a corporate environment, mainly Windows and
2023 Jun 11
Marcas secundarias ejes ggplot2
Muchas gracias Carlos por los enlaces. Estimado Javier Marcuzzi lo que yo quiero es poner las marcas secundarias a mis ejes sin etiquetas como se puede hacer en matplotlib. Un ejemplo se puede ver en el siguiente enlace El sáb, 10 jun 2023 a las 22:56, Carlos Ortega (<cof en
2013 Jul 23
Libreria contaminacion ambiental
Hola, Carlos Ortega hizo un completo análisis del ruido en Madrid utilizando el paquete OpenAir ( Enlace a esta librería y a presentación y a vídeo de la sesión en la página del Grupo Local de Madrid en R-hispano (sesión del 16 de mayo 2013): Saludos, Pedro El 23/07/2013
2009 Feb 06
MLE for right-censored data with covariates
I am a student (and very to new to R) working on a senior design project that is attempting to determine the demand distributions for single copy newspaper draws at individual sales outlet locations. Our sales data is right-censored, because sell-outs constitute a majority of the data, and we are also testing the relevance of including covariates (weather, seasonality, economic condition, etc.).