similar to: HFSC and that ATM overhead problem (Another VOIP QoS post. Ahhhh)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "HFSC and that ATM overhead problem (Another VOIP QoS post. Ahhhh)"

2006 Jul 30
questions about HFSC, VoIP and (dynamic) ingress shaping
Hello, I just found the great howto and started shaping my internet connection. The howto''s last update is a liitle in the past now so I have some questions about how things are done the best way nowadays ;-) To ensure a stable and low latency voip communication I added an HFSC qdisc to device ppp0 (1 Mbit SDSL). There are two classes (by now): One for SIP and RTP and one for the
2007 Jun 20
ATM [Cell Tax]
I have read the thread at and still don''t know how to fix this problem. It appears alot of work has gone into it but the HOWTO is so out of date it doesn''t even begin to addresses this method. So here are my questions 1. what is the current state of these patches? are they in a specific version? do i have to patch myself?
2006 Jul 10
simple TOS based setup vs more complex ones
Hi, After reading section 9 of LARTC it seemed to me that a pure TOS based QoS setup with be sufficient for a small newtork. Interactive packets could have the highest priority, second highest for DNS and small HTTP packets and lowest prio for all others. The advantage is that, the setup would be simply a couple of iptables lines, because the default pfifo_fast qdisc already implements
2007 Feb 05
Shape incoming & outgoing multiple-backbone traffic
Dear all, I have 3 backbones for my local network. 1st backbone: down 1024kbps, up 1024kbps through eth1 2nd backbone: down 2048kbps, up 2048kbps through eth2 3rd backbone: down 1024kbps, up 128kbps through eth3 Local network: through eth0 Router: Linux Slakware 11 with iproute2 Please let me know how to shape both incoming and outgoing traffic for this case. LARTC doc only
2007 Oct 27
Hello All, My nameis Abdul from Nigeria pls l need information on MAN, what the factors to be considered when planning for a metropolitan Area Network _______________________________________________ LARTC mailing list
2007 Apr 25
HFSC with tcng
Hello mailing list, I don´t know how to use HFSC queuing discipline with tcng configuration language. I become always this error: syntax error near "hfsc" Is it possible, that tcng provides no support for this classful hfcs queuing discipline? Please help! thanks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2006 Jun 23
English translation of article on HFSC
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Greetings all, Working in concert with the original authors, Klaus Rechert and Patrick McHardy, I have translated their article "HFSC Scheduling mit Linux" [0] on Hierarchical Fair Service Curve (HFSC) into English [1]. Although the original content is not available directly from their website,
2006 Dec 05
Bridge HFSC QOS questions ...
Hello, I''ve got somes questions about Bridge and QOS ... I''ve got a serveur with 2 interfaces eth0,eth1 inside br0 bridge ... nothing of special ... If I understand all, normally I should configure TC class and qdisc on each physical or use ebtables to manage packets on output ... right ? I''ve attached my qos_script that hsfc and layer7 module. I use only Iptables
2007 Jun 21
Redundant internet connections.
(I know that what I''m wanting to do can be done, but for some reason I can not get it to work for the life of me. I think I have been staring at it too long and too closely.) I have two different internet connections from two cooperating ISPs. I also have a small 8 block of IPs that are globally routable that both ISPs will route to me via my world facing globally routable IPs that
2005 Sep 26
Qos, HFSC and VoIP
Hello, I''m using Linux kernel 2.6.x and tc (from iproute2 package). I''m trying to use HTB or HFSC scheduler in order to limite the rate of outgoing packets and also in order to minimiez delay for RTP stream. But I didn''t suceed in having this 2 QoS services working. I use Iptables in order to classify packets. Here is my HFSC conf. In fact the pings that i send from
2006 Jul 18
skype specific QoS - assigning skype traffic to an HTB class
Hi, What do you think about this solution for skype specific QoS: function HTB_shape { ########################################################### # Shapes the traffic of an interface, limiting the late # # Arguments are DEV,RATE DEV=$1 RATE=$2 [...] PORT=dport if [ $DEV == $EXTIF ]; then PORT=sport fi iptables -t mangle -A MYSHAPER-$DEV -p tcp --$PORT 4000 -j MARK --set-mark
2005 May 27
Wanted Good Documentation on HFSC
Hello All, I am trying to prioratize VOIP traffic from data. The follwing link says that HFSC is better than HTB for shaping VOIP traffic. I am in search of good documentation to start with HFSC, I am unable to understand the parameters used. I "googled" a lot to find on how to use HFSC, but no luck. Can anyone of you get me a link To
2005 Jul 06
HFSC default upper-limit trouble
Hello, I''m having such problem with HFSC with following config: + tc qdisc del dev eth3 root + tc qdisc add dev eth3 root handle 1: hfsc default 2 + tc class add dev eth3 parent 1: classid 1:1 hfsc ls rate 512kbit ul rate 512kbit + tc class add dev eth3 parent 1:1 classid 1:2 hfsc ls rate 2kbit ul rate 400kbit + tc class add dev eth3 parent 1:1 classid 1:3 hfsc ls rate 32kbit ul rate
2007 Dec 15
hfsc and bps
Hi! Do you know somthing about hfsc and bps? There''s no output for speed only for packets. Doesn''t hfsc support such a field? tc -s class show dev eth0 class hfsc 1: root Sent 0 bytes 0 pkt (dropped 0, overlimits 0 requeues 0) rate 0bit 0pps backlog 0b 0p requeues 0 period 0 level 2 class hfsc 1:11 parent 1:1 sc m1 0bit d 18.0ms m2 1000Kbit ul m1 0bit d 0us m2
2006 Sep 10
HFSC traffic loss bug, kernel
Hello, I have finally managed to understand HFSC up to a level which allowed me to create a QoS script which maintains low VoIP latency while running stuff like eMule. Unfortunately, HFSC seems to have a severe bug. Why do I consider this as a bug defenitely? Well, my script runs without any errors, then QoS works perfectly for some hours, no error messages in kernel log. Then randomly the
2004 Oct 29
hfsc scheduler
hi all, long time since i posted on the list. just wondering if anybody has played around with hfsc and if so could he/she share their info on it thanks adrian -- To mess up a Linux box, you need to work at it; to mess up your Windows box, you just need to work on it. _______________________________________________ LARTC mailing list /
2006 Mar 21
HFSC and default qdisc backlog
I don''t understand the following: root@jmnrouter:~# tc -s class ls dev vlan1 && tc -s qdisc ls dev vlan1 class hfsc 1: root Sent 0 bytes 0 pkts (dropped 0, overlimits 0) period 0 level 2 class hfsc 1:1 parent 1: sc m1 0bit d 0us m2 220000bit ul m1 0bit d 0us m2 220000bit Sent 0 bytes 0 pkts (dropped 0, overlimits 0) period 31304 work 7533852 bytes level 1 class hfsc 1:10
2006 Sep 21
HFSC statistic show question
after i use "tc -s -d class ls dev eth0" will show statistic data about HFSC ,like this root@ubuntu:/home/shaper# tc -s -d class ls dev eth2 class hfsc 1: root Sent 0 bytes 0 pkts (dropped 0, overlimits 0) period 24 work 13844792199226589188 bytes rtwork 20937281664 bytes level 3461036864 class hfsc 1:11 parent 1:1 sc m1 30720Kbit d 10.0ms m2 30000bit ul m1 0bit d 0us m2
2006 Dec 12
About HFSC ?
Hello, I’ve read this Article avout VOIP and HFSC I’ve got few questions ? Considering this tc class add dev $DEV parent 1:1 classid 1:2 hfsc \ rt m1 ${UPLINK}kbit d 50ms m2 $[1*$UPLINK/10]kbit \ ls m1 ${UPLINK}kbit d 50ms m2 $[3*$UPLINK/10]kbit \ ul rate ${UPLINK}kbit rt = realtime curve ls = linksharing curve but m1 = ? m2 = ? d =
2006 Mar 13
hfsc and dropped packets
Hi, I''m trying to get a handle on hfsc. Here is my configuration: root@jmnrouter:/jmn# tc class show dev vlan1 class hfsc 1: root class hfsc 1:1 parent 1: ls m1 0bit d 0us m2 225000bit ul m1 0bit d 0us m2 225000bit class hfsc 1:10 parent 1:1 rt m1 191000bit d 25.0ms m2 135000bit ls m1 0bit d 0us m2 135000bit ul m1 0bit d 0us m2 225000bit class hfsc 1:20 parent 1:1 rt m1 22008bit d