similar to: tc u32 match drop packets

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "tc u32 match drop packets"

2006 Jan 26
tc qdisc ingress problem ?
Hi, all I''ve got problems with tc qdisc ingress. I''m using vanillia kernel patched with, and iproute2-2.6.14-051107. i am using ingress to limit incoming traffic : (DEV is eth1 / DOWNLINK is 7700) # attach ingress policer: tc qdisc add dev $DEV handle ffff: ingress # filter *everything* to it (, drop everything
2002 Jun 12
Why this stupid ingress tc does not work ?
Hi ! I wanted to shape my analog modem connection so I took these two lines from the ''wondershaper'' script: tc qdisc add dev $DEV handle ffff: ingress #tc filter add dev $DEV parent ffff: protocol ip prio 50 u32 match ip \ src police rate ${DOWNLINK} burst 10k drop flowid :1 with DEV=ppp0 and DOWNLINK=24kbit. But, when I activate it, nothing comes back from the
2003 Jun 06
tc show error for ingress
Hi, I am trying to do both ingress and egress bandwidth management on a bridge. eth0 is the WAN interface. IPTraf shows that the following script is running successfully and it limits bandwidth both ways to 256 KB However when I want to see the statistics using tc - it only shows me stats for htb class and not for ingress class. The tc output is as follows: tc -s -d class show dev eth0 class
2006 Jun 16
tc ingress policing with multiple subnets
Hello everybody on the list, I have the following situation where I want to police the speed of incoming packets from specific subnets to 1024kbps and then police all the rest to 256kbps, which is the speed my ISP grants for the rest of the internet. So, eth1 is the one connected to the cable modem and then to the internet. I do: tc qdisc add dev eth1 ingress handle ffff: then: tc filter
2013 Jul 17
Re: Libvirt "tc ingress qdisc" automatically removed by ovs vlan tag setting, how?
After some digging in openvswitch code. My wild guess is that vlan tag reconfiguring triggered iface_configure_qos (vswitchd/bridge.c), which in turn called netdev_set_policing to reset ingress policing rate. Although there's no ingress_policing_rate set in my case, existing ingress qdisc still remove by default. Could some openvswitch guy help to confirm and suggest how to fix or workaround?
2004 Dec 28
Newb question: tc shedulers on 2 interfaces
Hi all! I''m new to this list, and hope for some clarity in this matter: I have a home-gateway with linux-2.6.9 and iproute2 (ver:2.6.9). My following tc syntaxes. # eth0 internet scheduleing are: tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: htb default 20 tc class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 512kbit burst 6k tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:1 classid 1:10 htb rate 512kbit burst
2004 Nov 16
tc rules for Internet Radio
I am currently using the ultimate-tc script from and I want to make sure that internet radio packets (mp3 streaming audio) will always get through no matter what. I have added some iptables commands like this: iptables -A OUTPUT -t mangle -p tcp --dport 8000 -j TOS --set-tos Minimize-Delay iptables -A OUTPUT -t mangle -p tcp --sport 8000 -j
2002 Dec 01
a question about tc filter
hi, all i run the following scripts : tc qdisc add dev eth0 handle ffff: ingress tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: protocol ip \ pref 4 u32 match ip dst flowid :1 my question is : can i know how many packets are matched by this filter? if i can , what should i do to get this counter value, then. thanks :) _________________________________________________________________ MSN
2003 Feb 02
question about ingress police
Hi stef and all I want measure the policy perfomance for video traffic on mpls diffserv network. there are two different polices for video packet 1. Video packets that are marked that are over the limit are to be rejected at the edge router. 2. Video packets that are marked that are over the limit are to be downgraded as best effort and are sent through. Before video enter my mpls
2013 Jul 17
Libvirt "tc ingress qdisc" automatically removed by ovs vlan tag setting, how?
With outbound QoS setting in Libvirt XML, libvirt will add a tc ingress qdisc for traffic shaping. Then if you set VLAN tag to that tap device, this qdisc will automatically gone by no reason. Could anyone shed some lights where should I look into? I'm really confused and got no clue here. Thanks! Steps to reproduce -- # virsh start instance-name # virsh dumpxml instance-name ...
2007 Nov 21
Problem with ingress policing on bridged device
I''m having trouble getting ingress policing to work on a bridged device. The bridge contains several interfaces: peth0, vif0.0, vif[1-7]0.1, vif[25].1 . (This is under xen, in case the vif''s didn''t give that away, so peth0 is renamed eth0.) The tc rules I have are: tc qdisc del dev peth0 root tc qdisc del dev peth0 ingress handle ffff: tc qdisc add dev peth0 root
2007 Feb 04
tc ingress + iptables mark problem
Hi guys , i am starting to "play" with qos in linux. Well , i am trying to setup an ingress filter but i do not know why it is not working. tc add qdisc dev eth0 ingress tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 1 handle 1 fw police rate 160kbit burst 256kbit drop flowid :1 After that : iptables -A PREROUTING -t mangle --sport 80 -j MARK --set-mark 1 So , i think this
2006 Feb 10
filter fw and ingress qdisc
Hello, i''ve found this page (lartc currently down) where someone used iptables firewall mark to mark specific packets which will be shaped thru ingress qdisc with a fw filter and rate policy appended. I''ve tried similar this way, but it don''t work. Now i''m belief this could''nt work
2004 Aug 24
problems with tc
People, I''m trying to set up the tc filters for a PRIO queue. I''m basing it off of marked traffic via iptables. For example, I''ve marked two classes of traffic with ids "2" and "4", and now I''m filtering those to bands 1 and 2. tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1: prio 0 protocol ip \ handle 2 fw flowid 10:1 tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1:
2005 Apr 04
Help please with tc and iptables mark
Hello list members, Finaly I''m here after a week of trying to subscribe to this list... pfew... Anyway... I have a rather strange problem with tc. I am trying to police the ingress traffic into my network using the iptables MARK feature (in mangle table, PREROUTING) but it seems that tc filters ignore this marks and they don''t work at all for me. Let me explain a bit more in
2006 Aug 21
QoS on a bridge+NAT
I have a setup where I have three NIC in a Debian box. I have eth1 conected to internet and eth0 NAT''ed to eth1 and eth2 are bridged together, given ip What I want to achieve is to perform traffic shaping on the bridge as well as prioritizing the traffic from eth0 very low. (This is from trental flat ...) However it seems that I am unable to perform thhe
2002 May 28
Ingress Filter Problem using TOS
Hi all I am attempting to police the incoming rate by using the ingress filter based on the TOS of the incoming packet. I used the following commands: tc qdisc add dev eth0 handle ffff: ingress tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 6 u32 match ip tos 0x10 0xff police rate 24kbit burst 1k drop flowid :1 On downloading a 6 Mb file which was TCP and TOS 0x10, this filter made on
2005 Dec 10
Marking packets by mac addr using tc filter u32 match?
Hi Is there a way of marking packets by mac address instead of ip or ports using a "tc filter u32 match"? I read somewhere that I could use the offset -8 and -14 to grab the mac addresses but if I use anything lower than -8, for example -9, I get an error. I''m modifying the wondershaper script to cap the download speed by mac address. Any sugestions?
2007 Jan 31
tc act ipt errors
Hi all, I''m having a hell of a time getting tc and IFBs to co-operate. I''ve copied the following from -- export TC="/sbin/tc" $TC qdisc add dev ifb0 root handle 1: prio $TC qdisc add dev ifb0 parent 1:1 handle 10: sfq $TC qdisc add dev ifb0 parent 1:2 handle 20: tbf rate 20kbit buffer 1600 limit 3000 $TC qdisc add dev ifb0
2006 Apr 05
Configuration of my QoS ruleset (now working fine with u32 classifier)
Hello all, As I have promised I am sending my QoS rules. This now works fine with u32 classifier (and parent 1:0 that I could not understand why it did not worked well before). Att, Nataniel Klug ------------------------ #!/bin/sh #------ # Script de QoS Cyber Nett #------ # Nataniel Klug # #------ TC="/sbin/tc" IPT="/usr/local/sbin/iptables"