Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "attachment_fu with fixtures"
2010 Apr 24
problem using attachment_fu with S3
My S3 bucket is located in the US
I have attachment_fu working when using file system storage
I have sw-swf upload plugin working with my S3 account
but I can not get attachment_fu to work with S3 storage.
the error I get is :
AWS::S3::RequestTimeout in Upload filesController#create
Your socket connection to the server was not read from or written to
within the timeout period. Idle
2007 Mar 11
Faking it... import local files into attachment_fu
I''m working on an import utility that will match the functionality of
uploading an object of a model that uses attachment_fu for
thumbnailing, etc.
Rather than uploading the file via a form, I want to populate the
params[:image][:uploaded_data] with data from a file already on the
server''s file system.
So far, I''ve been able to copy to an instance of Tempfile
2007 Mar 28
attachment_fu & update_attributes... bug?
It seems that attachment_fu is a pretty popular plugin (it''s great), but
I''ve been having a terrible time trying to figure out an issue when
using "update_attributes". I''m storing files on the file system rather
than in a database.
It seems that when "update_attributes" is called with a new file,
upload_data= tries to copy a file that
2007 Dec 08
Uploading photos using facebook & attachment_fu
Hi All,
I''m trying to use a form to upload a photo that I will save using
attachment_fu. I''m very new to Facebookr so I apologize if this is covered
somewhere, but I''m kind of stumped.
Here''s what I''m doing now:
<% facebook_form_for(:my_object, :url => { :action => ''upload_photo'', :id =>
params[:id] }, :html => {
2008 Feb 04
attachment_fu and form_tag for multiple models?
hi, i''ve got a page where i''m trying to save the user''s profile
information and an image of the user, but i''m having trouble with using
attachment_fu and the form_tag method.
now i know attachment_fu isn''t designed for form_tag but am really
hoping someone has a solution for this as frankly i''m stumped.
here''s the form_tag part in
2007 Aug 22
How to spec an attachment_fu model
First off, I''m not trying to spec attachment_fu, I know it''s been tested.
But, I added some code to that model that I do need to test. Basically,
I need to somehow fulfill the "uploaded_data" property so I can actually
run my tests(otherwise they fail because of validations). The
"uploaded_data" field is what would grab the multipart data from form.
2008 Jan 21
attachment_fu and story runner, any updates
I''m trying to write a story for a Rails app which involves using the
attachment_fu plugin to upload images.
After blunting my pick on this for a while, google found me this:
So it seems that there''s a hole in Rails integration testing and
multipart form posting. David offered to incorporate a patch to story
runner at the end of the
2007 Nov 05
Ajax - attachment_fu - rmagick and iframe
I am uploading images ajax-attachment_fu-rmagick and an iframe and me
climb correctly, but when I finish the process and the driver will I
redirect_to enc_url I recharge layer ajax. I tried with redirect_to
enc_url :partial => ''m_content'' and redirect_to enc_url, :update =>
''m_content''. But neither I recharge ...
<% form_for(photo,
2007 Nov 09
fixture_file_upload and edge rspec?
Hi all,
I had some specs that were using fixture_file_upload that were
passing just fine. Then I froze edge rails to get some 2.0
functionality, then a I upgraded to trunk rspec to deal with
uninitialized constant ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptMacrosHelper
After a couple other of tribulations, I have now gotten down to just
a couple of not passing specs, all using the fixture_file_upload.
2010 Jul 11
Attachement_fu error when updating existing photos
I am attempting to replace an exiting photo with a new one uploaded by
the user. I am using attachment_fu and I am coming up with the
following exception:
can''t convert nil into String
2012 Jun 08
[Rails 3.2.5] Rails: unit test fixture_path : fixture_file_upload cannot find the file ...
I am trying to perform a test unit, using FactoryGirl
include ActionDispatch::TestProcess
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :article do
photo { fixture_file_upload ''/files/test.jpg'', ''image/jpg'' }
IN mt test_helper.rb I defined the fixture_path
def fixture_path
File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/" #
2007 Sep 18
Making attachment_fu polymorphic
I am working on a small model mixin called attachment_kung to make
attachment_fu polymorphic, so you no longer need a different table and
Model class for every associated attachment (Productimage, Ad_doc,
etc). All you really need is one model and table to handel all your
attachments - in some cases, anyway. I have the code working, but have
run into one small hitch that I can''t seem to
2007 Apr 24
Testing for multipart form uploads
I''m trying to do integration tests that require uploading files via
multipart posts.
Have seen a very similar discussion, but cannot get it to work. Maybe,
it''s out of date now with Rails 1.2.3:
>From what I understand, fixture_file_upload''s output is translated a
2007 Dec 11
Attachment-fu + Story Runner
Hi all,
I''m trying to run a Story Runner integration test that uploads a file
through Attachment-fu.
I''ve tried various ways of specifying the file data, from custom mocks:
class MockFile < Struct.new
(:original_filename, :read, :content_type); end
fdata = MockFile.new "test_upload.txt", "Test Upload", "text/plain"
2007 Apr 27
attachment_fu content_type problem
Hi all....
Admittedly I''m new to Rails and trying to find my way but I''m having
an issue with uploading documents with attachment_fu.
I have a form where I''m uploading multiple attachments (using AJAX to
add file_filed_tags). That seems to work pretty well. The problem is
I can''t seem to get the content_type to work as I would expect. For
example, if I use
2014 Feb 18
How to Test Multimodel Paperclip attachments?
I'm using Rspec and FactoryGirl to create specs for multimodel paperclip
attachments. From searching other questions, it seems like a single
image attachment is more common.
class Car < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :uploads, dependent: :destroy
validates :uploads, presence: { message: 'You must upload at least
one image' }
2007 Dec 31
episode 73 resulting in error: undefined method `stringify_keys!' for "33":String
I''m working with a similar model in Episode 73, (my scenario is
editing multiple pictures for a product using attachment_fu).
And I''m getting an error when I try the technique suggested:
<% for picture in product.pictures %>
<% fields_for "product[picture_attributes][]", picture do |
picture_form| %>
Title: <%=
2007 Jun 29
attachment_fu validation error
I have this class:
class Logo < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :something
has_attachment :content_type => :image,
:storage => :db_file,
:max_size => 500.kilobytes
:thumbnails => {:web => ''150x100'', :pdf =>
:processor =>
2007 Mar 09
Merb + attachment_fu
I saw a note in the attachment_fu source code regarding supporting Merb[1]
as well as a post on the Caboose forum[2].
Has anyone gotten Merb working with Rick Olson''s attachment_fu to handle
uploads for a Rails app?
I''ve hacked together something, but it''s not pretty. Besides fixing the TODO
mentioned in the attachment_fu source code to support Merb
2007 Apr 18
nil.symbolize_keys -- error with attachment_fu
I''ve spent at least 2 hours on this one problem. On my local machine
in my controller I have this:
def new
@page_title = "New User"
@user = User.new
@photo = Photo.new
All is good.
Now, on the remote server I get an error when accessing the ''new''
view. If I remove @photo = Photo.new from the controller then the
error goes away. This same error