similar to: Redirect port 80 away from Shorewall?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Redirect port 80 away from Shorewall?"

2008 Oct 08
transparent proxy
2008 Mar 10
When starting shorewall its display rfc1981 error
Hello , The folllowing is the error problem: Validating interfaces file... ERROR: The ''norfc1918'' option may not be specified on an interface with an RFC 1918 address. Interface:eth2 The shorewall interface file: net eth2 detect tcpflags,routefilter,norfc1918,nosmurfs,logmartians P.S. I tried to remove norfc1918 from interface
2005 Jun 26
Vpn Trouble
I am trying shorewall as my previous post With alisias on eth1 loc and 4 pptp client vpns. The odd thing is when I enter one of the vpns in interfaces such as vpn1 it works. But if I enter the vpn in the hosts file shorewall blocks the vpns. shorewall/hosts #ZONE HOST(S) OPTIONS loc eth1: loctw eth1: locsa eth1: vpntw
2003 Jul 26
Snapshot 1.4.6_20030726 Problems Corrected since version 1.4.6: 1) Corrected problem in 1.4.6 where the MANGLE_ENABLED variable was being tested before it was set. 2) Corrected handling of MAC addresses in the SOURCE column of the tcrules file. Previously, these addresses resulted in an invalid iptables command.
2004 Dec 30
shorewall shutting down eth0
Hello, My server is on Mandrake 10.1 off. eth0 is WAN with static IP connected 512 DSL eth1 is LAN. My default shorewall settings are : Source zone Destination zone Policy Syslog level Traffic limit loc net ACCEPT None None fw net ACCEPT None None net Any
2004 Jul 25
Openvpn, bridge and shorewall
Hi, I have a Linux firewall based on shorewall with 2 NIC and ADSL (ppp0). My ppp0 ip is fixed. The internal NIC, eth1, is bridged with tap0, tap1 and tap2 to form br0. br0 subnet is The firewall is configured to masq internal traffic and block whatever needs to be blocked. It is also configured to tunnel openvpn v1.6. I have a roaming laptop running XP. I can create a tunnel
2003 Mar 23
Shorewall 1.4.1
This is a minor release of Shorewall. WARNING: This release introduces incompatibilities with prior releases. See Changes are: a) There is now a new NONE policy specifiable in /etc/shorewall/policy. This policy will cause Shorewall to assume that there will never be any traffic between the source and destination zones. b) Shorewall no longer
2004 Oct 04
Appreciate help with Shorewall and VPN
Hello all, I had setup shorewall before succesfully with a normal LAN to internet connection. Now I''m connected to the internet via VPN and I got problems with configuring Shorewall. Any help is appreciated. This is my setup: - Gentoo Linux laptop (kernel gentoo-dev-sources- with Shorewall 2.0.4 (setup for Standalone one interface) and iptables 1.2.11 - VPN client is
2005 Feb 11
Odd proxy problems
Hi people, I am running the latest version of Debian ''Sarge''. I have installed hopefully the latest version of shorewall, as followed by the website. The firewall has been installed with no problems, runs ok, but I have found a strange problem, maybe it me *shrug* My setup: Internet<-->cablemodem<-->Debainfirewall<-->hub<-->windowspc I am cable, and
2004 May 17
Yikes! Routing issues!
We switched over from a bordermanager firewall to a shorewall firewall. Some stuff is not working now. I realized that I had not created the route for the network that is not working however once I created it, it still didn''t work. Most of our network is fine however some pieces are not working. [Net] - [Shorewall] - [LAN] - [Cisco] - [Clients and servers not working] The firewall
2005 Apr 02
bluetooth nap and internet access problem
Hello, I''m trying to configure my desktop as a bluetooth network access point for my ipaq (as explained in I''m running shorewall version 2.2.1 on debian testing with a local network via eth0 and internet access via eth1. I''ve created a bridge br0 for eth0 and bnep0 and activated bridging in shorewall. dhcpd is listening
2005 Apr 19
allow ssh access from net to fw?
Hi, I''m trying to enable ssh (when that works, want to add:pop3s,smtp,web) from the internet to the firewall but it does not work. I managed to DNAT ftp to a host in the loc network ( successful but I don''t know why SSH: Does not work for me: ACCEPT net fw tcp 22 Works from the loc network: ACCEPT loc fw tcp 22 I have tried also with (no success): AllowSSH
2004 Oct 11
Intermittant Samba glitch
Hi there, Let me just start by saying that I am a bit of a Linux newbie, but that Shorewall seems an excellant product. The issue I''m reporting wont stop me from using it, it still does 99% of what I need. Anyway, I have a resonably simple two interface system. My server (HatMannz, P3-900MHz with a RAID-1 array of 80GB IDE drives running Red Hat 9.0) connects to a cable modem via eth1
2004 Oct 20
Shorewall, Freeswan and SuSE 9.1
I have been using shorewall and freeswan successfully for 3 or more years now. But they have all been using the Linux 2.4 kernel. My current configuration is (as the title suggests) using SuSE 9.1 which has a 2.6.5 kernel and freeswan 2.0.4 built-in. After much reading and a lot of trial and error, I did get this combination to work with Shorewall 2.0.9. It is happily talking to an older Mandrake
2005 Feb 08
Few questions
Hi, I have a few problems with my shorewall configuration. First of all, the option maclist seems no to be recognized. I have this: ghostwheel /etc/shorewall # cat interfaces | grep -v ''^#'' - eth1 detect dhcp,tcpflags,routefilter loc eth0 detect tcpflags,maclist When I look at shorewall-init.log, I found out:
2004 Aug 15
Error: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name
Hi, I have a problem installing Shorewall 2.0.7 on a box, when I launch it I have: Initializing... Shorewall has detected the following iptables/netfilter capabilities: NAT: Available Packet Mangling: Available Multi-port Match: Available Connection Tracking Match: Available Determining Zones... Zones: net loc Validating interfaces file... Validating hosts file... Validating Policy
2004 Jul 23
Shorewall as gateway/router - web traffic not full working
Hi, I am using Shorewall 2.0.6 on Debian with iptables 1.29. Before I was using Shorewall 2.0.3 and If work correctly, I am not sure that my problems begin after upgrade to 2.0.6, but my problem is that I can''t see some websites on the pc clients ( such as ), but some websites yes ( they are not in the pc cache ). My config is Shorewall as gateway/router of
2003 Feb 25
Unclean packets
Hello, If I set my network interface to have "logunclean" along with "dhcp,norfc1918,routefilter,noping,tcpflags", then when I connect to and choose any of the product I get this. logpkt:LOG:IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:a0:cc:5b:09:5f:00:08:e2:32:34:70:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=80 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=239 ID=14025
2008 Dec 25
Problems with exclusion in host definition - shorewall 4.2.3 latest
Hi, usually my shorewall inst. uses compiler=perl. While some tests I changed my config to compiler=shell, and in this case I get an error like this: -------------------------------------------------------- Setting up TCP Flags checking... iptables v1.3.8: host/network `!'' not found Try `iptables -h'' or ''iptables --help'' for more
2005 Jun 11
help connection is dropping every 10min
Hi, I have some problems with shorewall, I got disconnected every 10 minutes.. All the connections stops I am using Shorewall version 2.4.0-RC2 and it is running on debian 3.1r0 I can''t seem to find the problem. I hope you can help me with this. i post my log so that you can maby see where the problem is.(i have filtert some ip addresses) /sbin/shorewall show log Shorewall-2.4.0-RC2