similar to: Float::INFINITY ranges in where() clause

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Float::INFINITY ranges in where() clause"

2006 Jan 05
Date Validation
Hi, How can I validate date in model class Thanks. Sainaba. -- Posted via
2012 Jun 02
Determining frequency and period of a wave
Hello! I'm collecting data on a refrigerator that I'm using to cure meat. Specifically I am collection humidity and temperature readings. The temperature readings look sinusoidal (due to the refrigerator turning on and off). I'd like to calculate the frequency and period of the wave so that I can determine if modifications I make to the equipment are increasing or decreasing
2012 Oct 11
survey package question
Hello, I have got a cluster sample using an election dataset where I already had the final results of a county-specific election. I am trying to figure out what would be the best sampling design for my data. The structure of the dataset is: 1) polling station (in general schools where people vote, for a county, for example, there are 15 polling stations) 2) inside each polling station, there
2011 Apr 18
Arel - clone bug (and fix), feature requests
Hi all, I''ve been playing around with Arel this week (actually outside of Rails) and found an issue with the clone implementation. I''ve added a patch and a testcase here: and made a pull request against the rails/arel repo. I''ve also been playing around with support for ordering on
2011 May 05
[threadsafe] Arel ToSql visitor is not threadsafe
Hey, We hit a bug today because Arel::Visitors::ToSql is not threadsafe. Here is what is happening: Arel::Visitors::ENGINE_VISITORS is a cache of visitors instances. These instances are not inherently threadsafe because it contains state ''@last_column'', ''@connection'' that is shared between threads. The other variables ''@pool'',
2011 May 11
Issue with Arel::SelectManager and insert Method
Hello, Arel::SelectManager (arel 2.0.9) uses following statement to insert a new record: @engine.connection.insert im.to_sql, ''AREL'', primary_key_name, primary_key_value But in DatabaseStatements insert ist defined as: insert(sql, name = nil, pk = nil, id_value = nil, sequence_name = nil) Actually, Arel::SelectManager does not use the sequence name. This leads to issues
2008 Aug 22
simple generation of artificial data with defined features
Dear R-colleagues, I am quite a newbie to R fighting my stupidity to solve a probably quite simple problem of generating artificial data with defined features. I am conducting a study of inter-observer-agreement in child-bronchoscopy. One of the most important measures is Kappa according to Fleiss, which is very comfortable available in R through the irr-package. Unfortunately medical doctors
2012 Jan 03
Can Arel handle UPPER and LIKE condition?
Hello all, I''ve recently been on a project where somewhere needs using case insensitive search(using UPPER(name) LIKE '''') and LIKE condition, I want to use arel and don''t use the old style string concatenation, can arel handle this? But I check on arel documentation, doesn''t seems have any upper/like operator, and check on arel source, under
2009 Feb 25
[Cucumber] pretty html output?
Cucumberists (and RSpec Classic users ;): How can we convert a Cucumber feature file into HTML with syntax highlighting? Not the test-runner output; that''s preprocessed so it does not match the input file... Tx! -- Phlip
2012 Apr 23
Searching and returning arrays
im a begginer in RoR and am using rails 3.2.3 and ruby 1.8.7 This forum has helped me to progress but I''m confused by one thing. My app is supposed to allow seaching for results depending on the check boxes that are checked. In my case, when the user checks a determined facility and clicks "search" the corresponding hotels with only those facilities should be returned. I can
2012 Sep 17
Biometrics fingerprint scanner in RoR? Is it possible? and how?
I''m a graduating student of IT right now and in a couple of months, we''ll be starting on a new project in the University. My group and I decided to create a voting system which requires Fingerprint scanner to identify the voters and make the voting process more secured. I still don''t know how biometrics fingerprint scanner works exactly and I''ve just started
2010 Nov 16
rails 3.0.3 and visit_CoercibleString errors
From having no errors with 3.0.2 I now see lots of these errors when running my tests. undefined method `visit_CoercibleString'' for #<Arel::Visitors::MySQL: 0x000001074f4298> Anyone know what this is? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2011 Aug 14
Puzzled with form on multiple table rows
I''ve got a table of events, and each event has a boolean attribute is_ten_event. On each row of the table is a chekbox to edit the value of is_ten_event, so that multiple rows can be edited with one submit. In order to allow boxes to be un-checked as well, the logic in the controller works like this get array of events from checkboxes that are ticked. make all events.is_ten_event =
2012 Jan 27
dealing with Encoding::UndefinedConversionError: "\xA2" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8
I''m 99% certain that this is what''s being discussed in But I''m not sure what the remedy is. My production app is running on Heroku, so I need a fix that I can push there. Can someone post instructions that this neophyte can follow? (I gather I''m supposed to fork and add the current master version from
2012 Apr 18
RoR - Search Forms with Checkboxes, display appropriate results
I have a form that allows me to search a hotel by city or name and by rating through radio buttons. It all works. However, my hotel model has_one :facility, this facility model is composed by several boolean fields (for example, roomservice:boolean restaurant:boolean and so on) The question is, I want to add checkbox fields for each facility I have and in the search form, when the user selects
2012 Dec 18
Arel limit Where if fields are present
I trying to create a select using Arel but I''m passing three parameters, I want to include the parameters only if they are different to nil or blank. Here is my method: def self.advsearch(summary_description, specialties, place) User.joins(:experience,:summary,:information) .where(Information.arel_table[:business].eq(false))
2013 Mar 26
Using rack.hijack with ActionController::Live
Pinging @tenderlove Some questions on how best to move forward with this: 1.) AC::Live is making use of the stream object on ActionDispatch::Response. Should the rack.hijack_io object be used instead of this in AC::Live or should ActionDispatch::Response be changed to use rack.hijack_io? 2.) What do you think about changing AC::Live to work with adapters? I suspect the primary use case for
2012 Mar 13
[Arel]Building query, but can't get a proper output
I have the following code: advertisements_arel = Advertisement.order(" DESC").arel @advertisements = (params[:website_id].present? ? advertisements_arel.where(:website_id => params[:website_id]) : advertisements_arel).to_a It returns a struct Arel::SelectManager::Row data But I''d like it to return an array of Advertisement objects (like it would
2010 Mar 23
Transform data set
Dear R Experts, I am having some trouble creating a variable in R. I have data on self-placement of voters, their placement of parties, and which party they feel closest to. The data is structured like this: Party_Close lrplaceself lrplaceParty1 lrplaceParty2 ... party1 2 4 5 party2 5 6 4 party1 6 2 1 etc... I want to format the data set so it looks like this: Party_Close
2011 Nov 22
A "strict Arel" mode for ActiveRecord to prevent SQL injection vulnerabilities
Hello rubyonrails-core, I’ve been looking into possible changes to ActiveRecord / Arel to make it easier to write Rails applications that are free of SQL injection vulnerabilities, and in particular do so in a way that makes it easy for a code reviewer to verify that the app is safe from such bugs. The concern: ----------------- With the ActiveRecord API as is, it’s relatively easy to write