similar to: config.force_ssl :unless => :tor_hidden_service

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "config.force_ssl :unless => :tor_hidden_service"

2013 Nov 13
Cannot receive from specified address Unauthenticated senders not allowed
On trying to run a rake task via crontab, I''m getting the following error: rake aborted! 550 Cannot receive from specified address <>: Unauthenticated senders not allowed /mnt/voylla-production/shared/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/mail-2.3.3/lib/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp.rb:129:in `block in deliver!''
2014 Apr 22
Allowing non-SSL connections only for certain Password Databases
I'm trying to set up my system (using Dovecot 2.0.9) so that certain Password Databases are available over pop3 and imap and others are available over pop3s and imaps. In particular, I would like users to be able to connect without SSL to accounts set up in vpopmail, but to require SSL for system accounts. Is there a way to set "disable_plaintext_auth" to different values for
2013 Jul 10
ActionView::Template::Error Not a directory vendor/assets/javascripts/ production
Hello, In production environment, I have this error ActionView::Template::Error Not a directory vendor/assets/javascripts/holder.js when in my template I have this line <%= image_tag "holder.js/150x200" %> My production.rb is : Libapp::Application.configure do # Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb # Code is not reloaded
2014 Jun 11
my webpage does not send emails confimation/notification
Hello everybody I have a problem with my inquireis, when I want to contact and I send the message, I must receive two emails one of confirmation (client) and other of notification (admin of the web page) but it does not send. The webpage work in production environment. When I watch the log (production.log) I seed this: > > There was an error delivering an inquiry confirmation: > 503
2014 Apr 26
jquery_ujs.js 404
I am getting this annoying error which relates to jquery_ujs.js not being served. Any clues? This is the site link: GET 404 (Not Found) index:11 GET net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT rev.js:4 Error in event handler for (unknown): Cannot read property 'state' of
2012 Sep 05
Suggestion: render filters
Will not be useful functionality similar ? Something like ActionController filters but not before action. Filters before render. See also, And don''t you know gem for this? Thanks. -- You received this message because you
2013 Feb 28
Validation Failed: Userkey has already been taken, Email has already been taken
Hi, I am using Factory girl with rspec and capybara for testing my rails appliction. I have the below code FactoryGirl.define do factory :user do |f| "sss1 at" f.userkey "12ssd345q62" end end When I run the test it is failing as "Validation Failed: Userkey has already been taken, Email has already been taken". What could be the reason for
2012 Jul 10
How to create user with using puppet?
Hi Guys, I am new to puppet world, Guys I want create a user with password, with affect all mentioned hosts, how to do it, please guide me guys. -Ganesh, Did I learn something today? If not, I wasted it. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe
2012 Aug 16
[error] rake db:create
i try run this command but appear this error someone can help me? see the error: -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Core" group. To view this discussion on the web visit To post to this group, send email to
2012 Jul 22
RSpec/rails & Capybara: #within
I''m new with Capybara and after a good amount of google, I still can''t figure out how the #within methods works! I can use it only if I call visit before? There''s no way to use it on a string, like the `page = Capybara.string(html_string)` trick? When describe a view, I want something like that: describe "path/to/view.html.erb" do it "should pass"
2013 Mar 27
silencing Passenger "ps" SELinux errors
Hello, how do people cope with constant SELinux errors like this from Fusion Passenger: 36886. 03/27/2013 14:20:05 ps unconfined_u:system_r:passenger_t:s0 2 file open system_u:system_r:udev_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 denied 1922 36887. 03/27/2013 14:20:05 ps unconfined_u:system_r:passenger_t:s0 4 dir getattr unconfined_u:system_r:initrc_t:s0 denied 1927 36888. 03/27/2013 14:20:05 ps
2012 Oct 24
Too much access rights on /tmp/passenger.{pid}/backends
Hi! In a tight security environnement, we have to keep minimum access rights. We found that /tmp/passenger.{pid}/backends is d-ws-wx-wx on root:root. This directory is used by mod_passenger to keep execution queues. Is it possible to limit those access rights? Why is it world writable? I''m wondering If somebody knows how to avoid keeping write access to the world? Thank you -- You
2012 Jul 23
Unable to Run 'bundle exec cucumber'
Hi, I have a cucumber problem that is preventing me from running all my feature files, anyone has come across to this problem ? On Windows with. cucumber (1.2.1, 0.9.4) Command: bundle exec cucumber C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/gherkin-2.2.9-x86-mingw32/lib/gherkin/lexer/i18n_lexer.rb:23: [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 1.8.7 (2012-06-29 patchlevel 370) [i386-mingw32] Thanks -- Posted
2012 Mar 16
ggplot axis limit
Hi, This is probably an easy one, but I am new to ggplot2 and cannot find an answer online. I am bar plotting values of 10 groups. These values are all within a 90-100 range, so I would like leave out the area of the bars below 90. If I say "graph + scale_y_continuous(limit=c(90, 100))", it does limit the axis but the bars disappear completely. Any solution here? Thanks a lot!
2007 Jun 27
inherits() and virtual classes
Hi How do I test for an object having a particular virtual class? In the following, "onion" is a virtual class, and "octonion" is a non-virtual class contained in onion. The last call to inherits() gives FALSE [R-2.5.0], when inherits.Rd led me to expect TRUE. setClass("onion", representation = "VIRTUAL" )
2004 Sep 02
File isn''t in mbox format: /var/mail/user1
I lately see lots of message like this in my maillog: Sep 1 11:12:31 onion pop3-login: Login: user1 [] Sep 1 11:12:31 onion pop3(tekciz): File isn''t in mbox format: /var/mail/user1 Sep 1 11:12:31 onion pop3(tekciz): File isn''t in mbox format: /var/mail/user1 Sep 1 11:12:31 onion pop3: I/O leak: 0x1c00881c (0) Sep 1 11:12:31 onion pop3: I/O leak: 0x1c034f1c (1)
2004 Sep 02
UPDATE: File isn''t in mbox format: /var/mail/user1
> -----Original Message----- > From: > []On > Behalf Of Zoong Pham > Sent: Thursday, 2 September 2004 4:09 PM > To: > Subject: [Dovecot] File isn''t in mbox format: /var/mail/user1 > > I lately see lots of message like this in my maillog: > > Sep 1 11:12:31 onion pop3-login:
2006 Sep 01
Hi In NEWS, it says R CMD check now tests that the package can be loaded, and that the package and namespace (if there is one) can each be loaded in startup code (before the standard packages are loaded). For package "onion", I think I have followed all of sections 1.6.1 - 1.6.6 of R-exts, and it passes R CMD check for R-2.3.1. However, using R version 2.4.0 Under
2010 Jan 26
add points to 3D plot using p3d {onion}
Hi, Can anyone guide me as to how I can add points to a p3d() plot from the onion package?? I want to plot points with different colors on the same 3D plot.? Perhaps I can do this without adding points but somehow directing the 'h' parameter to give different color to points based on a factor I assign to them? FYI, I can do this using using scatterplot3d() and points3d(), but these plots
2005 Oct 21
new package bundle: onion
Dear List I have just uploaded a new package, "onion", to CRAN. It provides some functionality for manipulating and visualizing quaternions and octonions. All comments welcome! enjoy rksh -- Robin Hankin Uncertainty Analyst National Oceanography Centre, Southampton European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK tel 023-8059-7743 _______________________________________________