similar to: Rony 1.9.3-p0 on Rails 2.3.x: the helpers "require" problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Rony 1.9.3-p0 on Rails 2.3.x: the helpers "require" problem"

2011 Nov 28
Lack of foreign-key constraints support in ActiveRecord
Is there any reason why AR has never supported foreign-key constraints? I can understand the lack of support for triggers and stored procedures since they are highly dependent on the database to create a wrap API around them. But this is not the case for foreign keys. This is specially important for open-source projects like Redmine/Chiliproject and Gitorious where you shouldn''t be
2010 Jun 29
Rails Magazine issue #6, 2010
A new edition of Rails Magazine is now available, both in print and as a free pdf (36 pages, 2.8 MB) at In this number: - "Beautifying Your Markup With Haml and Sass" by Ethan Gunderson - "Scaling Rails" by Gonçalo Silva - "Interview with Sarah Allen" by Rupak Ganguly - "Data Extraction with Hpricot" by Jonas Alves -
2008 Dec 08
CN=Nasreddine Kroun/OU=Benefits/O=Vitech is out of the office.
on 12-8-2008 10:12 AM Nasreddine Kroun spake the following: > I will be out of the office starting 12/08/2008 and will not return until > 12/15/2008. > > Please feel free to call me to my cell if needed. I will return your > messages as soon as I can. If I had your number I would ask you to fix your vacation message to not spam lists. -- MailScanner is like deodorant... You hope
2019 Aug 22
[RFC] Adding target-specific overrides for Indirect Call Promotion
<font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="2"><div><div><div style="box-sizing: inherit;"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2" style="box-sizing: inherit;">Hi,</font></div><div style="box-sizing: inherit;"><font face="Verdana, Arial,
2004 Sep 10
can not compile
Hello, i downloaded flac for windows source code i extract files like this \flac-1.1.0.tar\flac-1.1.0\src\libFLAC i try to compile libFLAC_static.dsp with VC++ 6 i receive this error Performing Custom Build Step on .\ia32\lpc_asm.nasm '-f' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Error executing d:\winnt\system32\cmd.exe. can you help me
2017 Jan 17
[RFC] IR-level Region Annotations
Hi. Regarding the token approach, I've read some documentation (review D11861, EH in llvm, and Reid and David's presentation) but couldn't answer the following question.Does the intrinsic or the instruction returning a token type object act as a code motion barrier? In other words, does it prevent other operations from being reordered with it?If the answer is no, then does it mean the
2013 Jul 17
Why last doesn't return an ActiveRecord::Relation
Hello, Sorry if this has been still answered, I haven''t found nothing on it. I would love to know why ActiveRecord::Base#last doesn''t return an ActiveRecord::Relation just like all or where since an ActiveRecord::Relation can act more or less like an array (as specified here<> )? Thanks, have
2013 May 29
Can't setup Rails with RVM in ubuntu 12.04
I''m doing setu Ruby on Rails with RVM. I had setup ruby 1.9.3 p429 and RVM,RubyGem... succesfully But I can''t setup Rails with command : gem install rails because of error: ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::DependencyError) Unable to resolve dependencies: rails requires activesupport (= 3.2.13), actionpack (= 3.2.13), activerecord (= 3.2.13), activeresource (= 3.2.13),
2017 Jan 18
[RFC] IR-level Region Annotations
> On Jan 17, 2017, at 4:36 PM, Hal Finkel via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at> wrote: > > > On 01/17/2017 05:36 PM, Wael Yehia via llvm-dev wrote: >> Hi. Regarding the token approach, I've read some documentation (review D11861, EH in llvm, and Reid and David's presentation) but couldn't answer the following question. >> Does the intrinsic or the
2017 Jun 02
setjmp in llvm
Hi,I'm trying to prevent llvm instruction motion around an intrinsic function call. Throughout my experimenting, I was told that setjmp could create fake entry points into a region of code and that might prevent code motion.What I found is something surprising, and probably is a misuse of setjmp but I couldn't find an explanation for it.Consider this:#include <csetjmp> std::jmp_buf
2011 Mar 24
Slow graphics with ATI FirePro 2260
Hello- I installed CentOS 5.5 on a DELL Machine with ATI Firepro 2260 graphics card. I'm using GNOME for the graphical environment but the display is refreshing very slowly, e.g. scrolling a webpage or moving a window around. Any idea how to solve this issue. Regards, Wael -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2020 Apr 02
RFC: dynamic_cast optimization in LTO
<font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="2"> <span><div>Hi,<br>There was a mention of optimizing away C++ dynamic_casts in LTO in this presentation: <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>I
2014 Mar 21
good day i have samba4 work well as PDC in cent os i want to configure samba4 as BDC on ubuntu so i try to follow this tutorial but this commande : # kinit administrator give me this errors: kinit: Improper format of Kerberos configuration file while initializing Kerberos 5 library can any one help me thanks
2014 Feb 17
Need help -FATAL: database "catarse_development" does not exist
Hi i try to run this rake db:migrate How i fix this i get this [root@localhost catarse]# rake db:migrate /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p484/gems/activesupport-4.0.2/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:229:in `block in require': iconv will be deprecated in the future, use String#encode instead. You no longer need to have jasmine.rake in your project, as it is now automatically
2011 May 14
Undefined method `has_attached_file' with paperclip 2.3.8 gem for Rails 2 using Ruby 1.8.7
Hello, I am trying to use the paperclip plugin in my rails app to upload images for posts. I am using Rails 2.0.2 and ruby 1.8.7 on Ubuntu 10.04 os for project specific purposes. I am referring to the following tutorials for this :- 1. 2. I did a git clone on the
2012 Oct 18
unexpected return (LocalJumpError) only when executing this code within autoloaded classes?
Posted on stackoverflow but no traction yet: The following is a generified part of the code in a gem I''m working on: module SomeModule class << self attr_accessor :procedure def log_events(*args) args.flatten!
2009 Nov 07
wrong argument type Mysql (expected Struct) running rake with Ruby 1.9 / Rails 2.3.3
I''m use Ruby 1.9 via rvm and Rails 2.3.3. I''m on OS X 10.5 and I have the mysql 2.8.1 gem installed. When I run rake on my rails app, I get the error "wrong argument type Mysql (expected Struct)". I can run the app fine with script/server and script/console fine. Is anyone else having this problem or know what might cause this problem? Here''s the stack
2010 Aug 26
Today: constant JSON::Parser not defined
(Using the latest 3-0-stable and rvm, and ruby-1.9.2-p0) Yesterday everything worked, my own changes are very minor and in the application only. Did anything change that could have caused this problem? Unfortunately simply going back in rails alone to the original "RC2" git-tag did not immediately help, so it may be some other problem (on my own system only, even if I''m
2012 Jan 23
Problem loading modules through ActiveSupport on_load
Working with modules to group certain methods. Currently I have this set up and it works: **# app/models/a.rb** class A has_history end **# lib/history.rb** module History module Model def self.included(base) base.send :extend, ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def has_history(options = {}) send :include,
2011 May 19
Unable to find the image path via file system using the paperclip plugin through the get method
Hello all, with great difficulty , I guess I have finally been able to find the appropriate git commit of paperclip which would suit my project''s config which is Ruby 1.8.7 and rails 2.0.2. I am trying to implement a POC before I integrate paperclip in my project. The POC is basically implementing each post with an appropriate image beside it. It seems to pretty much work, its just