similar to: Rails 3, ActionMailer and urls (ampersand encoding)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Rails 3, ActionMailer and urls (ampersand encoding)"

2007 Aug 26
escaped ampersand in generated restful url
I am using a restful helper method to build a url for use in a link_to_remote method and for some reason the generated url has the ampersand that separates the parameters escaped (i.e. /action?param1=1&param2=2 instead of /action?param1=1&param2=2) Any ideas why and how to make it stop? :-) The code in question resides in a helper, if that matters... Cheers, s0nspark -- Posted via
2007 Feb 16
Auto detect URL for ActionMailer?
Hi, how can I call the url in an actionMailer definition - so that it automatically detects what the rails application server is and puts it in the url that is mailed to the client? (I don''t want to have to change it every time the hostname is changed - I''d like the application to auto detect what the host is - whether it''s localhost:3000 or my own website... example:
2006 Mar 05
DreamHost and ActionMailer
I''m getting ready to sign up with DreamHost, but my application is missing the ActionMailer features. First, can anyone provide some real code to send an email upon comment submission? Second, is it easy to setup ActionMailer on a DreamHost server? Thanks! -- Posted via
2006 Aug 09
Can''t update actionmailer gem?
Trying to update actionmailer gem, and it''s complaining about the version of actionpack not being correct. C:\eclipse\workspace>gem update actionmailer Updating installed gems... Attempting remote update of actionmailer Install required dependency actionpack? [Yn] Y ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::GemNotFoundException) Could not find actionpack (= 1.12.4) in the repository
2006 Jan 24
ActionMailer: Mail isn''t delivered
Hi all I used the search for this, but I got an Application Error, so sorry for the newbie question. I have tried to send an e-mail using ActionMailer. I have to following config (environment.rb): ActionMailer::Base.server_settings = { :address => "", :port => 25, :domain => "", #:authentication => :login, #:user_name
2006 Mar 14
ActionMailer Error - Please Help!
I''m trying to send an email to myself when someone comments on my site. Here''s my code, if you don''t mind, could you tell me if you see something wrong? #environment.rb # Include your application configuration below ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp ActionMailer::Base.server_settings = { :address => "", :domain =>
2006 Mar 14
ActionMailer not working correctly
Anyone know why this wouldn''t work? I''m using acts_as_authenticated for my login, and the mail is not getting sent. I''m using dreamhost. Here''s my settings: ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp ActionMailer::Base.server_settings = { :address => "", :port => 25, :domain => '''',
2005 Dec 28
urls in ActionMailer
Hello, I know the ticket about enabling url_for in ActionMailer views is closed and that there are some possible workarounds to this problem such as passing the controller instance or links from the controller, but I cannot figure out what to do if my emails are not sent from a controller - like periodic reminders or notifications triggered by a system scheduler, which need to include links.
2009 Oct 31
1.9 Compat and merging mail gem into ActionMailer
Hi all of both RoR Core and TMail. You may know me better as the maintainer of TMail. However, TMail has been a bit difficult to get working with Ruby 1.9, so in the light of that, I sat down over the past few months and wrote myself an all encompasing mail gem. Mail passes all of its hundreds of specs equally well in Ruby 1.8.6, 1.8.7 and 1.9.1. Mail reads every email in the TMail test suite
2006 Sep 09
actionmailer HELP
Hi, I want to receive emails with actionmailer.And I try to do this example: I am working on windows and I couldn''t set up Actionmailer for windows. How can I configure actionmailer for windows? I am glad,if anybody can help me Regards... -- Posted via
2006 Oct 31
ActionMailer how to check mail sent
OS X 10.4.8 I am sending an email via Actionmailer settings are written correctly in environment.rb ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp ActionMailer::Base.raise_delivery_errors = :true ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = :true ActionMailer::Base.default_charset = "utf-8" ActionMailer::Base.server_settings = { :address => "", :port => 25,
2007 May 13
ActionMailer outside of Rails?
Has anyone used ActionMailer outside of rails? I have a requirement for work that will not allow me to do this from within a rails app. I have successfully sent an email in the following manner: MyMailer.deliver_clever_email(someArg,''testing!'') where the second argument is the body of the email, but when I try to call just: MyMailer.deliver_clever_email(someAr) and use a
2005 Mar 11
actionmailer settings
A couple questions: 1) How does rails no if you are in your test, dev or production environment? 2) Does anyone have an actionMailer server settings that will work on your standard local machine? I will use the one provided for my textdrive account but for testing on my machine I am getting connection refused. Thanks. Your Friend, Jonathan Kopanas
2008 Apr 20
Actionmailer not working [no errors]
hi, I have a little problem with actionmailer 2.0.2 The problem is that I am trying to send mails and development.log says that everything is ok but I can''t find any mails in my mailbox. I checked my sendmail with PHP function "mail()" - works nice. /var/log/mail.log don''t drop any lines when sending mails with actionmailer. So in conclusion no errors and no way to
2009 Jan 20
Do I need an SSL certificate to use ActionMailer 2.2.2?
Hi guys - I''m sorry to post about this issue again but after several days I still cannot get ActionMailer working and I''ve been through every tutorial/forum looking for the answer. I know ActionMailer now requires SSL validation, does that mean I need to purchase an SSL certificate before I can send emails? If not, is there anyone out there who can help me set up my mailer to
2006 Aug 01
actionmailer cant find template in backgroundrb
Im trying to send mails from a backgroundrb worker and it seems like ActionView cant find my template. same code works as a rake task. here my worker: class StatusMailWorker < BackgrounDRb::Rails repeat 1.minutes # <-- hehe! def do_work(args) [...blah...] NotificationMailer.create_daily_report(users, rep, items) end end end its throwing the following error: No
2006 Jun 01
using ActionMailer with template files retrieved from sql database table instead of on disk files
I''m trying to set up a system which allows users to create and modify emails to send out to clients. I''ve got ActionMailer set up to send from a template file stored on the file system, but I''d like to be able to move this into the database. Does anyone know how to get ActionMailer to read the contents of the email from a database table rather than the on-disk template
2006 Nov 07
ActionMailer outside of Rails?
Does anyone know of issues using ActionMailer outside of Rails? I''m already selectively using ActiveRecord, so I thought perhaps I could use ActionMailer as well. (To solve one of those last minute "And could you make the app email me if it throws any errors" questions that was never in the original spec...) When I built a single file to test with, it worked fine and I
2006 Oct 06
how to set the ‘Return-Path’ header in ActionMailer
how to set the ‘Return-Path’ header in ActionMailer. regards -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/ To unsubscribe from this group,
2006 Jul 21
ActionMailer doesn''t send any mail
I''ve configured actionmailer following the documentation, adding to environment.rb everything for using my mail account on yahoo using deliver_* methods to send a mail. I can see the mail in development.log and everything seems fine, but no mails so far. Is there a place where can I see what the server answered, or something to look at to solve the problem ? I have no clue,