Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "ActionView 2.0.2 broken without ActionController"
2007 May 30
I have a strange problem that only occurs on the production server.
I''ve been banging my head for hours trying to figure it out with no
success. Below is a copy of the error from the production log.
ActionView::TemplateError (Expected /www/rails_apps/scanlan/current/
public/../config/../app/models/image.rb to define Image) on line #6 of
2010 May 05
Add method to get at captured content_for
In Rails 3 the only way to get for content captured with the
content_for method in a view is to call yield from within a view.
However, sometimes is it useful to get to this data from within a
helper (for instance to provide a default value). Calling yield from
within the helper method won''t work, and accessing the @_content_for
variable directly is not encouraged.
Proposed solution: add
2008 Mar 06
Unitialized constant ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper::Set
Hi all,
I write the following test to a simple plugin
require ''rubygems''
require ''test/unit''
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../lib/meta_tags''
require ''action_view/helpers/tag_helper''
class MetaTagsTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
include MetaTagHelper
include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
2007 Jul 06
stubbing helper methods for View specs
Hi there
I have several view specs, that include the following snippet in
their "before" block to stub the methods by acts_as_authenticated
before :each do
@u = mock_model(User)
@u.should_receive(:name).and_return("Hans Muster")
2011 Jan 22
uninitialized constant ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper::ERB (NameError)
I am a new to ruby and rails and am trying to refactor some code with
rspec and have run into a problem that has stumped me for a few days and
I have searched google and ruby/rails forums to no avail so I really
hope somebody can help me out with this problem which I think may be
caused by a rails config problem. Anyway, I used ''rails new myapp'' to
make a new rails project and
2007 Dec 07
strange error on mock proxy
I''m banging my head over this really strange error in a view test when
I run "rake spec". The weird thing is that I don''t get the error when
I run the spec file by itself.
Here is the spec (I know, fixtures are the devil):
describe "/units/new.html.erb here" do
fixtures :units, :accounts, :groups
2008 Apr 09
form_tag and form_for cause #protect_from_forgery errors
Hey All,
I''m trying to do a simple form_for (and I also get it with form_tag)
and I''m getting the following error:
ActionView::TemplateError (No :secret given to the
#protect_from_forgery call. Set that or use a session store capable
of generating its own keys (Cookie Session Store).) on line #2 of
1: <h1>Welcome To Courses, Let''s Get
2007 Jul 12
form_tag doesn't accept a string anymore in edge rails?
So, here''s the offending line. Note that I''m using edge rails.
form_tag verifications_path(@user), :method => :post do
verifications_path(@user) returns a string like "/users/3/
verifications". That eventually gets sent to url_for, which expects a
hash. And then it blows up.
It''s especially disconcerting since the documentation shows form_tag
2010 Jul 27
3.0.0rc ActionController::RoutingError No route matches
Have been developing on 3.0.0beta4 and just updated to 3.0.0.rc.
When I try to link_to() a User object that previously had worked, I
get the following:
ActionView::Template::Error (No route matches
{:action=>"destroy", :controller=>"games", :id=>#<User ..... >
Yet I have in my routes.rb file has resources :users and my "rake
routes" shows:
2007 Aug 30
alias_method_chain stack level too deep in Rake test only
I have an odd error. I have the following module:
module ActionController
module SslSupport
def self.included(base)
raise "#{base} does not define url_for" unless
unless base.respond_to?(:url_for_without_ssl_supprt)
base.send :include, InstanceMethods
base.send :alias_method_chain, :url_for, :ssl_support
2009 Jul 13
undefined method error from atom builder
I have a simple controller that takes a request, looks up some data
and then returns the results as either HTML or Atom. The HTML response
works fine, but the Atom Builder is blowing up with an undefined
method error that I can''t figure out. It seems to be failing when the
ActiveRecord instance is passed to the ''entry'' method and it tries to
build the URL via the
2006 Jul 20
Ruby on Rails & FastCGI 500 Error
I''m getting an error 500 and I''m at my wits end as to what could be
causing it. I''m sure the path to the ruby executable is correct so what
else could be causing it?
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2007 Nov 20
How to test views with Nested Resources and Partials
Hi everyone,
I am relatively new to rspec and I am running into a wall in testing my
views. I have a RESTful resource Contracts with a nested resource of
I am trying to figure out how to test the "edit" form of the Line_items.
What complicates this is the nested routing and how to account for it,
and that there is a partial form (_form.haml) that both the edit.haml
2005 Dec 21
Missing error page templates
Whenever I get any errors on my application, I don''t get the regular
rails error page with all the debugging information. What could''ve
cause this? This is from the logs:
ActionView::ActionViewError (No rhtml, rxml, rjs or delegate template
found for /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.11.2/lib/action_controller/templates/rescues/template_error.rhtml):
2013 Mar 24
Rails 4.0 has_many_through and fields_for
Hi all, I am trying to reproduce rails 3.2 behaviour with fields_for and
nested attributes.
class ControllerAction < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :interactions, dependent: :destroy
has_many :roles, through: :interactions
scope :controllers, lambda {|name| where("controller_name_id = ?",
scope :actions, lambda {|name| where("action_name_id =
2006 Jun 08
No rhtml, rxml, or delegate template found
hi ,
i''m having a problem with rendering a partial , the partial is in the
apps/view/polls folder with the name : _antwoorden_user.rhtml
in the view i''m rendering it with
<% if @user %>
<%= render :partial => ''polls/antwoorden_user'', :locals => {:poll =>
@poll, :user => @user} %>
<% else %>
gives me the error =>
2007 Sep 10
RSpec view spec writing problem (unable to generate url_for in RESTful resource link_to)
Thanks, first, to everyone who''s asked and answered questions on this list,
and to the creators of RSpec - it is all very helpful. I''ve searched the
mailing list, and had a couple 2hr googling sessions that didn''t help me
find an answer.
I''ve run into a problem getting my first non-trivial view spec to run. I
get an error when trying to generate a link_to()
2008 Dec 20
undefined method `stories_path'
I recieve error "undefined method `stories_path'' for
#<ActionView::Base:0x995b4ac>" when going to the view via
The model is setup correctly, I can retrieve data from the db fine. I
think it might be related to the helper but I have no idea where to
start. It seems to think its failing on the first line of the view, i
belive on the
2011 Nov 22
rake aborted with ruby on rails
when i run * rake db:create*
WARNING: ''require ''rake/rdoctask'''' is deprecated. Please use ''require
''rdoc/task'' (in RDoc 2.4.2+)'' instead.
2008 May 24
link_to_remote, image_tag, mouseover is this possible?
Hi guys,
I was wondering if you are able to have a link_to_remote, having an
image_tag and the link_to_remote has a mouseover event that updates a
div. Does the image_tag need the mouseover event? I currently have:
<%= link_to_remote(image_tag(@p_image.public_filename(:thumb)), :update
=> "big_pic", :onmouseover => {:action => :color_change, :id =>