similar to: Patch 10463: has_many through using uniq does not honor order

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "Patch 10463: has_many through using uniq does not honor order"

2006 Jul 23
belongs_to :through ?
Suppose I have a belongs_to relationship and the thing it belongs to, belongs in turn to something else. For example, I would like to do: belongs_to :city belongs_to: :county, :through => :city While it is not too much trouble to do, there are times when I need to iterate through the attributes and include this second-order attribute. Special code to handle this messes up
2007 Nov 23
CopyHandler and hidden files?
Hello, I was wondering whether the CopyHandler plugin works with hidden files like .htaccess? I have an .htaccess under src/ and another one under src/code/, but they won''t be copied to output/. My config.yaml is: File/CopyHandler: paths: [''**/*.css'', ''**/*.js'', ''**/*.jpg'', ''**/*.png'',
2006 May 08
Creating a "Foo has_many bars" association where bar isn''t a model.
Hi Let''s say we have model Foo. Each Foo instance can have several bars. Those bars are primitive, so they shouldn''t be models. For example, Foo might be a type of convention, and the bars might be years the convention was held in. Naively, we would have a conventions_years date, and put: has_many :years inside class Convention. But then we''d get an error, since for
2007 Nov 20
Testing Models without fixtures
Hi, I would like to test a sorting method that is in the user model, it''s a class method called search. What I would like to do is create 2 users and load the test database with just those 2 users, so that I can call"john") and it would return those two users. Not sure how to clear the test database and populate it just with these 2 users for that specific
2009 Dec 06
User Modification
I''m trying to do something like this using puppet 0.24.8. define removeuser() { @ user { $name: ensure => absent } realize User["$name"] } $removelist = ["bob", "bill", "billy"] @ removeuser { $removelist : } It''s failing with "err: Could not retrieve catalog: Failed to realize virtual resources User[bob] on node
2006 Jul 28
STRFTIME() why is it not defined
I am trying to take the input from a field in wich the user enters a date, and formatting it to my time format if params[:gotcha] != '''' gotc = params[:date].to_a gotc.strftime("%m/%d/%y") end Yet I get this error: NoMethodError in AddController#add undefined method `strftime? for ["00000"] What''s wrong. I''m positive this method is
2006 Feb 14
Creating a String of Random Characters and Numbers
I want to create a random string of length n that is made up of characters and integers. Is there a function in rails or ruby that allows me to do this? Thank you my friend :-). John Kopanas ===================================================================== - source of the freshest software engineering information on the net
2006 May 02
useful bit of code (hopefully)
Hi, I often find myself using bits of code like this inside ActiveRecord, perhaps it''s useful for others, or others can improve on it: ########### # fix user input before validating it before_validation :sanitize_input # santize input before actual validation is called # this uses the little methods defined below def sanitize_input trim %w(adres postcode woonplaats email naam
2006 May 30
Hide parent element
I have some code that calls a partial to display one or more blocks within a div tag. I want to have a close button (or cancel link) that will fade that block but leave the others. Here is the code: LINK: <%= link_to_remote "Add Miscellaneous Link", :url => { :action => :add_iyc_link } %> add_iyc_link.rjs: page.insert_html :bottom, ''links'', :partial
2007 Nov 29
Strange Array behaviour
I''m having a strange thing when using the Enumerable extensions for Rails: Have a look at the following code: class Invoice < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :invoice_lines def total invoice_lines.sum(&:total) end end class InvoiceLine < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :invoice def total amount * price end end Now, when calling, I get wrong
2005 Dec 21
Are Ducks Hibernating ?
Dears, Remembering last value in a select box don''t work for me as : Controller : @years=(1970..2005).to_a Form: <%= select_tag "year", options_for_select( (2001..2005).to_a, @params[:year] ) %> I had to write <%= select_tag "year", options_for_select( (2001..2005).to_a, @params[:year].to_i ) %> for it works. Not important, but I''m
2006 Apr 10
Pagination with letter (A B C D ... Z)
Hi there, Is there a neat and easy way to implement pagination with letters rather than numbers eg : A B C D ... Z Rob
2013 Sep 02
Why the string interpolation is not working inside the Nokogiri method `#search` ?
Why the string interpolation is not working inside the Nokogiri method `#search` ? require ''nokogiri'' doc = Nokogiri::HTML::Document.parse <<-eotl <div> <p>foo</p> <p>foo</p> <p>bar</p> </div> eotl doc.class # => Nokogiri::HTML::Document class Person attr_accessor :name end ram =
2007 Mar 29
object-oriented GUI design and event handling
I''m trying to setup a fairly simple GUI with Ruby to perform some SQL queries. There are a few drop-down boxes where users can select different options and then one button that when clicked should get the text from each drop-down in order to perform the query. Once it gets the result it should display it to a text control. The problem is I am not sure how to actually reference each
2006 Mar 18
Accessing overridden method
I have two model classes: class Item < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :channel, :counter_cache => true validates_presence_of :channel end class Channel < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :items, :dependent => true end In the Channel controller I have variable channel.items, an Array of Items. I would like to use the Array find method. However, channel.items.find() is a Rails
2010 May 28
Suggestion for improving value_to_boolean column conversion
Hi fantastic rails core developers. Speaking of version 2.3.5: I find it rather error_prone that values such that "some text" is silently converted to false when stored in a boolean DB field. Among other things it means that assign "some text" to boolean fields on a model will not generate any validation messages (it will silently be converted to false). I think it is like
2008 Jan 30
Schedule parser
Hi, I was trying to schedule a worker to run during the midnight hour like this: :schedules: :collector: :process_something: :trigger_args: 30 * 0 * * 2,3,4,5,6 When I try to start backgroundrb, the "collector" worker failed to start up and I find this in backgroundrb_server.log: /home/mengkuan/apps/testrailsapp/current/vendor/plugins/backgroundrb/
2005 Apr 18
hi all, I posted this earlier: are there any RBAC (role based access control) efforts in rails? code to support? external, open source project(s)? etc? any help much appreciated, if none exists we''ll build it and anyone who wants to help is welcome :) _alex -- alex black, founder the turing studio, inc. 510.666.0074
2011 Sep 19
how to get instance variables in another action in rails 3
In my controller show method i have two instance variables which have large amount of data and take much time to fetch from remote system. shown below def show @graph =[:fbuser] ["credentials"]["token"]) @friends = @graph.get_connections("me", "friends") @friends =@friends.to_a end in the same controller I
2005 Oct 11
Searching an attribute in a hmabtm relationship
(Nuby to Ruby and Rails...) I''ve implemented security using the login generator in a simple app so that I have a user table, a roles table, and a join between them (roles_users). All works as expected. I now need to check if a user has a specific role, but my approach is off somehow. Here''s what I''ve tried thusfar: user_roles = @session[:user].roles