similar to: A FastCGI-compliant executable for RubyOnRails

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "A FastCGI-compliant executable for RubyOnRails"

2007 Nov 14
Best practice Ruby on Rails on Windows configuration
Hi, I have read many articles on the net today about configuring Ruby on Rails on a Windows server. But there doesn''t seem to a one solution for all on how to configure a new Ruby on Rails server. So I can use some advise with this. I am using a Windows 2003 server and don''t get many request a day. But most of the request are quite heavy. The main focus is on optimizing the
2006 Oct 20
Rails & IIS
There are several sites I''ve found on the web detailing how to setup IIS with Rails. Unfortunately they all seem to be woefully out of date. I believe they may all even be pre Rails 1.0. Can single sign on via Active Directory Services be accomplished through mod_NTLM for Apache, so users won''t have ot log into the intranet site after already having logged into their machine?
2005 May 23
Success - Rails, FastCGI, and IIS / Windows Server
About 17:00 localtime I managed to get fastcgi, Rails and IIS all happy together. Upon success I ripped off my clothes and ran through the village yelling "The future is now!". A PDP-11 geezer stuck his head out a window and said "The future isn''t what it used to be and keep yer shirt on". Modifications were required to dispatch.fcgi and request.rb. The following
2007 Oct 24
FastCGI on IIS
Has anyone tried using Rails (or PHP or whatever) on IIS lately? There is a FastCGI extention for IIS 5.1 and 6.0 [1], backported from IIS7 if I understand correctly. I''m curious if anyone thinks this would work in production and give Rails a decent inroad for IIS-based shops. It seems to perform [2] but I would like some verification from the community at large before I mention the
2007 Feb 18
FastCGI without ScriptAlias
Hi, I made some experiments with the sample blog application, my index.fcgi file contains the following: require ''camping/fastcgi'' Camping::Models::Base.establish_connection( :adapter => ''sqlite3'', :database => ''database/camping.db'' ) Camping::FastCGI.serve(''blog.rb'') Without ScriptAlias the application works fine,
2006 Jan 06
fastcgi on apache
Running on Fedora Core I have been playing with some of the tutorials and one of them had me install lighttpd and lighttpd-fastcgi and that was much faster than apache seems to be. How do I get fastcgi stuff to work on apache... I have this setup for my tutorial environment in httpd.conf <VirtualHost *> DocumentRoot /home/craig/cookbook/public ServerName cookbook <Directory
2006 Jan 18
FastCgi issue
Hi, I know that Apache2 + fastcgi is sometimes difficult to setup, but I was wondering if anyone has come across this error and if yes what did you do to resolve it? [Wed Jan 18 14:58:12 2006] [error] [client] FastCGI: comm with server "/var/htdocs/ot/public/dispatch.fcgi" aborted: idle timeout (120 sec) [Wed Jan 18 14:58:12 2006] [error] [client]
2005 Sep 28
fastcgi timeout settings
I have few lengthly processes in my application, and I''m getting fastcgi timeout after 30 seconds. From apache log: FastCGI: comm with (dynamic) server "D:/projects/MojAlbum/public/dispatch.fcgi" aborted: (first read) idle timeout (30 sec), referer: I tried to set timeout in apache conf by: <IfModule> FastCgiConfig
2005 Jul 28
Rails+Apache 2+FastCGI on Fedora Core 3 Linux: Has anyone got it working well?
Hi All, I have a Rails application that needs to be served from a Fedora Core 3 Linux server. The application runs well as a "plain" CGI application. My next step was to speed things up with FastCGI installed via "gem install fcgi". (version That approach lead to this error in the fastcgi.crash.log: Dispatcher failed to catch: undefined method
2005 Dec 28
some notes about rails, apache, fastcgi and windows
hello. i''d like to share some feelings of mine after a couple of *weeks* intermittent attempts to have rails applications working on windows (XP) with fastcgi performances under apache (2.0). i''d say the software stack i''m using now will be fairly common as more and more new rails developers will join the bandwagon. what is stunning me is the fact that, even if
2006 Mar 23
[OT] building fastcgi
Following the instructions on Hivelogic, everything works flawlessly on my Powerbook until I do the ''sudo gem install fcgi. I''m getting no-definition errors all over the place. Any thoughts how to resolve this? Example of errors: No definition for fcgi_s_accept No definition for fcgi_s_each No definition for fcgi_s_each No definition for fcgi_s_iscgi -- View this message in
2005 Aug 24
FastCGI timeout problem
Hi everybody, after more than 18 hours trying to get Ruby Rails running, i ran into this problem that i cannot solve. I want to mention that with normal CGI the test app was running fine. FastCGI is making me problems. I receive in the browser: "Application error Rails application failed to start properly" and in apache2 log files i have: [Thu Aug 25 00:13:49 2005] [error] [client
2006 Feb 01
Configure Apache 2.0.55 and FastCGI
I''m installing a Rails App under Apache 2.0.55 with FastCGI. I have this config under httpd.conf ------------------------ LoadModule fastcgi_module modules/mod_fastcgi.dll ... Alias /fatturails/ "C:/Programmi/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/fatturails/public/" <Directory "C:/Programmi/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/fatturails/public"> AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi
2006 Jun 15
FastCGI can''t find rubygems?
Hi all, I''m trying to use Apache 2.0.52 and FastCGI on Mac OS 10.4.6 and I''m having some trouble. The server starts up fine, but I get the error at the bottom of this post once I make a request to the rails app. I was curious if anyone had an idea as to why it wasn''t working. I have everything installed correctly (rubygems, fastcgi, ruby bindings, etc). I had this
2006 Jan 11
Idle Apache+FastCGI sleeping?
Wondering: Does Apache shut down inactive FastCGI processes if it doesn''t get any requests for a while? My app works fine if it''s being used regularly, but it will respond very slowly to the first request after an hour of zero traffic. Is there a way to keep FastCGI ready all the time, even when there haven''t been any requests for a while? We''re deploying
2006 Jan 10
FastCGI cannot start; Rails doesn''t work
I have a problem deploying FastCGI for use with RoR. OS: FreeBSD 5.4 Apache: 2.0.55 FastCGI: 2.4.2 ###### I compiled a new and copied it to /usr/lib/apache/ ###### My httpd.conf looks like this: LoadModule fastcgi_module /usr/lib/apache/ <IfModule mod_fastcgi.c> AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi </IfModule> ###### The testscript
2006 May 11
LightHTTPD FastCgi Error in Production Mode
I''ve been banging my head against the following for about 8 hours now, and have exhausted my web research options: /usr/home/matthew.feadler/rails/avclfc/public/dispatch.fcgi:21:in `require'': no such file to load -- /usr/home/matthew.feadler/rails/avclfc/public/../config/environment (LoadError) from /usr/home/matthew.feadler/rails/avclfc/public/dispatch.fcgi:21
2006 Mar 13
apache 1 fastcgi config correct???
I followed this tutorial on the rails wiki about how to get apache with fastcgi working on a vps machine: In the tutorial it said to add this to the httpd.conf file to get fastcgi working. <IfModule mod_fastcgi.c> FastCgiIpcDir /tmp/fcgi_ipc/ AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi </IfModule> However
2007 Sep 27
FastCGI in Shared Hosting - What To Do?
Hello Campers! I am working on Site5, trying to get a working Camping application running. Unfortunately, my sole option in terms of deployment is FastCGI. I have no access to sudo so I cannot create ScriptAliases. I''ve taken the Camping Short Short Example and uploaded it, along with a dispatch.fcgi and an .htaccess file. My question is - given the state of Camping development right
2005 Jun 30
A Memoir on FastCGI and Apache
With the release of our project, I''ve been trying to rise to the stature of a true system administrator in the last couple of days (haha). I''m trying to understand how all of the pieces to this apache/fastcgi deployment fit together. Here''s what I''ve learned so far: * You need a separate FastCGI server for each Rails application on your