similar to: get element by property

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "get element by property"

2006 Jun 20
Prototype Array bug??
function CreateTOC(){ var $aTOC = document.getElementsByClassName(''tocitem''); var $temp = ''''; if(isArray($aTOC)){ for($t in $aTOC){ $temp += ''t='' + $t + '', '' + $aTOC[$t].name + ''<BR>''; } $(''test1'').innerHTML = $temp; } } When I run this code
2006 Feb 23
reloading fragments of pages
Hello, I have a treeview, that works with scriptaculous in order to load the nodes dynamically. I also have in the main part of the page, a table with the list of elements. The lists of elements can be drag-dropped on the treeview in order to move them around (they are also draggable on other parts of the page) I need though, to refresh the treeview to reflect changes when a folder was moved
2006 Feb 09
I have been reading the documentation at: One of the examples does this: var someNodeList = $(''lstEmployees'').getElementsByTagName(''option''); var nodes = $A(someNodeList); nodes.each(function(node){ alert(node.nodeName + '': '' + node.innerHTML); }); How can I access the array index as
2006 Feb 07
Question about Classes.
I have the attached class that I''m writing. The problem that I''m running into is that I can not access the options from the createArray function which get called after the ajax request gets done. I want to move the values of the xml file to an array and story it in the options variable. Can someone explain what I''m doing wrong? var LeaderInfo = Class.create();
2007 Apr 06
Getting a dynamically generated elements dimensions
Ive posted this before, but unfortunately I still have yet to resolve it after numerous attempts... Here is the overview: populate a container element with some new html using Element.update and then retrieve the new dimensions of the containig element. Here is a bit of code snippet that I would think should work.. but doesn''t: ==== start snippet ==== <style> .bigBox {
2006 Feb 21
RE: [Prototype] onSuccess Event and, Ajax.Updater bug in IE
Joe, After removing all occurrences of charset=utf-8 from my headers I am still getting the same bug in IE. Currently, it''s Content-Type: text/html Any other suggestion? Nathan. > Message: 2 > Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 09:13:57 -0500 > From: "Joe Hudson" <joe-x8g0hQFNjJhWk0Htik3J/> > Subject: RE: [Rails-spinoffs] [Prototype] onSuccess Event
2006 Jun 27
Ajax - Inserting selected elements from request.responseText
After retrieving a URL using an Ajax.Request... function onComplete (request, json) { // request.responseText holds the entire page Only the content contained in elementID = ''source'' is intended for display At this time, the following code works, but it disturbingly copies the entire page from the source URL into the target DIV $(''target'').innerHTML =
2006 Apr 12
innerHTML and scripts not running
Hello, I''m having an issue with getting embedded javascript code to actually run when loaded via an Ajax.Request() call and the callback function inserts the generated HTML and js code to my current page. It seems that the javascript code is not properly parsing. For example, I''m using the following function showinfo() to return some html code. function showInfo(go_url){
2007 Jun 14
How to convert a table to JSON (or to Javascript array)
Is there a way to retrieve an HTML table in javascript and convert it to JSON using prototype? I''m stumped :( phil --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Spinoffs" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-spinoffs-/ To
2007 Jul 17
Prototype: 2 questions (elements' attributes, dumping methods)
hello again) 1) i just wanted to know is it possible to get element''s attributes in hash or array? for example something like this: <span style="color:red;" id="myEl" onclick="alert(1)"> .. $(''myEl'').attibutes().length // == 3 2) is there any analogues of php functions var_dump() and print_r() for Objects/Hashes and Arrays? thank
2008 Jul 01
Attaching event observers to a series of elements - best practice?
Hi all, New member here. I''ve been working with Prototype for a while, and I love it. However, there''s one thing I still can''t figure out. Let''s say I have an array of objects, representing contacts in an address book: var contacts = [ { id: 1, firstName: "Bob", lastName: "Smith" }, { id: 2, firstName: "Sue", lastName:
2006 Feb 20
[Prototype] onSuccess Event and Ajax.Updater bug in IE
Hi all, Is there a known bug with Ajax.Updater not working in IE6? I''m having trouble with a Autocompleter control that calls a function that contains an Ajax.Updater as an AfterUpdateElement callback. It works fine in firefox, but I don''t think Ajax.Updater gets called under IE. 1. function updater(input, item) { 2. var
2008 May 21
this.initialize has no properties error in Prototype Code
Hi All, I''m a super newbie with Prototype and am trying to implement my first solution using it. This is my code: var span = ''totalViews'' + video_id; var params = ''video_id='' + video_id; Ajax.Response(''trackVideo.php'', { method: ''post'', parameters: params, onSuccess: function(transport) {
2005 Dec 28
Problem with IE
Hi there, let me introduce myself, i am a web developer from venezuela, my english is not the best, sorry by that... i am developing a form builder, is simple, just dragging form elements to a droppable container, all works well but im showing to my friends and... surprise!!! doesn''t work in Internet Exploiter, i am a linux user with firefox, im looking in internet how fix it but i dont
2007 Jul 10
Having trouble using data returned by Ajax.request
Hello everyone, I''m new here. I''ve been working with prototype and plotr for about a month now, off and on, and I have pretty much hit the wall on using the data returned by Ajax.Request. I''m using some php code to return a string: {''foo'': [[0,0.0865334429075127], [1,0.0828179861705063], [2,0.0828173042602942], [3,0.0841707718624196]]} But I keep
2007 Jun 07
Effect.Fade and innerHTML?
Hi there, I''m now having an odd problem with Effect.Fade not working based on the innerHTML of a div. Take the following for example... <div id="blah"> Nothing here yet. </div> If I then update "blah", hide it and then fade it in, like so: <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById("blah").innerHTML =
2007 Feb 17
Hi, i need some help :) Does anywhere exists a fix for a code (scheme) like this: ---------------- var blas = document.getElementsByClassName( ''foo-class'', ''foo-id'' ); blas.each ( function( bla ) { var subbla = Element.childrenWithClassName( bla, ''subbla-class'', true ); } ); -------------- This scheme worked well till script.aculo
2006 Mar 04
RE: Question about event listener highlighting withchild elements
1. Create a separate class that has your highlight/unhighlight behavior in it, and extend just the element you want to highlight with that class... like this (also allows you to easily apply this behavior elsewhere when you need it in the future): Object.extend(this.el, HighlightBehaviorClass.prototype) 2. When defining your event handlers, assign them to variables so you have a
2007 Nov 30
make sortable divs and innerHTML
My problem is that elements that were included in my site with innerHTML can´t be sortable because the DOM doesn´t know that these elements are there. Has anybody a solution or an idea to this problem? ToM --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Spinoffs" group. To post to this group,
2007 Sep 18
Prototype.js and Multidimensional Arrays
Hi there, this code works only fine , if i dont embedding the prototype.js in my document: <script type="text/javascript"> var myCheckBox2 = new Array(); myCheckBox2[''Ort''] = new Array("hamburg","berlin","hannover"); myCheckBox2[''Art''] = new Array("programmierung","support");