similar to: getStyle({margin}) on TD element is null in IE

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "getStyle({margin}) on TD element is null in IE"

2005 Oct 10
Scrollable DIV causes flicker in FF - SlideDown & SlideUp
I have a fixed height scrollable div inside another div that controls the slideDown and slideUp effects. This causes a really bad flicker in Firefox (1.0.7) for the entire duration of the slide down and up. While on the other hand it works smoothly in IE (except that on a slideUp it causes a last second flash that shows the entire div). Any ideas on how I can fix this? Thanks.
2006 Jun 16
Menu using Scriptaculous Effects = OnMouseOver bug
I am trying to achieve a Flash-like menu with OnMouseOver effects on 3 divs below. Unfortunately, the javascript resets when the mouse is rolled over the text and if you go mouse crazy on the divs, the script seems to remember where it cut off, and doesn''t roll down completely afterwards. Is it a good place to ask for help? I couldn''t find any Scriptaculous forum (only
2006 Mar 30
possible scriptaculous bug
I have two sortable lists, one after the other. I can drag from the first to the second but not from the second to the first. The behavior is consistent if n > 2. For example, I can drag from 1 to 2, 3 or 4 from 2 to 3 or 4 and from 3 to 4, but not in the reverse order: I can''t drag from the 4th list to anything (besides itself). From the third list I can drag only to itself and 4.
2005 Nov 08
Scriptaculous insertion fails when XHTML Strict used in FireFox
Hi ! I'm getting an uncaught exception requiring the Scriptaculous libraries when everything says XHTML 1.0 Strict: class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base before_filter :set_content_type protected def set_content_type response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xhtml+xml; charset=ISO-8859-1' end end <?xml version="1.0"
2008 Apr 01
Trying to get Effect.Appear, Scale, Fade to work
================================================= Mon-03-31-2008, 11:04pm U.S.EDT Hello, I''m trying to get a website entry page to work properly, while learning Scriptaculous effects and javascript at the same time. I wanted to use a couple of effects to add a little flash-style animation. I managed to get the initial Appear to work but with a problem: the image that''s supposed
2005 Oct 19
how to prevent "blinking" when adding an element with an effect
Hi, I add a div to my document and use an effect to make it apear gracefully. Unfortunatly, when adding the element, the element apears shortly, then the effect (slideDown) lets it apear nicely - so the page flickers abit - What is the best practice to avoid it? Cheers, Ron
2008 Jun 04
new to prototype : Ajax.Updater
hey guys.. im a prototype rookie here.. the concept of "a framework for javascript" seemed mouth watering.. but my rails got stuck when i started using it. here is the guinea pig im using to experiment on prototype. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html
2006 Jul 16
RJS problem
I have an odd problem while trying to use a simple rjs. _test.rjs : page.alert "test" test.rhtml: <script><%=render_partial(''test'')%></script> When I am attempting to view controller/test the page comes as if it was a text file. So i am actually seeing: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
2006 Jan 22
has_one not working as expected?
I messed around with Rails for a while last year, but then got busy and had to drop it. However, I now have time again, so I''m starting to play around with a simple database schema to model my extensive collection of photographic material, including equipment, negatives, photographs, etc. I''m running into an issue with using belongs_to/has_one methods. Read on for an
2014 Mar 13
migrating from samba 3 to samba 4
Hi all, after the news that samba 4 is now supporting user lockouts after bad password attempts we need to plan our roadmap on migrating from Samba 3 to samba 4. We currently have Samba version 3.0.7-1.3E.1 installed with (passwd) database as a backend. I would appreciate if anyone can guide me on the migration process. Our old server Centos 4.4 Samba 3.0.7 (Master browser)
2006 Mar 02
Help with routing error.
Ok .. if you are sensitive ... stop reading. I am totally new to setting up CGI. I am getting a routing error. Would someone be kind enough to help me? Please? Here is my form ... <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="">
2006 Mar 01
scaffold.css and Rails tutorial problem
In iteration D.1 on page 109 I am not getting a styled error message box displayed at the top of the checkout as described in the tutorial and I cannot seem to discover where I have erred. The scaffold.css is copied from the pragmatic programmers site: #-------------------------------------------------------------------- $ cat public/stylesheets/scaffold.css body { background-color: #fff;
2005 Oct 28
InPlaceEditor: XHTML validation
It''s not a critical bug by any means, but shouldn''t InPlaceEditor put DIV tags around the INPUT field? From what I can tell on the W3C validator, INPUT has to be in a block-level tag for XHTML. Of course, there are probably a zillion other things that wouldn''t validate, but every little step helps... Corollary question: Anyone know how to see what contexts a tag
2007 Jan 27
Prototype not processing javascript
I''m trying to change over from Rails 1.1.6 to 1.2.1 and have discovered that either something is wrong with Prototype of else something has changed that I am not aware of and cannot find documentation on. (I just joined this group, so if this has already been cussed and discussed here or in another list then please point me in the right direction.) I am trying to use the
2008 Apr 20
mod_rails showing plain text instead of actual page
hello! i got this forum powered by apache and mod_rails lately when i create / edit posts, i get plain html text showing up instead of the actual page. here''s what i see: -- Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Set-Cookie: _mysite_session=BAh7CzoOcmV0dXJuX3RvMDoKdGl0bGV7BmkVdToJVGltZQ2IDhuAK1UeADoL %250AdG9waWNzewZpBnU7Bw2HDhuA2%252FZJ7zoJdXNlcmkGIgpmbGFzaElDOidBY3Rp
2014 Mar 04
User account lockout - bad password with Samba4 ?
Hi guys, I am so thrilled by samba 4 it makes me go to bed smiling J Here is my setup. Server ************ Centos 6.5 Samba 4.1.4 Clients ************* Windows XP, 7 & 8 Question: Is account lockout supported with samba4 ? I cannot seem to get the users accounts to lock when they type their passwords incorrectly. The rest of my GPO's work. Folder redirects work
2014 Feb 21
Please share your mail setup with me if you are running samba4
Hi Guys, I had no luck so far getting openchange installed onto samba 4.1.4 and wondered if I am on the right track here regarding emails for users. I will appriciate it if anyone can share their setups with me so I can estimate what will be the best way forward. The plan so far. Run Samba4 as a file server. (this is working in a test enviroment) Run Samba4 as a DC with Active Directory
2015 Feb 26
a simple modification to html output of icecast
Hello, well, this is only a simple modification I need only me, but I don't know why it seems not to work. Since I'm blind, I use sometime a special braille computer in order to access internet. The browser is really poor and not compatible with flash, html5, so it is quite old. Anyway: From the moment I upgrade to icecast 2.4.1, instead of showing correctly the status page:
2015 Dec 06
Listener statistics on a fallback stream
Hello, On 06-12-15 13:58, Yahav Shasha wrote: > > >To me it sounds like a bug; surely the fallback never needs > statistics, > only the real steam because this is where listeners connect to. > > > Well, the fallback mount is still a mount-point nonetheless. you could > still use it as a "regular" mount-point even if its configured as a >
2014 Mar 13
samba - what happens if I say local master = No for samba 3
Hi all, another question on my roadmap to samba 4. I must admit that I am a bit scared of doing the migration from samba 3 to samba 4 and wondered if there is a simplified process that can be followed instead of the wiki... What happens if I selected (NO) in my samba3 config file ( local master = No ) and I Installed and booted a second server with samba4 on it... Will they be able to run