similar to: My sortables are sporadically becoming unsortable.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "My sortables are sporadically becoming unsortable."

2016 Aug 17
code to sort otherwise-unsortable "ilist"s, e.g. symbol tables
Dear all, The below has been tested quite thoroughly by now, including performance-testing by the way of using a modified compiler that triggers the below while compiling at least an old part of LLVM ["Function.cpp"] and sorting a symbol table with >7000 global variables. Unfortunately, the optimization I have been working on for which I _thought_ I needed the ability to sort a
2005 Sep 19
Sortables and not-Sortables
I have some drag and drop to do that is just a little different from the scriptaculous demos. My application has a shopping cart-like setup, where the user needs to drag an item from the main content area to a particular position in the cart. I don''t want to be able to sort items in the content area. That is, the target is a Sortable list, but the source is not. Problem one was that
2006 Jun 24
Sortable with sortables? this.destroy not a function O_o
Hi all I am creating sortable list with the builder. Now i want these sortables to be a sortable aswell. So i wrap a div around them and run sortable create on the main-container. I have it like so (simplified): var myLists = new Array(); // start a empty array for push var mainDiv = ''main''; // some already present div to carry all stuff. function newList() { var sortlist
2007 May 09
Scriptaculous Sortables: dragging between sortables and reordering them by javascript?
Hello, I wanted to drag elements from one sortable to another - not a problem. the hard thing is that i want to call a JS function to reorder the elements by certain criterias (ranking f.e.). So the two involved sortables are firering two onUpdate event. When I am changing the order of the LI-elements of the first Sortable (by removing them and adding them again), the second onUpdate event will
2005 Nov 03
sortables w/ hoverclass
Good hello. I'm confused by the 'hoverclass' option that can be passed to Sortable.create It works with Droppables.add but (for me) it doesn't seem to do anything when used with Sortables. (afaik Sortable.create just calls Droppables.add and passes the hoverclass option through- or at least it's supposed to) Not sure if it's broken in the current svn but
2006 Jun 26
sortables and accept question
i did some searching through the archives and didn''t really find an answer to my question, so i''m going to just ask it. i have a situation where there are 3 sortable lists. list1, list2, and list3 i need list2 to accept divs from all 3 lists, but list1 and list3 to only accept divs from the list1 and list3 i''ve added two classes to the divs in my sortables: .rail
2007 May 01
Small Scriptaculous Sortables Jitter
Hey all I have a project that i''m working on where I''m making extensive use of sortables. I''ve noticed that when my sortable item height is approximately less than 30 pixels, when I try to reorder the sortable it jitters between 2 positions and causes a nasty effect. I expect it''s to do with the tolerance percentages and pixels- when you start to get that
2006 Feb 15
Problem with auto scrolling in sortables
I have a div (ID = ''gallerybox'') in that there are 50 divs each holding an image. The gallerybox div is only big enough to show 15 images without scrolling. (3 rows of 5) I have been eagerly awaiting the auto scrolling feature, but it doesnt seem to be working properly for me. What happens is the scrolling works, and my items are all sortable but I can only drop an
2007 Apr 26
Sortables no longer working
I recently added MochiKit to my server for the key event monitor thing and now my sortable isn''t working. I get Sortable is not defined (Sortable.create(''item_list'', {tag : ''li'', overlap : ''horizontal'', onUpdate :...) They told me I had to move MochiKit''s script src reference above scriptaculous to get it to work right. Well
2005 Jul 26
unmovable items on sortables...
The "Sortable lists demo" is almost perfect for a project, but once you drag all the items from the first list to the second, you cannot drag back to the first. I need to be able to have several <ul>s that can be dragged back and forth between, even when one is emptied. Possible solutions? 1) create a <li> that is styled as a header, and is unmovable 2) modify the
2006 Jun 29
Sortables question
Hello, I am new to Scriptaculous, and was recently brought into a project using it to create an email Newsletter builder. The idea is that the user will have lists of elements that he can add to the email page by dragging the element he wants to add from an "available sections" container, to a "loaded sections" container. Dragging from the loaded to available will
2005 Sep 30
[Hopefully] Simple Question About Sortables
I recently discovered prototype and and I am totally addicted. The rosy glasses are getting thin though, based on a problem that I''m having with a sortable object I''m using. I see that there is the hoverclass property for draggables, is there something analogous for droppables? Specifically droppables in a sortable? I''ve been through the docs on
2005 Aug 12
Ghostly bug in sortables
When a sortable has ''ghosting'' enabled, it seems to include the dragged element twice in the list which is submitted in the onUpdate AJAX request. By the looks of it, it''s appended onto the end of the list when Sortable.serialize is called. IE in the following list: - 1 - 2 - 3 If I drag 3 to be at the top, what we expect is: [3, 1, 2] What we get is: [3, 1, 2, 3]
2005 Dec 04
Adding sortables dynamically
Hi all, is there a way to define the containment option for a sortable so that it is a class name instead of an id list? I have a case very similar to the sortable lists demo, the only difference is that I'm adding new list containers dinamically, so either I need to redo the Sortable.create calls for all new elements to include the newly added container, or having someway to have them
2005 Jul 13
A small question about dragging effect on sortables
Hello, I''m implementing sortables in Rails and I can''t seem to get the lovely effect from the Sortable Floats Demo on Thomas'' wonderful site: Simply put, I can''t get the effect whereby you''re dragging the image. When I have a vertical or horizontal constraint on a list, the effect
2006 Jun 14
sortables and onClick events firing
I have a page that I have been tasked with adding sortable support to, and the div elements that are being dragged have a <a href> in them with an onClick handler that opens a new window with a preview. Is there a way to keep that onCLick from firing when a sortable is dropped? Sam D _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list
2006 Jun 13
Weird flicker effect in IE6 (sortables)
Hello everyone I have made some strange expirience yesterday. I have an unordered list with sortable list items (basic). Within these are various contents (forms, divs, more lists) etc.. Now on only some of them the whole page (all text) begins to flicker / redrawn in Internet Explorer 6 if i pick up a dragable and move it above its original position (like moving it above the ghost of the
2006 Jan 11
sortables callbacks
i know someone just recently asked about queueing ajax requests, my question is similar in the regards that i don''t want my application to send multiple requests. i have 2 sortabbles lists left, and right. when i move an item from left to the right the onUpdate callback will send 2 ajax requests. one for each sortables. however. i want it to serialize and send back the results from
2006 Mar 28
Simple question about sortables...
Hi, I''m new to the prototype and scriptaculous (v1.5.1) libraries. I''m creating a sortable list using the code below, and I''m finding that while a list element is being dragged in IE, the element text is transformed to appear bolder than the original. In Firefox, the text becomes opaque. Is there anyway to stop this from happening, ie don''t change any
2006 Jul 17
sortable_element - Altering defaults set by rails
Hi there, I''ve got the following code to generate two sortable elements but whenever someone drags and drops an item, i only want it to return a serialised list of the items in categoryartworks, the unlinkedartworks can be in any order and I don''t care. I can then delete those artworks that were in category artworks but aren''t in the serialised list, plus reorder