similar to: drag and drop reset

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "drag and drop reset"

2005 Jul 01
drag problem
Hi - my first post here so first of all can I say how impressed I am with this library Now to my first question - I''m simply trying to make a div draggable, here''s my test page: http://localhost:85/ what seems to be happening is that the first drag works fine, but on subsequent drags the div''s initial coordinates
2008 May 29
Drag/Drop finding droppable's properties?
Hi All, I am trying to develop a dynamic form creator application, whereby we can drag objects from a "palette" and drop them onto a "form" to build the design of our form. To achieve this, when I have dragged the object, and dropped it onto the "form" area, I want to get the position of where the object was dropped. I have a droppable area:
2008 May 30
Drag and Drop with scriptaculous
Hello, I''m making my first steps with prototype and scriptaculous. I''m playing around with drag and drop. What I try to do: I have some Draggables and some Droppables. You can drag each Draggables to each Droppables. When I drop a Draggables I want to center the Draggables inside the Droppable. And here I get my first problems:-( I use this code: Droppables.add(
2006 Apr 06
RE: Drag and drop events. Or: How I learned to takeover the world.
You should open up dragdrop.js in the scriptaculous directory and take a look at the interface for Draggables/Draggable. There is an event for dragStart, dragging, and dragEnd (not by those exact names but you should see them)... sorry I can''t offer more help than just pointing you in the right direction... very busy. Good luck, nice start! The information transmitted in this
2006 Jan 13
Capturing the position of a draggable element
I would like to capture the position of a draggable element after it''s being dragged, but I am running into problem using several options, such as "change", "revert" and "onEnd". My callback handler would only fire when the page loads, and not when the element is dragged. How can I make this happen? <html> <head> <script
2006 May 28
Drag''n''Drop out of overflow:auto containers
Cheers, I have some elements inside a div with overflow:auto. When I trie to drag them outside of the div, the div starts to scroll. Is there a way to stop this behaviour for drag and drop? I thought of maybe using callback to disable the overflow and restoring it againg after the drop. Did someone implemented something like this? Thanks, Jonathan -- Jonathan Weiss
2005 Dec 27
Drag and drop problem if Droppable zones overlap
Hello, The question is related to Droppables and Draggable. I''m creating a splitter component with a DIV that acts as the splitter and 2 DIV zones that are the splitted zone. To do so I use the Droppables and Draggable in conjunction. The splitter DIV is a Draggable component and I define 2 Droppable zones for the splitter DIV (Zone A and B on each side of the splitter) It works fine
2005 Jul 25
dragdrop.js: drop from sortable
I have a Sortable that''s working like a charm, but now I would like to be able to drop objects from that Sortable onto a Droppable that''s not part of my Sortable. I just did a small test page where it didn''t work, so my first question has to be "is this supposed to work?", before I dig too deep into it. "accept" for the droppable is set to the
2005 Jul 28
hi I''m making a chess board app in Rails using the scriptaculous drag and drop stuff. A couple of questions, I am having trouble putting the chess pieces in the correct place - simply it seems that when i make somethign draggable it changes its positioning to relative - not so good for putting pieces on a board. Why is this ? Also i can''t see an OnDrop callback in the API
2007 Apr 05
Trying to get drag and drop to revert when I want and stay at other times
Here''s the deal. I''m making an ajax-based chess game. It''s done but there''s something I''d like changed. Right now, to move pieces, you click on the piece you want and you click where you want the piece to go. People expect that, but they also expect the ability to simply drag and drop the piece. So I''ve been using the draggables and droppables,
2006 Oct 27
Returning coordinates of a draggable?
How difficult would it be to get the x and y coordinates returned of a draggable? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Spinoffs" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-spinoffs-/ To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2005 Oct 11
Drag & Drop probs
Hi, I''m just trying out the possibilities of / prototype having two problems... I have a draggable element with revert:false-property and two dropzones. (The draggables are in a <td> and the dropzones are <div>s if that is important.) 1. I want the draggable element to snap back to its original position when it gets dropped anywhere out of a dropzone. 2.
2006 Aug 25
Dragging between DIVs with Prototype/
Hi, I''m fairly new to, so hopefully this is the right place to ask this question. I have the following situation (pseudo-code): <div> <Droppable 1> <Droppable 2> </div> <div (scrollable)> <Draggable 1> <Draggable 2> ... </div> Basically, my Draggables are inside a scrollable <div> element (the interface
2006 Apr 30
Draggable - how start action on start dragging and end action on droppping
Hi all. I have got situation that I made element draggable - and when element is dragged I want to start some action (e.g. shown AJAX indicator, and change one of CSS class in dragging element). What is the best way to achieve this? I search source code of the Draggable and I saw that there is 2 method: Draggable.initDrag and Draggable.endDrag so it looks like in initDrag method i should
2006 Feb 27
Disabling anchor clicking in a draggable
Hey guys I have an interesting problem - I have some draggable elements (sortable actually), with links (<A>) inside them. I want the user to be able to click on the link, however if the user drags the element I don''t want the link to get fired. Can anyone think of a way to do this? It only needs to work in Firefox. Cheers -Rob
2008 May 02
making an element draggable after it's been dropped in a drop zone
Hi, I have this code which allows me to drop a draggable item in to a droppable zone. It works fine but what i want to happen is once the item ( droppable) has been dropped in to the drop zone (dropp) for the item to be draggable again. At the moment once ive dropped the item in the drop zone i can''t make it draggable again.....even if i repeat this line: new
2005 Dec 05
Multi-level drag and drop in scriptaculous?
I am trying to create a screen like Google''s personalized home pages or, i.e., with draggable sections, with the extra feature that the child items under the parent headings could be dragged and dropped from one parent heading to another. I have set up nested droppable sortables (dropOnEmpty=true) but the behavior is very inconsistent, i.e, parents do not become droppable
2006 Feb 09
Draggables and Droppable performance (tips)
Hi all. I have some performance tips to share. I had been having problems with the overall performance of the drag/drop objects. This is due largely to the fact that my project really pushes the limits (potentially thousands of draggables and hundreds of droppables in the document at a time, although that is the extreme case). Something I discovered is that the performance of dragging goes WAY
2006 Mar 23
Implementing nested drag and drop using scriptaculous
Hi. I have gone through the scriptaculous wiki. I am trying to implement nested drag and drop but not able to do this. The situation is like this. _____________________________ | abc | => Box1Line1 | cde | => Box1Line2 | efg | => Box1Line3 | h | => Box1Line4
2007 Jul 26
Scroll Page While Dragging 'draggable_element'
Hi - I posted this on another list, but received no response, so I''m trying this one. My apologies to those who have seen this question twice. I have two columns, one of draggable elements, the other of droppable elements. These are used to add items to a particular collection. (Story :habtm ''Assets'') Column 1 (Assets) Column 2 (Stories) ==============