similar to: How to fire an event when the page completes loading?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "How to fire an event when the page completes loading?"

2010 Nov 18
Facing problems with YUI 2 grids, nesting does not work as expected (example markup inside)
Hey, thank you for reading this post, maybe you can help me. I am trying to nest grids, but it does not work, see my lines (extracted and shorten): Just copy, save as html, and then you''ll see what I mean: the orange solid bordered list items should be in the red dotted list container, but that''s not the case. Can you help me with this? <html> <head>
2007 May 30
how to create a simple DHTML dialog
I am looking to create a simple dialog window like this on a page: I know scriptaculous comes with Rails, not YUI, but I can''t find anything similar there. Is there any shortcut to doing this with existing plugins or core stuff?, or must I download another toolkit? thanks Sam
2006 Jun 15
RE: Yahoo!-like Event object emulation/abstractioninPrototype?
If that doesn''t work, then you''ve done something wrong somewhere. ''Cause it works for IE for me and everyone else. The only advantage I see with the YUI toolkit is that it''ll defer attaching events to elements that do not yet exist in the DOM. Big whoop, only a sloppy programmer would try to attach an event to a non-existant element. With Prototype, you can
2006 May 11
Yahoo Container Library
Just a note that Yahoo came out with some more widgets Check out Maybe we can adopt some of their ideas. * I like the Module library and its subclasses * you can do unobtrusive html and use this when you instantiate the javascript objects dom _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list
2008 Feb 11
Rich Text Editor and link_to_remote
Hi How can I get link_to_remote to call a new page and respect the javascript within that page. I do have an edit page for datarecords, that have a textarea which is enhanced with the YUI Rich Text Editor. If I call that edit page through link_to_remote, the editor isn''t displayed. If i call it without the AJAX, it works fine. What can I do?
2006 Sep 05
Prototype-Carousel 0.1
Hi I have done a light implementation of the YUI Carousel Feel free to try or use it Seb --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/ To
2006 Feb 14
Yahoo! User Interface Libraries
Yahoo! recently unveiled their UI Libraries which appear to provide a lot of the functionality that and prototype does. I''ve tried some of the demos and the effects run quite smooth/fast. Could be an opportunity for us to adapt some ideas/approaches to improve.
2012 Oct 10
How do we get the End of Line date for the gems which we are using Ruby on Rails?
Hi All, I want to know the EOL date for the below gems for ROR. Can anyone help me how to find the EOL dates - authlogic - will paginate - oauth-plugin 0.3.14 - statistics 0.1.1 - YUI - cucumber 0.6.4 - cucumber-rails 0.3.0 - rspec 1.3.0 - rspec-rails 1.3.2 - webrat 0.7.0 - factory-girl 1.2.4 - database_cleaner 0.5.0 - SSL requirement - calender_select
2006 Jul 18
Right-click popup menu?
Hi, I have a partial frame on the side of a page which shows the current users logged in (as text). Now, I would like to be able to right-click on each user''s name, and get a menu containing links such as "View Profile", "Send Message", etc. These links could open in a new window. Is this possible? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Aditya Rajgarhia
2011 Apr 09
Rich text editor?
Hi all, would you recommend something to integrate rich text editor capabilities in a Rails app? I am currently looking at integrating Zoho Writer since it''s got so many features, but I was wondering whether somebody here knows of some gems or whatever that they would recommend for this kind of requirement. Thanks a lot in advance Vito -- Posted via --
2008 Mar 10
Probably OT, but CSS Help?
Ok I know this is off topic, but since you guys are usualy so helpful, I thought I''d try here first. Building a Rails App and one of the things we''ve done is put a CSS class of; * { font-family:"Lucida Grande",verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif; margin:0pt; padding:0pt; } Now the problem is that the padding setting, for one reason or another is killing my select
2007 Apr 14
Form.serialize: correctness and speed
The following link does a comparison of some popular libraries and their ability to correctly serialise a form: <URL: > Any comments? -- Rob --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Spinoffs" group. To post to this group, send email to
2008 Jun 09
YUI vs GWT vs ExtJS vs ????
I would like y''all''s opinions on ease of implementation into Rails, quality and quantity of widgets etc between Yahoo User Interface and Google Web toolkit and ExtJS. I am just getting ready to invest a huge amount of effort into one of them and I would like to know what the community''s experience has been with these toolsets. OR.. is there a better open source set of
2006 Jul 03
help getting plugin to work
Hi, I want to create a plugin that allows easy use of the Yahoo! UI library similar to the prototype.js and scriptaculous helpers that come packaged with rails. just one line in plugins/yui/init.rb require ''yui_helper'' a little more in plugins/yui/lib/yui_helper.rb module ActionView module Helpers module YuiHelper def yui_form_remote_tag(options = {})
2015 Oct 18
Managed Languages BOF @ Dev Meeting
I won’t be able to attend, but I’d be interested in hearing if any conclusions are reached on several of these topics: > On 16 Oct 2015, at 21:27, Joe Ranieri via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at> wrote: > > - Dealing with the explosion of basic blocks that come up with > languages where almost every function call, implicit and explicit, can > raise exceptions. This
2007 Aug 25
onLoad event with an update function
Hello, I am using the following code: new Ajax.Request(''ajax.php'', { parameters: { task: ''home'' }, onSuccess: function(transport) { $(''home_montage'').update(transport.responseText); new Effect.Appear(
2009 Aug 24
r23 committed - Changed build.xml to use correct directory slashes
Revision: 23 Author: ajturner Date: Sun Aug 23 19:48:12 2009 Log: Changed build.xml to use correct directory slashes Modified: /trunk/build.xml ======================================= --- /trunk/build.xml Sun Aug 16 17:18:10 2009 +++ /trunk/build.xml Sun Aug 23 19:48:12 2009 @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ </path> <sequential>
2007 Aug 31
Hi, is there some way to remove all event listeners for the specific element? Thanks for help. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Spinoffs" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-spinoffs-/ To unsubscribe from this group,
2008 Jul 14
question about a small "for" loop
R 2.5.1 on WinXP I'm trying to create new variables in a dataframe called jaw, as powers of jaw$age up to the sixth power, and name them jaw$age.(--the digit corresponding to the power--) Obviously none of these work (silly for me to try, I suppose): for (i in 2:6) { jaw$age.'i' <- jaw$age^i } for (i in 2:6) { jaw$age.i <- jaw$age^i } for (i in 2:6) {
2012 Mar 14
Does Ruby 1.9 support Unicode normalization yet?
In the process of upgrading from 1.8 to 1.9 we are getting a lot of warnings about "Ruby 1.9 doesn''t support Unicode normalization yet". However the commit that added those lines is from 2008 and just mentions "Ruby 1.9 compat: no Unicode normalization support yet" without any references. Does anyone know whether this is still true for ruby 1.9 and for which minor