similar to: prototype: Event.observe 'click' for $$('a.popout')

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 11000 matches similar to: "prototype: Event.observe 'click' for $$('a.popout')"

2008 Mar 05
Prototype Observe Links (Mouseover)
Hi all, I''am new to Prototype and after a 2 hours of research I didn''t find a solution for the following question: I have the following list: <ul id="navi"> <li><a href="/about/">Home</a></li> <li><a href="/about/" class="dropdown" onmouseover="showSubnavi(this)">About</a>
2006 Feb 02
this pointer in Event.observe function
Hello, please consider the following code example. It applies the onclick handler to all image tags, and through window.event it ensures that it works in IE too: -------------------------------------------------- var imgs = $(''foo'').getElementsByTagName(''img''); for(var i=0; i<imgs.length; i++) { // Apply onclick handler imgs[i].onclick=function() {
2006 Apr 29
Event.observe mystery
Hi, I have a class ''Menu'' with a method ''addItem''. The method (simplified) looks like this: addItem: function(itemId, text) { this.container.innerHTML += ''<div id="''+itemId+''">''+text+''</div>''; Event.observe(itemId, ''mouseover'',
2006 Jun 15
RE: Yahoo!-like Event object emulation/abstractionin Prototype?
Event.observe(myelement, ''click'', myfunc.bindAsEventListener()); That might fix your wagon. Greg > -----Original Message----- > From: rails-spinoffs-bounces-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/ [mailto:rails-spinoffs- > bounces-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/] On Behalf Of Sam Rowe > Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 11:24 AM > To:
2006 Feb 10
Element.observe () binding
Hey all, I working on a project, but I am not sure I can do what I want to do. The following works beautifully: Event.observe(el, ''click'', function () { this.className += " myClass"; return false; }); I have also tried doing this: this.varname = ''test''; Event.observe(el, ''click'', function () { alert (this.varname); }.bind
2006 Mar 15
prototype.js Event.stopObserving
anyone have any information on how to effectively use this? Event.observe() doesn''t return anything, and nothing I''ve tried is actually removing the event listeners from the objects. -Jeremy -- Jeremy Kitchen ++ kitchen-RA8HwDor7flnDGu+y90WmgC/ In the beginning was The Word and The Word was Content-type: text/plain -- The Word of Bob.
2006 Mar 03
event.keyCode broken in prototype?
I ran 2 tests. One using proto''s Event.observe, and another using an in-line handler of the "keydown" event in a textbox. Using .bindAsEventListener, the event.keyCode is always returning a capital letter, no matter what. The in-line event handler returns lowercase vs. uppercase correctly... What''s going on? I guess I find it hard to believe no one has tried
2006 Jun 15
Yahoo!-like Event object emulation/abstraction in Prototype?
Hi, I was reading about the Yahoo! library recently and was really excited by the idea that I wouldn''t have to branch for IE in my event handlers. Is there any chance that such abstraction will come to Prototype? Thanks, Sam
2006 Mar 09
extending an existing DOM object in a prototype way
I want to take an existing DOM object and extend it with some functionality. I know there''s a way to do this with prototype. Unfortunately, I''m not entirely sure how to do this. Basically, I want to take an existing DOM object and turn it into a ''widget'' by adding some functionality. say we have a span: <span id="blah">some text
2008 Mar 10
Passing extra parameters to functions called from Observers
Hi again, When you have an ''obeserver'' setup as follows: $(''myForm'').observe(''submit'', validateForm); If a user submits the form the ''validateForm'' function is called and is automagically passed the ''event'' to work with. This is fantastic! But is there a way to pass another argument to the function?
2006 Mar 18
Prototype event models and Internet Explorer
Hi, I was just reading an article that talked about the problems with Microsoft''s event registration and handling. >From 1. Events always bubble, no capturing possibility. 2. The event handling function is referenced, not copied, so the this keyword always refers to the window and is completely useless. I was wondering if the
2006 Apr 10
RE: Re: Prototype Ajax - How to pass my own params toonComplete
That technique will not work for this case. By default, the response element is passed in to the onComplete handler as the first argument. Basically, all ''bind'' does it let you bind the ''this'' element to the function, so when you reference this.whatever in the function, the ''this'' refers to ''this'' in the scope that the event
2006 May 18
Event.observe problem
Hello there, i have a textbox, i fill the textbox with a date from a javascript popup calendar, im using the like this Event.observe(''myTextBoxId'', ''change'', function(){ alert(''epale!'');}); and is not working, if i put the alert inside the input element in the onchange attribute it works, is that a prototype bug? -- // // Ing. Francisco
2006 Dec 14
Should Event.stopObserving() remove itself from cache?
Just wondering why Event.stopObserving() doesn''t remove the itself from the Event.obervers array? Is there a reason for this? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Spinoffs" group. To post to this group, send email to
2006 Jun 15
RE: Yahoo!-like Event object emulation/abstractioninPrototype?
If that doesn''t work, then you''ve done something wrong somewhere. ''Cause it works for IE for me and everyone else. The only advantage I see with the YUI toolkit is that it''ll defer attaching events to elements that do not yet exist in the DOM. Big whoop, only a sloppy programmer would try to attach an event to a non-existant element. With Prototype, you can
2006 Mar 04
RE: Question about event listener highlighting withchild elements
1. Create a separate class that has your highlight/unhighlight behavior in it, and extend just the element you want to highlight with that class... like this (also allows you to easily apply this behavior elsewhere when you need it in the future): Object.extend(this.el, HighlightBehaviorClass.prototype) 2. When defining your event handlers, assign them to variables so you have a
2006 Jun 15
RE: Yahoo!-like Eventobjectemulation/abstractioninPrototype?
This is obviously rough draft and not thoroughly tested, but it seems to work. If you''d like, give it a try (load it after you load prototype.js): Function.prototype.bindAsEventListener = function(object) { var __method = this; return function(event) { return, new SuperEvent(event || window.event)); } } var SuperEvent = Class.create();
2006 Mar 31
Reset events after ajax update
Avoiding real work I decided to try and clean up my html and remove my inline onclick handlers for Ajax.Updater calls. Here''s the inline method I''ve been using: Now, here''s using <script> sections to apply the behavior. (firefox only) Since the links (tabs) are inside the
2006 May 09
anyone used the new firefox leak monitor?
One of the Mozilla developer released a new extension to detect JS memory leaks: If it''s accurate, it might be bad news for Prototype. I have some code using prototype 1.4 with no leaks, but other code with 1.5 leaks on every single bindAsEventListener call, and a bunch of other places. Not sure if it''s just me; I may just be
2006 Mar 16
This is driving me crazy!!!
I have the following code but it keeps on giving me this error when it runs. --- Error: this.alertBox has no properties What would be causing this? My Code checks out when I call this.alertBox() from the setup function it works fine but when I try and put in on an event observer it doesn''t work. What do you guys think? Thanks, Jon Code Here: var Updater =