similar to: function Element.isParent argument order?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "function Element.isParent argument order?"

2006 Feb 07
onHover: can u explain me this function ?
In Sortables, we have a function onHover: onHover: function(element, dropon, overlap) { if(overlap>0.5) { Sortable.mark(dropon, ''before''); if(dropon.previousSibling != element) { var oldParentNode = element.parentNode; = "hidden"; // fix gecko rendering
2008 Feb 15
Sortable limit number of elements
Hello, Well, i need to limit the number of elements in a sortable. I new to scriptaculo but i have lots of experiencie with javascript. Since limit the number of elements is not supported by Sortable i would like to implement, i already took a look at the Sortable class in dragdrop.js and it looks like that onHover and onEmptyHover deal with the update of the UI, however I''m not unable
2006 Jan 29
Questions about Sortable javascript
Hi, I''ve been playing with sortable, the demos on and reading the javascript. I hope I''m not just missing the documentation somewhere but I can''t find it. I want to do something like Sortable for the admin side of an open source ecommerce project I''m working on [1]. I''m relatively new to DHTML but understand the basic ideas. If someone
2007 Jun 28
Droppable onHover fires on page load, not on hover
Hi all, first post. I have a simple set of drag/drops that I''m trying to use in FF. Unfortunately on page load all of the droppables on the page fire simultaneously and then won''t respond to any futher attempts to drop anything on them. Firebug isn''t showing any errors and I''m completely stumped... Any ideas of where to look? using:
2006 Feb 13
8 / Scriptaculous
Hi list, Is it possible to create a "dashboard" type application, like, w/ _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2005 Jul 18
fix for scriptaculous dragdrop.js empty list problem
Hi Thomas, Here''s a fix for the problem that I raised this morning, turned out to be fairly simple in the end (after many false starts and thrashing about - thank goodness for Venkman!) First, in Sortable.create(), I register the parent element (the UL tag or whatever), and add an extra property to it to mark it as the parent of the list in question: for (var i = 0; i <
2006 Jan 23
question about Sortables
So, is there any way to specify a sortable to only do a callback when the dragged item is dropped? As it is, the onChange is called whenever you move the draggable to a new element (even if you don''t drop it), but I''d rather only call my function after they drop it to avoid unnecessary additional server calls. It looks like Droppable supports an ''onDrop'', but
2006 Nov 24
sortable - after complete dropping element want to send ajax reqeust with id of elements: draggable and droppable
Hi all. I have specific situations - I use sortable on html list, and after I move elements I want to do ajax reqeust to serwer with the id of dragging element and id of the element that was droppable. How to do it? which function in Sortable class i have to overrider or modify? i try to modife onhover method in sortable and put a ajaxRequest call before methods dropon.parentNode.insertBefore
2007 Nov 09
iframe is reloading during each sortable drag/drop point
We are creating a simple widget portal for our site and trying to use Sortables. Each of our widgets is an iframe. But when you try to drag an element containing an iframe the Sortables api causes the iframe to reload at each possible drop point. This causes the ui to shutter and become unusable. I have narrowed the issue down the onEmptyHover where dropon.insertBefore is called. Is there a
2006 Jan 11
sortables callbacks
i know someone just recently asked about queueing ajax requests, my question is similar in the regards that i don''t want my application to send multiple requests. i have 2 sortabbles lists left, and right. when i move an item from left to the right the onUpdate callback will send 2 ajax requests. one for each sortables. however. i want it to serialize and send back the results from
2009 Jul 20
Upgrade server to run on Rails 2.3.2/F11
Note that one of the 8 patches (#6) will be sent separately in reply to this email, as some of the replaced lines are too long, so git won't let me send the email. However, there is nothing wrong with that patch, and it should be applied in the sequence listed below. Note also that I assume this will be tested on a clean f11 install, rather than an upgrade of an existing ovirt server
2008 May 29
Drag/Drop finding droppable's properties?
Hi All, I am trying to develop a dynamic form creator application, whereby we can drag objects from a "palette" and drop them onto a "form" to build the design of our form. To achieve this, when I have dragged the object, and dropped it onto the "form" area, I want to get the position of where the object was dropped. I have a droppable area:
2009 Jul 07
[PATCH server] Update app to work with rails 2.3.2
Note that this does not fix gettext for app, that will be done separately in another patch as F10/F11 require different setups for that. In the meantime gettext works if manually changed in environment.rb to gettext_rails instead of gettext/rails Signed-off-by: Jason Guiditta <jason.guiditt at> --- src/app/controllers/application.rb | 200 --------
2006 Jan 11
divider id of container
Hi there, i need to drag an draggable element to an child div node inside an another div container, but i create the child node dynamicly with ids like '' div_ + i '' where ''i'' is a incremental variable, thats the problem because i need get the id of this child nodes to manipulate it, somebody knows how if i drag the element to that child node i can get the id of
2006 Jun 14
Sortable Tree - Stoping Event dispatch ?
Hi, I''m trying to play with sortable tree and have two issues: I have an AJAX Tree looking like: <ul class=''TreeCat'' id=''work''> <li class=''open''> <img src=''s.gif'' class=''node'' onclick="Ajax.Tree.toggle(event,this);"/> <a
2006 Feb 08
Get id of object being dragged
Hi Scriptaculous is awesome. Within a couple of hours I''ve been able to get heaps done. My one problem is that I can''t seem to get the id of the object being dragged. Here is the code I am using: new Draggable(''Idea'',{handle:''IdeaHandle'',change:function(element){$(''test'').innerHTML = encodeURIComponent(}}); yet
2006 Feb 26
Question abour Draggables & Droppables
Hi, What I need to know is how to change revert:true to revert:false from a draggable after I drop it on a droppable so it doesn''t return to its original place. Something like: [CODE] <!-- Draggable image --> <img alt="Product" id="item" src="icon.png"> <script type="text/javascript"> new
2006 Jan 23
Performance Issues with Autocompleter
Hi All, I am currently using and Autocompleter for a project which I am dealing now. I faced a situation for which I couldnt find any solution and I could not see any reference regarding this issue in the enhancement/bug lists of either. Autocompleter component is working perfectly, if the information returned from the server does not exceed ~1000 LIs.
2001 Jul 25
ext3 tuning parameters. what are they
When memory is low, ext3 gets a bit sluggish cursor getting jumpy etc. I say ext3 because I don't see a similar behavior with ext2. What are the ext3 tuning variables that I can try? For example, I see a message like "commit interval 5 seconds" in /var/log/dmesg.
2018 Jul 18
Desktop lag with CentOS7/Mate and high CPU usage
We have noticed significant desktop/UI lag on CentOS7 workstations using Mate when the CPU usage is high - i.e. the mouse pointer lags and moving windows (e.g. terminal windows) become jumpy (not smooth) We didn't see (or notice) this issue with CentOS6/Gnome2 This can easily be shown by running something like 'cpuburn' ( and moving a