similar to: Scrollable autocomplete div in IE -- works in 1.6.2?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Scrollable autocomplete div in IE -- works in 1.6.2?"

2006 May 01
RE: Leak in the Autocompleter, with scrollable result-div ?
Tommy, Every time the Autocomplete results is blur()'d, it adds another onblur event observer (because of "Event.observe(this.update, "blur", this.onBlur.bindAsEventListener(this),true); // make sure blur is still around on") which leads to a performance problem / memory leak. (Commenting it out seems to fix this problem.) I was wondering why it was there? Thanks again,
2006 May 01
RE: Leak in the Autocompleter, with scrollable result-div ?
Hi Ed The reason it adds a new onblur is because when you click the scrollbar the event is gone. I dont know why and how to prevent it, but without adding it back the onblur does not get triggered and the layer does not hide when you click somewhere else on the page. If anyone finds a better solution, please provide a patch. I still have not been able to make the blur work on Safari, so Thomas
2006 Apr 20
The Autocompleter, with scrollable result-div
Hi everyone If you''ve seen this ticket,, you''ve noticed I have tried to make scrollable autocompleter work. The scrollIntoView works great, however the iframefix for IE didnt work in the previous change. This is fixed now. Also the "blur-on-scrollbar-click" should not work in both IE and Safari (can someone confirm this?) It all
2007 Sep 02
Scriptaculous - Sortables problem within a scrollable div
Hello everyone: I''ve been using scriptaculous for very long time and it''s really good. However, I just came across another problem about using sortables in a scrollable div. The basic structure is: <div style="overflow:auto; height=400px"> <div id=''Item1''></div> <div id=''Item2''></div> ....
2006 Aug 25
Dragging between DIVs with Prototype/
Hi, I''m fairly new to, so hopefully this is the right place to ask this question. I have the following situation (pseudo-code): <div> <Droppable 1> <Droppable 2> </div> <div (scrollable)> <Draggable 1> <Draggable 2> ... </div> Basically, my Draggables are inside a scrollable <div> element (the interface
2006 Apr 11
IE Sortable Style Problem
Hi Guys, I am having a problem in IE (tested versions 6 and 7 beta) with sortable divs in a container div with overflow set to scroll. It looks like all of the divs have their position set to relative after the sortable initializes, and also after being dragged. When a div (any element?) has a relative position in a containing div with overflow set to scroll, all of the divs with relative
2006 Feb 14
Scrollbar in Autocomplete List
Hi all, Firstly is there a way to search the archives? Second I was wondering if there is a way to implement a scrollbar on the list that occurs when you use autocomplete. I have some lists that are very long so I would like to shorten them but still have all the options. Regards, ----------------------- Iggy Sandejas D-Frag Solutions -----------------------
2005 Oct 10
Scrollable DIV causes flicker in FF - SlideDown & SlideUp
I have a fixed height scrollable div inside another div that controls the slideDown and slideUp effects. This causes a really bad flicker in Firefox (1.0.7) for the entire duration of the slide down and up. While on the other hand it works smoothly in IE (except that on a slideUp it causes a last second flash that shows the entire div). Any ideas on how I can fix this? Thanks.
2007 Nov 11
Scrollable selectbox for auto complete
Hi everyone, I have used used scriptalicious for the autocomplete. It works but with one problem. When scrolling down the list, the values not visible are not scrolled into focus. eg I use the keyboard down or up key. Here is my CSS <style type="text/css"> div.auto_complete { height: 100px; width: 350px; background:
2008 Jun 20
Slider as Scrollbar in a window
Hi, I ran into deep problems using scrollbar features shown at The scripts work as expected, but if i use the separate window effect (based on prototype and script aculo us, too) shown at the scrollbar doesn''t work anymore. I tried and studied the source code for both subprojects but i have really no
2006 Apr 17
Problem w/ IE & Autocomplete
Anyone run into the problem where the autocomplete results div disappears when you click or click/drag on the scroll bars for the div? -- David Fitzhenry - _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/
2006 Feb 13
would like to have the input text highlighted in the autocomplete div
Hello everyone, I would like to have the input text highlighted in the autocomplete div (similar to google suggest) Any ideas how I can get this working with the autocomplete class ? Thanks, Shyam
2007 Mar 19
Firefox Input Fields with Autocomplete=off
In FF 2.x if you turn off autocomplete on an input field it triggers an undesired side effect. Pressing UP and DOWN now move the cursor to the left and right. This only happens in FF and only with autocomplete off. This does not play well with AutoCompleters. I need a way to force the cursor to the end of the input string whenever UP or DOWN is pressed. Is this possible? Thanks,
2006 Jun 14
Help regarding autocomplete customization
I tried working with the example on customized autocomplete at The code is working fine on Internet Explorer. But I had a problem when working with mozilla. The list was getting displayed but the selected value is not getting pasted in the textbox. can anyone help me with this??? Thanks in advance, Veena
2006 Apr 14
IE 6 AutoComplete...
I searched around the wiki, didn''t find any help... though I''d run it by you guys... In IE6, when I click to drag autocomplete results in IE, the div fades out and is gone. I can use the scroll wheel on the mouse, and it works, or the arrow keys. Also, the arrow keys do not update the scrollTop when they move out of visible range. I''ve written a hack for this
2006 May 16
in_place_editor with local autocomplete
Hi Rails gals n guys I am trying to enhance the "Lightning-Fast JavaScript Autocompletion" rails recipe. For those that do not have the pdf-book the recipe explains how to use a javascript array for an auto-complete text field. I want to combine this with the in_place_editor call. My current (unworking) code: <!-- Load the array for autocomplete --> <script
2005 Sep 29
Draggables and overflow div''s revisited
I have two scrollable div''s (overflow:auto), one with a list of elements (the source) and the other is the drop target (dest). I''ve enabled ghosting so that the drag element gets out of the scrollable box (good). Interesting, at least on Firefox, the ghosted drag ends up going ''under'' the destination div when I drag it. No amount of z-order fidding seems to
2006 Dec 21
Autocomplete field in form - need string to be displayed but :id to be saved.
Hi all, Here''s what I am trying to do. I need autocomplete text field in a form. There are 10,000 names to choose from. But when selected I don''t want the string to be saved but the :id attribute of the model. How can I show the string in the text_field and then swap it out for the :id before a create or update. I see that the customized version on has both name
2005 Aug 15
0 dragging from div with scrollbar
Hi, I''m new here, so if this turns out to be the wrong place to ask, please do tell! I''m trying my hand at creating a page using the scripts from and I''ve run into a little problem. If I drag a Draggable from a <div> that has a scrollbar (css with either overflow: scroll set, of overflow:auto, since dragging the Draggable image always
2005 Sep 15
IE iframe bug with Autocompleter over HTTPS
I ran across an issues using the Autocompleter over HTTPS in IE (6.0 in WinXP Pro SP2). I plan to submit a bug report to the Ruby on Rails trac, but first I''d like "to discuss this on th[is] Mailing List beforehand, maybe it''s already known and in the works, or it isn''t a bug" (per The autocomplete