similar to: How to tell if a hypervisor connection has died?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "How to tell if a hypervisor connection has died?"

2016 Jul 24
Lifecycle of a connection to libvirtd
Hey! I am trying to figure out how to reliably maintain a connection to libvirtd. From the documentation, I would expect something like that: - virConnectOpen() - virConnectRegisterCloseCallback() - virConnectSetKeepAlive() - Application logic And in the registered callback, I would: - virConnectUnregisterCloseCallback() - virConnectClose() - virConnectOpen() -
2016 Jul 25
Re: Lifecycle of a connection to libvirtd
On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 11:13:08PM +0200, Vincent Bernat wrote: >Hey! > >I am trying to figure out how to reliably maintain a connection to >libvirtd. From the documentation, I would expect something like that: > > - virConnectOpen() > - virConnectRegisterCloseCallback() > - virConnectSetKeepAlive() > - Application logic > >And in the registered callback, I would:
2017 Oct 17
Hi In my program , When libvirtd restart , the old libvirtd connection(virConnectPtr) has to reconnect, Before usr old virConnectPtr , I call virConnectIsAlive. but when I restart libvirtd , virConnectIsAlive return 1, and I continue other operate use the old virConnectPtr, program will receive signal pipe. I use libvirt event. before any api use, I call virEventRegisterDefaultImpl, and
2014 Jun 13
Re: Status of Host machine.
Hi Michal, virConnectOpen is for connecting to a host right..? I want to check the host status, whether the connection to the host is active or not.. for that purpose we have to use virConnectIsAlive() I'm using libvirt python bindings, here is the function defnintion. def isAlive(self): """Determine if the connection to the hypervisor is still alive A
2012 May 09
creating a domain
hi, i am a bit confused on how to start an inactive domain using the python bindings, any help would be appreciated. (inactive as in the domain was created with?virConnect.defineXML sometime in the past) looks like i have to use virDomain.create, however virDomain.create needs a defined domain xmldesc as a parameter and i am not sure on how to get that i guess if?virConnect.create was
2020 Aug 09
multiple vms with same PCI passthrough
In attempting to isolate vfio-pci problems between two different guest instances, the creation of a second guest (with existing guest shutdown) resulted in:. Aug 09 12:43:23 grit libvirtd[6716]: internal error: Device 0000:01:00.3 is already in use Aug 09 12:43:23 grit libvirtd[6716]: internal error: Device 0000:01:00.3 is already in use Aug 09 12:43:23 grit libvirtd[6716]: Failed to allocate PCI
2014 Jun 11
Status of Host machine.
Hi, Using libvirt how can we check the status of a remote/local host machine.. isAlive() method is giving true even if the internet connection is broken OR libvirt demon in the remote machine is being stopped. so isAlive() does not seems to be handy, Is there some other way to get the status of remote host..? Thanks -Sijo
2016 Jan 19
[PATCH libguestfs v3] lib: Handle slow USB devices more gracefully.
Libvirt has a fixed 15 second timeout for qemu to exit. If qemu is writing to a slow USB key, it can hang (in D state) for much longer than this - many minutes usually. The solution is to check specifically for the libvirt EBUSY error when this happens, and retry the virDomainDestroyFlags operation (indefinitely). See also the description here:
2011 Jan 19
Getting CPU and memory usage statistics for the host
Hi, I have noticed that virt-manager has the ability to show me the current cpu- and memory-usage of both the host and running guest machines. How does it do that? I could make good use of that information myself in the client applications I'm writing, however, from what I can see on, I have no idea how to go about getting it from libvirt. In
2015 Oct 05
[Bug 92287] New: Display errors in Qt applications after using Android Virtual Devices Bug ID: 92287 Summary: Display errors in Qt applications after using Android Virtual Devices Product: Mesa Version: 11.0 Hardware: x86-64 (AMD64) OS: Linux (All) Status: NEW Severity: major Priority: medium
2012 May 05
listing active and defined vs inactive and defined domains
i am trying to list active + defined and inactive + defined domains using libvirt 0.9.4 i can get active domains using: def s_activedomains(conn): #get active domain ids numofdomains=libvirt.virConnect.numOfDomains(conn) activedomains=libvirt.virConnect.listDomainsID(conn) return activedomains i am stuck on how to get inactive domains the example listed
2010 May 28
Cannot create qcow2 images with libvirt 0.8.1
Hi, After upgrading to libvirt 0.8.1, I can no longer create empty volumes with no backing store and an explicit format of qcow2. This XML volume definition: <volume> <name>testserverb-data2.img</name> <allocation>0</allocation> <capacity units='G'>20</capacity> <target> <format type='qcow2'/>
2012 May 04
free memory on hypervisor
i am trying to get the free memory on a hypervisor using libvert, with the python api bindings as per?, it should be pretty easy, however the below is failing: #conn is a connection object freemem=libvirt.virNode.getFreeMemory(conn) although this works fine: software=libvirt.virConnect.getType(conn) if software == ?'QEMU': logging.debug('hypervisor is
2010 Aug 20
libvirt support spice protocol
Hi,everyone, there is a problem with libvirt support spice protocol. i use the following patch file,but it seems not success.anyone have an idea about that? thanks. patch file: This adds an element <graphics type='spice' port='5903' tlsPort='5904' listen=''/> This is the bare minimum that should be exposed in the guest config for SPICE. Other
2015 Mar 19
libvirt-python Segfaults
Hello I am trying to get libvirt-python working in Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit system. I tried installing the binaries from the repo itself: 1. root@test-vm8-109:/home/test# libvirtd --version libvirtd (libvirt) 1.2.2 root@test-vm8-109:/home/test# python Python 2.7.6 (default, Mar 22 2014, 22:59:56) [GCC 4.8.2] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or
2015 Mar 20
Re: libvirt-python Segfaults
Hi Harish, I believe the proper establishment of a connection should be done by or libvirt.openAuth() or libvirt.openReadOnly(). All of them will return a functional virConnect instance. I'm not sure this segfault is worth to fix since instantiate a virConnect directly is not an expected usage. Hope this information will help you. Best Regards, Hao Liu +86-010-62608262
2012 May 07
libvirt python api for storage-volumes and storage-pools
hi, how do i list storage pools and volumes using the python bindings? basically the python api calls for?virsh pool-list and virsh vol-list thanks
2010 May 21
Better error codes when stopping a VM that is already stopped
Hi, Sometimes when stopping a virtual domain using virDomainDestroy(), I come across a domain that is already stopped. (For example when someone already stopped the domain manually using virsh or because the guest OS issued a shutdown.) This is a special case that I absolutely need to catch and handle. Unfortunately, when this happens, and I call virGetLastError() afterwards, I always just
2019 Aug 05
Vm in state "in shutdown"
Description of problem: libvirt 3.9 on CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (kernel 3.10.0-693.21.1.el7.x86_64) on Qemu version 2.10.0 I’m currently facing a strange situation. Sometimes my vm is shown by ‘virsh list’ as in state “in shutdown” but there is no qemu-kvm process linked to it. Libvirt log when “in shutdown” state occur is as follows: “d470c3b284425b9bacb34d3b5f3845fe” is vm’s name,
2012 May 08
creation of storage volume fails
hi, i am getting this error below when i try to create a storage volume: ? ? libvirt.virStoragePool.CreateXML(storagepoolobject,xmldesc,0) AttributeError: class virStoragePool has no attribute 'CreateXML' my code is: xmldesc="xml description of storage volume which i got from sudo virsh vol-dumpxml" #get a storage pool object to use in creating a volume