similar to: significant test of two quadratic regression models (lm)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "significant test of two quadratic regression models (lm)"

2013 May 03
R package for bootstrapping (comparing two quadratic regression models)
Hello , I want to compare two quadratic regression models with non-parametric bootstrap. However, I do not know which R package can serve the purpose, such as boot, rms, or bootstrap, DeltaR. Please kindly advise and thank you. Elaine The two quadratic regression models are y1=a1x^2+b1x+c1 y1= observed migration distance of butterflies() y2=a2x^2+b2x+c2 y2= predicted migration distance of
2011 Jul 07
Polynomial fitting
Hello, i'm fairly familiar with R and use it every now and then for math related tasks. I have a simple non polynomial function that i would like to approximate with a polynomial. I already looked into poly, but was unable to understand what to do with it. So my problem is this. I can generate virtually any number of datapoints and would like to find the coeffs a1, a2, ... up to a given
2013 May 01
significantly different from one (not zero) using lm
Hello, I am work with a linear regression model: y=ax+b with the function of lm. y= observed migration distance of butterflies x= predicted migration distance of butterflies Usually the result will show if the linear term a is significantly different from zero based on the p-value. Now I would like to test if the linear term is significantly different from one. (because I want to know
2009 Feb 02
Using Information from the Stats4 package in base envir
Hi. Thank you very much in advance for your help. I have generated data from two simple linear models and used k-means clustering (stats4) to identify two clusters in the generated data. Next, I would like to do simple linear regression for each separate cluster. I can do this if I first use the cluster labels to define two separate data frames with the subset function. However, I would
2012 Dec 16
average X value of specific Y
Hello I have a table describing butterfly range traits. It is composed of three columns as below Species name range size (X) latitude of range midpoint (Y) There are 11 kinds of butterflies. Each has its range size, and the latitude of each range midpoint ranges from 9 to 19. I would like to have the average range size of every degree of latitude. For example, the average range
2012 Dec 16
averaging X of specific Y (latitude)
Hello I have a table describing butterfly range traits. It is composed of three columns as below Species name range size (X) latitude of range midpoint (Y) There are 11 kinds of butterflies. Each has its range size, and the latitude of each range midpoint ranges from 9 to 19. I would like to have the average range size of every degree of latitude. For example, the average range
2010 Oct 22
NUT and AsciiDoc (was: Next AsciiDoc release)
Hi Stuart, sorry for the lag in answering, I know that you're awaiting feedback for the final release... 2010/10/19 Stuart Rackham > Hi Arnaud > > I successfully compiled all the docs in svn:// > using the current AsciiDoc trunk, and > yes, the chunked manual only has a single toc. But there was the added > problem of the article
2007 Oct 05
R-2.6.0 package check problems
Hello One of my packages, untb_1.3-2, passes R CMD check under MacOSX (and apparently the systems used in the package check summary page on CRAN) but fails with the following message on R-2.6.0.tgz compiled last night on my (home) linux box. I hasten to add that I have never seen this error before on home-compiled pre-releases of R-2.6.0. Can anyone help me understand what is going on?
2006 Oct 05
Matrix input problem
Hi, Included is an R.script that came from a much large date set being read in to R from a .txt file. Why is it that the first line codes with an error, but the second line works fine? Is there some line length limit in R? This happens at random places all through my data. Any help would be appreciated. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bill Wyatt
2010 Nov 12
AsciiDoc 8.6.3 release redux
FYI (mostly Charles and Arjen), a2x version has just been bumped to 8.6.3 in their trunk. So we will be able revert r2686 cheers, Arno 2010/11/12 Stuart Rackham > > > On 12/11/10 10:45, Arnaud Quette wrote: > >> Hi Stuart, >> >> 2010/11/10 Stuart Rackham >> >> The planned 28-Oct release date has slipped by, in the mean time I >> think all
2014 Oct 22
config file locations
On Tuesday 21 October 2014 22:06:48 Charles Lepple did opine And Gene did reply: > Hi Gene, > > On Oct 21, 2014, at 9:12 PM, Gene Heskett <gheskett at> wrote: > >> configure: error: libgd not found, required for CGI build > >> > >> And gdlib does not appear to be available from the repo's. > > Sorry, I must have missed that message.
2014 Nov 24
building NUT on Mac OS X Yosemite (website/documentation)
On Nov 23, 2014, at 3:19 PM, Jean Perriault (GM TAF) <jpweb.taf at> wrote: > After a fresh ?nut' (version clone on Yosemite, The version number is simply a placeholder, indicating that the Git tree has changes beyond v2.7.2, and is not yet released as v2.7.3. After we start making changes, you may want to use "git describe --tags" or the Git commit ID.
2014 Oct 22
config file locations
On Oct 21, 2014, at 11:37 PM, Gene Heskett <gheskett at> wrote: > Hummm, that got me past that barricade, but then it needed asciidoc, which > pulled in everything else it was fussing about. The everything else was > close to all of tex and latex, something north of 220 megs worth. Drive > space I have, but thats a heck of big hunk of dependency. You mean that
2009 Nov 03
How to display full name for the coefficients/factors in summary()?
Hi, I am wondering if there is a way to display the full anme of the regression coeffients/factors in the summary? Suppose I have a bogus data set using weekday as factor which has 7 levels such as: mydata <- sample(364) wk <- rep(1:7, 52) weekday <-
2014 Dec 01
building NUT on Mac OS X Yosemite (website/documentation)
Hi Dan Charles and Jean are having an issue with the nut-website buildrules. would you have a bit of time to check to help them? thx and cheers, Arno 2014-11-24 14:59 GMT+01:00 Charles Lepple <clepple at>: > On Nov 23, 2014, at 3:19 PM, Jean Perriault (GM TAF) <jpweb.taf at> > wrote: > > After a fresh ?nut' (version clone on Yosemite,
2014 Dec 01
building NUT on Mac OS X Yosemite (website/documentation)
Hi guys, Regarding building NUT on mac os x (yosemite), I tried Charles tweaks (ASCIIDOC_VERBOSE=-v + I?ve tried without internet connection) without success. Quick explanation for Charles regarding NUT WEBSITE: I would like to build it on my Mac because I?m experiencing some memory/performance issues with my VMs due to my quite old computer. bye, jean > Le 1 d?c. 2014 ? 20:54, Arnaud Quette
2013 May 05
slope coefficient of a quadratic regression bootstrap
Hello, I want to know if two quadratic regressions are significantly different. I was advised to make the test using step 1 bootstrapping both quadratic regressions and get their slope coefficients. (Let's call the slope coefficient *â*^1 and *â*^2) step 2 use the slope difference *â*^1-*â*^2 and bootstrap the slope coefficent step 3 find out the sampling distribution above and
2014 Nov 23
building NUT on Mac OS X Yosemite (website/documentation)
Sorry I ran ?make' command in nut-website/nut... (I still can?t understand why creating man page is so long, it is much more faster on ubuntu.) When running ?make? in nut-website, same issue then described previously, even with Arno patch > sort: stray character in field spec: invalid field specification `4.1,4.5rV > > >>>>>> and it ends with: > >
2011 Jan 19
question about result of loglinear analysis
Hi all: Here's a question about result of loglinear analysis. There're 2 factors:area and nation.The raw data is in the attachment. I fit the saturated model of loglinear with the command: glm_sat<-glm(fre~area*nation, family=poisson, data=data_Analysis) After that,I extract the coefficients: result_sat<-summary(glm_sat) result_coe<-result_sat$coefficients I find that all the
2011 Aug 03
the significance of BEKK estimation
Dear ALL, I use BEKK package to estimate Bivariate GARCH model. But when the results come out, there's no t-stat or p-value of the estimated coeffients. Does anyone know how to get the significance? Followings are the codes I input, >P1=data.frame(x,y) >y1=mvBEKK.est(P1) >mvBEKK.diag(y1) Anyhelp would be appreciated! Sincere, Zoe -- View this message in context: