similar to: Problems with reading data by readWorksheetFromFile of XLConnect Package

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Problems with reading data by readWorksheetFromFile of XLConnect Package"

2015 Nov 12
Problema con la lectura de datos
Otra opción es importar directamente los datos que necesites usando XLConnect (sin llevarlos a CSV). Ese paquete permite hacer cosas muy potentes desde el propio fichero de Excel. Recomiendo, encarecidamente, la lectura de sus dos vignettes. Un Saludo, -- Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Muíños Dirección Xeral de Saúde Pública Consellería de
2013 Nov 04
Reading data from Excel file in r
Hi experts, I want to read data from an excel data like this: for the fifth column, from first row until 140 but only 1,3,5,7,.....139 (only 70 values), How can I do it in R? thanks [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2017 Sep 23
"XLConnect" packages; Excel dates read incorrectly
Hi, I tried to read xlsx files by "XLConnect" packages, but the dates are one day earlier than it is supposed to be. I moved from California to Taiwan (Eastern Asia), and it worked well in California, but not in Taiwan. Even if I adjust my Mac time to California time zone, it gives the wrong dates. I don't know which part of the setting (in RStudio or in my Mac?) I should adjust.
2025 Jan 28
Buenos días Antes con el paquete "XLConnect", podía leer y escribir en un lugar determinado en Excel tal y como indico a continuación in1_wb <- loadWorkbook("aa.xlsx") data1 <- readWorksheet(in1_wb, sheet="Sheet1", header = FALSE, startRow = 1, startCol = 1, endRow = 5, endCol = 8) in2_wb <- loadWorkbook("bb.xlsx") data2 <-
2017 Sep 23
"XLConnect" packages; Excel dates read incorrectly
Hi John, It could be due to this: Jim On Sat, Sep 23, 2017 at 1:04 PM, John <miaojpm at> wrote: > Hi, > > I tried to read xlsx files by "XLConnect" packages, but the dates are > one day earlier than it is supposed to be. I moved from California
2017 Sep 23
"XLConnect" packages; Excel dates read incorrectly
Jim, I don't see how that link could be related to John's issue. Symptoms related to your link involve discrepancies of four years whereas John is seeing discrepancies of one day. John, I do not see any attached files. Regards On Sat, Sep 23, 2017 at 1:30 PM, Jim Lemon <drjimlemon at> wrote: > Hi John, > It could be due to this: > >
2017 Sep 24
"XLConnect" packages; Excel dates read incorrectly
Hi, Thank you for all your responses. For Eric, The files are attached. (I believe it was also attached in my first message) For David, Could you send me the link regarding possible solutions or a more comprehensive description of the problem? Thanks, John 2017-09-23 22:29 GMT-07:00 David Winsemius <dwinsemius at>: > > > On Sep 23, 2017, at 6:30 AM,
2017 Sep 24
"XLConnect" packages; Excel dates read incorrectly
> On Sep 23, 2017, at 6:30 AM, Eric Berger <ericjberger at> wrote: > > Jim, > I don't see how that link could be related to John's issue. Symptoms > related to your link involve discrepancies of four years whereas John is > seeing discrepancies of one day. > The MS Excel starting point was off by one day. R does not repeat that error. MS claims that
2025 Jan 28
Hola, Belén. Podrías indicar qué error te da? En principio el paquete XLConnect funciona correctamente (tanto si lo descargas desde el CRAN como desde GitHub). Puede que no tenga que ver directamente con el paquete... alguna dependencia que no encuentra? Java? ... Un saludo, Miguel. ________________________________ De: R-help-es <r-help-es-bounces en> en nombre de
2017 Sep 24
"XLConnect" packages; Excel dates read incorrectly
Hi John, I was able to reproduce your problem in my environment. I modified the statement date11<-as.Date(a_col$date, format="%Y-%m-%d") to date11<-as.Date(as.POSIXlt(a_col$date),format="%Y-%m-%d") which then gives the output you would like to see (at least on my system) > date11 [1] "2004-01-01" "2004-01-02" "2004-01-05"
2016 Nov 17
problem with normalizePath()
The packages "readxl" and "haven" (and possibly others) no longer access files on shared network drives. The problem appears to be in the normalizePath() function. The file can be read from a local drive or by functions that don't call normalizePath(). The error thrown is Error: path[1]="\\Hzndhhsvf2/data/OCPH/EPI/BHSDM/Group/17.xls": The system cannot find the
2016 Apr 23
Java memory error when reading a small xlsx file
Hi, I tried to read a (small) xlsx file by "readWorksheetFromFile" function of "XLConnect" package and "read.xlsx" function in "xlsx" package, but I got this error message: Error: OutOfMemoryError (Java): Java heap space I tried to follow the solution on the web
2013 Jul 22
problem loading large xlsx file into r
Hi, I am facing trouble when trying to read large xlsx file into R. please find the code and error below. The file I was trying to read has 36,500 rows X 188 col, ~ 37 MB size. > options( java.parameters = "-Xmx4g" ) > library(xlsx) Loading required package: xlsxjars Loading required package: rJava > cftc =
2016 Nov 18
problem with normalizePath()
>>>>> Evan Cortens <ecortens at> >>>>> on Thu, 17 Nov 2016 15:51:03 -0700 writes: > I wonder if this could be related to the issue that I > submitted to bugzilla about two months ago? ( > > That is to say, could it be that it's treating the first >
2012 Jan 10
unir en .dbf luego de aplicar read.xls a varios archivos
Estimados: Tengo un directorio con varios archivos Excel quiero importarlos todos y grabarlos en un único archivo .dbf. Haciendolo uno por uno lo logro de la siguiente manera (solo tomo 2 archivos): archivos <- list.files(pattern = 'xls') a1 <- read.xls(archivos[1], perl="C:\\strawberry\\perl\\bin\\perl.exe",skip=12,dec=",",header=F, a2 <-
2011 Feb 24
Rd, S4 classes and PDFs
Hi, I'm documenting a package that makes heavy use of S4 methods at the moment, and I'm having a hard time from keeping the PDF output of Rd from looking really terrible. First of all, what is the preferred way to actually document S4 methods? When I use promptClass/promptMethod, I get a style that doesn't use the \S4method macro and puts the entire function signature into a \item.
2013 Apr 23
Questions on function "readNamedRegionFromFile" in XLConnect pacakge
Hi, I have two questions on the function "readNamedRegionFromFile" in XLConnect pacakge. 1. In the documentation, # multiregion xlsx file from demoFiles subfolder of package XLConnect demoExcelFile <- system.file("demoFiles/multiregion.xlsx", package = "XLConnect") # Load a single named region into a single data.frame. df
2011 Sep 15
Reading Parts of Excel Files (within a sheet)
Dear R Users, I have to read data from many excel spreadsheets, all which have some frustrating formatting (lots of titles, headers, etc.). I am trying to work directly from source data and the number of the spreadsheets I would have to go through make reformatting one by one a pain. I have found lots of ways to read excel files, but my question is whether there is a way to only read
2016 Nov 30
problem with normalizePath()
I found this as well. At our institution, our home directories are on network shares that are mapped to local drives. The default, it appears, is to set the location for libraries (etc) to the network share name (//computer//share/director/a/b/user) rather than the local drive mapping (H:/). Given the issue with dir.create(), this means it's impossible to install packages (since it tries to
2005 Jun 28
boxplot by factor (Package base version 2.1.1) (PR#7976)
I consider this to be an old bug, which also persists in Splus 7. It is unnecessary, and annoying. ## Section 1: Consider a simple data frame with three possible factors (in levels) d <- data.frame(a=sort(rnorm(10)*10), b=factor(c(rep("A",4), rep("C", 6)), levels=c("A","B","C"))) tapply(d$a, d$b, mean) # returns three results, which I