similar to: I want in the future HIERA-2

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "I want in the future HIERA-2"

2014 Jan 04
The Future - ENCs vs Hiera?
After digressing into this discussion on #puppet last night, I was wondering what the community feelings are on ENCs vs Hiera... I know that Dashboard/Console still exists, but have heard rumors (for years) of it being either replaced by something else, or totally rewritten. Then there's Foreman, and a bunch of us with homegrown ENCs. On the other hand, it seems that the bleeding edge of the
2013 May 20
hiera-gpg and 400 error
Hello I am setting up servers with a puppetmaster and various nodes, all running Debian Wheezy with the Puppet 3 packages from Puppetlabs. The Puppetmaster is configured with Passenger and Apache. I am trying to use hiera-gpg to encrypt passwords, I have it installed and have created a key as described here: On
2013 May 08
Problem with hiera config
Hi all, I''m trying to work with hiera database in puppet and i''m having problems using %{variables} because they don''t get the values and i don''t know why. file hiera.yaml: cat hiera.yaml --- :backends: - yaml - puppet :hierarchy:- nodes/%{domain}/%{hostname} - os/%{operatingsystem}/%{operatingsystemrelease} -
2013 May 27
Puppetdbquery 1.1.0, now featuring hiera backendception
I just released dalen-puppetdbquery 1.1.0, one cool new feature in this release is a hiera backend. So if you have a puppet class that takes a list of hosts as a parameter you can now fill it using dynamic data from a puppetdb query. No need anymore to modify the module itself or create a wrapper class around it to do the puppetdb query in. It requires another hiera backend to be active at the
2013 Jun 11
hiera data bindings and template()
Hi, I''m using Puppet 3.2.1 and heavily relying on hiera data bindings. I have the following situation: class software ( $my_content = undef, ) { file { ''/path/to/file'': content => $software::my_content, } } in hieradata/software.yaml (hiera.yaml seems ok): software::my_content: template(''mymodule/myfile.erb'') With this configuration I
2013 Feb 22
puppet could'nt find hiera even when hiera gem is installed
Hiera was properly working in my environment. But puppet was looking at old version even when I have the latest hiera gem installed. So I could''nt use json backend. But puppet is not looking at my latest hiera gem. Not sure when went wrong here. Scenario: I have installed hiera couple of months back. So the gem was installed under /opt/puppet/lib/gems/1.8/gems/hiera-0.3.0
2013 Jun 24
Raziel - a partial encrypted Hiera backend
Hi everyone, In my environment, we heavily rely on Hiera to parametrize our modules. Like the Puppet code, I would like to version-control the Hiera .yaml files. However committing passwords in plain text to GitHub seems really odd. So I would like to make you aware of one of my side-projects called Raziel. While there is one
2013 Jan 30
Hiera parameter lookup, nesting variables and Puppet 3
Hi, I''m trying to reconcile the advice in the Puppet 3 class doc with our current use of Hiera. We currently retrieve variables from Hiera in one big collection while the Puppet 3 doc seems to indicate storing variables without the collection. For example, we have a module to manage a log indexer. In its init.pp it says: class log_indexer( $log_indexer_conf =
2013 Dec 13
Error: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error Hiera::InterpolationLoop: Detected in [::environment]
Hello, just upgraded Hiera from ver. 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 and broke our puppet environment. :) It seems that there are sizeable changes related to variable interpolation Here is an error during Puppet run: Error: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error Hiera::InterpolationLoop: Detected in [::environment] at /home/ubuntu/environments/project_dev/manifests/site.pp:35 on node
2013 Aug 31
Hiera data in mongodb backend: schema question
I''m thinking about creating a web service to provide hiera data. The backend I''m looking into is Mongodb. Front end would implement hiera-http. Does anyone have any recommendations on the mongodb schema and how it would look. I checked out some articles online for hierarchical data in mongodb but not sure how that would map to a hiera backend. Here''s some articles and
2013 May 07
hiera not using non-root user custom fact
Hi, Before I begin, my environment consists of a standard master/client config with the exception that all my clients run under a non-root user. I have to use non-root so I can''t simply restart under root to fix the problem. Master -> 3.1.1 Client -> 2.7.17 using mostly the hiera() function in my classes. problem: I have run into an issue today where my custom fact is not
2013 Dec 16
Overriding class options with hiera
Hi, I''m trying to do something with Hiera, whereby the ''default'' configuration for a class is within it''s role/profile manifest, which can then be overridden on a node specific basis by hiera. As an example; class profile::base { class { ''::ntp'': servers => [''a'', ''b'', ''c'',
2013 May 29
How can I use "puppet apply" with hiera?
I''m running Puppet v2.7.14. I have a puppet master server with Hiera and it works great. I also want to be able to apply my manifests locally on a node. I have installed Hiera on my node and I can verify using the Hiera command line application that values can be looked up: user@tag5-4-qa-sjc:~$ hiera corp_puppet_server region=northamerica datacenter=sjc environment=qa --debug DEBUG:
2013 Apr 18
Hiera Automatic Parameter Lookup Question
This may be a dumb question, but here goes So I''m running on Puppet 3.1.1 on RHEL5, and i''ve been using Hiera since 2.5/2.6 ish and it''s been great!! I was reading up on Automatic Parameter Lookups and would love to use it for my modules. But I can''t seem to ever get Hiera/Puppet to load the value i''ve set in my yaml files. I feel like I must be
2014 Jan 29
hiera-eyaml-gpg gives strange error
Hi, I'm trying to store some encrypted values in hiera, using either hiera-eyaml or hiera-eyaml-gpg. While hiera-eyaml (PKCS7 encryption) works fine, the agent gives the following error message when using hiera-eyaml-gpg: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Error from DataBinding 'hiera' while looking up 'the_secret_field': can't convert
2013 Oct 24
Puppet components and configuration / Hiera patterns
We have embraced Hiera; we use the YAML configuration system currently and on the whole everyone finds it easy to use and intuitive. However, as our manifests have grown more complex, we have a need to "compile" multiple narrowly-focused classes together into different types of high-level roles. For example, we might have a "webmail" class that pulls together classes for
2013 Mar 10
hiera yaml namespace nesting
Hi, I''ve just got hiera deployed into a new puppet environment, and have defined a class as follows: modules/role/manifests/ui.pp ===================== class role::ui ( $public_hostname ) { notify {''role::ui::notify'': message => "role::ui configured for ${::data_center}; hostname: $public_hostname", } } This is then included into
2013 Oct 11
Kindly get me to use foreman1.2 + hiera + puppet
Hi Friends, Looking for this option to use foreman 1.2 + hiera + puppet . If anyone integrated this Kindly share the configuration steps . Thanks in Advance -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To
2013 Apr 03
Using single hiera hash for two create_resources, and mounting filesystems
I am trying to use the same hiera hash to create the mount point and mounts. (Would be nice if mount could create the mount points using 3.1.1) My plan was to define create_mount_points and use create_resources with the same hash, and just though away what I dont use.... maybe there is a better means? Here is the mount class: class fstab::mounts ( $config = undef ) { $defaults = {
2013 Sep 11
Puppet ignores hiera completely
I''m not sure at all what''s going on here, but I''ve spent a lot of time reading over the puppet hiera docs and setting everything up, but when I run puppet agent it just seems to ignore the hiera setup completely. Both the puppet master and agent nodes have exactly the same versions of puppet and hiera (installed via the official puppet APT repository). I''ve