similar to: Solaris Certificate Problems

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Solaris Certificate Problems"

2012 Feb 29
Private key troubles after a new install and a reboot
Ok, I''m new to puppet, but I''ve got everything working for my setup. Almost. I''m trying to set up a new server, using cobbler, and then puppet. CentOS 6.2 Puppet 2.7.11 Cobbler 2.0.11 I have things set up so I can use kickstart to install the server on boot. It installs puppet and facter from the puppetlabs repos and the snippet
2011 Mar 08
Force resigning of existing certificates
Is there a way to force the puppetmaster to resign certificates for existing certificates when a new CSR for the same hostname arrives? When we reinstall freshly formatted clients with puppet (with the same hostname) the puppet client complains: err: Could not request certificate: Retrieved certificate does not match private key; please remove certificate from server and regenerate it
2011 Dec 16
Seperate CA's/Master behind load balancer
Hello, Attempting to setup a CA primary/standby as well as seperate puppetmaster servers (all running Apache/Passenger) behind another Apache/Passenger type load balancer. Clients are not getting certs:- err: Could not request certificate: Could not intern from s: nested asn1 error Clearly an SSL issue but not something I know a great deal about. loadbalancer.conf # Puppet Load Balancing
2010 Aug 25
Could not request certificate: Neither PUB key nor PRIV key
Oh my god.... what is this? Getting this on first boot of new client. Aug 24 01:11:09 app03 puppet-agent[5392]: Reopening log files Aug 24 01:11:09 app03 puppet-agent[5392]: Could not request certificate: Neither PUB key nor PRIV key:: header too long I stop the client, and remove the ssl directory on the client: [root@app03 puppet]# service puppet stop Stopping puppet:
2011 Jul 11
err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: certificate verify failed
Hi All, I have spent couple of days trying to work-out this problem with not luck. I am working on a Linux Fedora 14. I ssh from the server to the client using teh IP with no problem. Client: # puppetd --server puppet --waitforcert 60 --test --verbose info: Creating a new SSL key for bar03 warning: peer certificate won''t be verified in this SSL session warning: peer certificate
2009 Nov 04
Certificates Revocation Lists and Apache...
Hi, already asked in the openssl mailing list, but just in case you already went through this... I need a little help with Certificate Revocation Lists. I did setup client certificates filtering with apache and it seem to work fine so far (used a tutorial on, down right now). I have a "CA" that is signing a "CA SSL". Then, the "CA SSL" is
2011 Oct 06
More cloud provisioner stuff
I''m still having some issues with cloud provisioner. I have a fresh install of provisioner, .60rc1, puppet 2.7.3, and dashboard 1.2.0. Everything has a very default install as described in the documentation. I was unable to get bootstrap to work, so I did things in a linear fashion (create, install, classify). Classify is failing and theres not really any good debug info, I just get
2013 Jan 08
Puppet LVM create volume maximum size
Hello, Using the LVM module/providers from the forge I want to create a logical volume at the maximum size and I cannot work out how to do this. physical_volume -> volume_group -> logical_volume -> filesystem -> mount All works fine but you have to hard code the size for the logical volume. Anyone know if this is possible ? Thanks Paul -- You received this message because you
2010 Jul 01
Interesting "Bad Certificate" Problem
All, I''m having an interesting certificate problem with a host I provisioned today. The host was provisioned and puppet was installed as part of the post-os provisioning process. After I signed the certificate I see the following on the client side: [root@client ~]# puppetd --verbose --no-daemonize notice: Starting Puppet client version 0.25.4 err: Could not retrieve catalog from
2011 Feb 25
"hostname not match with the server certificate" error
Hi all I''m trying to set up a separate puppet master and client on EC2. I''ve used two instances of CentOS5.4 with nothing other than the base install and have installed puppet via the ruby gems. Puppet is at 2.6.4 on both machines. I''ve been following the guide to get a basic configuration working ( with a little tweak
2012 Dec 28
err: Signing certificate error: Could not render to pson: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
Hi, I am trying to bootstrap a new agent from my master node as below. puppet node_aws bootstrap \ --region us-east-1 \ --image ami-cc5af9a5 \ --login root \ --keyfile /root/.ssh/private.pem \ --install-script=puppet-enterprise \ --installer-payload=/usr/local/puppet/puppet-2.7.0.tar.gz \ --installer-answers=/usr/local/puppet/agent.txt \ --keyname icos-client \ --type t1.micro Node is created
2011 Nov 04
Storeconfigs and nagios and foreman
All- Poking around in the bug database it looks like storeconfigs is being actively worked on. I am using 2.7.6 on my master as well as all the clients. I have clients boot , start puppet and get a signed cert via auto signing. The nagios module (and currently the only thing puppet does) complains a lot during compile time about not having storeconfigs enabled, which is not the case in my
2017 Jan 05
Dovecot dsync tcps sends incomplete certificate chain
5 Gennaio 2017 01:21, "John Fawcett" <john at> wrote: > On 01/04/2017 08:40 PM, Juri wrote: > >> Hi, >> I'm trying to configure a Dovecot dsync service between two servers, using a tcp+ssl connection and >> a valid Let's Encrypt certificate. >> I followed the guide on the wiki ( using the
2011 Sep 14
puppet kick getting hostname not match with the server certificate
OS - RHEL5.7 Installation Source - epel-testing repo Puppet server version - 2.6.6 puppetd version - 2.6.6 I searched Google and none of the answers were a match for my set up... I can do ''puppetd --test'' from the client and things work as expected. When doing puppet kick hostname I get the following: Triggering hostname Host hostname failed: hostname not match with the server
2012 Jan 23
Template Help Please
Hello, I am trying to setup a template with data being passed in as a long string of data which is being returned via extlookup() i.e. $resolvers = "" The template should split those up and put a nameserver entry per line in /etc/resolv.conf I have this in the template now:- <%=
2012 Aug 10
SSL issues - certificate verify failed
Hello readers, I have this little issue that my puppet client refuses to do anything because of SSL validation errors. Maybe I''ll just post dump of what happens, that makes it clear I hope. Does anyone have a suggestion why that might happen? what I already checked: On the master: - Puppet and puppetmaster is running - Something is listening on Port 8140 (although I cannot
2012 Oct 10
Puppet client not listening on port 8139
Hi everyone, Please help, I have built a new server and installed puppet (2.6.17) running on RHEL 6.3. It seems that it is not listening on port 8139. iptables -L: Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt
2010 Mar 05
WEBrick 500 error only with https
I have an application i''m installing on my application server. I''ve been using WEBrick and for now i''d like to just keep using it working in prototype development mode. This works fine on my development machine using both http and https, where the host is ''localhost'' (ports 3000,3001). It also works fine on the application server http port 3000. The
2013 Aug 30
Could not find certificate Error: header too long
I''m having a strange issue: A new machine created this morning showed thi error: ON PUPPET AGENT [root@wso2greg ~]# puppet agent --environment=production --verbose --no-daemonize --debug Debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderUser_role_add: file rolemod does not exist Debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderPw: file pw does not exist Debug: Failed to load library ''ldap'' for
2011 Feb 15
Puppetmasterd not receiving certificate request
Hi: I''m trying to configure Puppet on Ubuntu, and strangely I am never able to generate a certificate because my server never shows any pending certificate requests. Put differently, on the server I am running puppetmasterd and on the client I am able to connect to the server, but the client continues printing notice: Did not receive certificate warning: peer certificate