similar to: Dependency Ordering Confusion

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "Dependency Ordering Confusion"

2013 Feb 15
Errors when running 'puppet agent --test' command
Hello, First of all I am new to the Puppet technology. I am trying to get my puppet agent (windows) to reach my puppet master (Linux) server. In this tutorial: It claims to test your puppet agent you need to use the ''puppet agent --test'' command. My result when I tried this is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Puppet
2020 Jun 10
Possible Bug: file.exists() Function. Due to UTF-8 Encoding differences on Windows between R 4.0.1 and R 3.6.3?
Dear R Developers, I am having an issue with the renv package and R 4.0.1, which I suspect is related to base R and not the renv package itself, as with R 3.6.3 such an "error" does not appear. The error is raised by a file.exists() path, and path "C:\Users\J-tel\Documents", which in R 3.6.3 is read correctly, but in R 4.0.1 fails (Probably because of the "-"
2020 Jun 22
Possible Bug: file.exists() Function. Due to UTF-8 Encoding differences on Windows between R 4.0.1 and R 3.6.3?
Hi Tomas, I received a report about R 4.0.0 in the knitr package (, and I think it is related to the issue here. I created a minimal reproducible example below: owd = setwd(tempdir()) z = 'K\u00e4sch.txt' file.create(z) list.files() file.exists(list.files()) setwd(owd) Output: > owd = setwd(tempdir()) > z = 'K\u00e4sch.txt' >
2019 Nov 11
R en Jupyter Lab, error al cargar dplyr: "namespace 'rlang' 0.3.4 is being loaded, but >= 0.4.0 is required"
Hola Quiero ejecutar R desde Jupyter Lab y me encuentro con un error al invocar la librería dplyr. Este error no aparece cuando ejecuto RStudio. La sesión de R en jupyter lab: sessionInfo() R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05) Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 14393) Matrix products: default locale: [1] LC_COLLATE=Spanish_Chile.1252
2011 Nov 18
puppet agent 2.7 on windows
Hi Team, Tried following the steps here for deploying an agent on windows (windows server 2008 r2) but really finding it hard to make it work (the agent deployment itself went fine after following the steps). I have a working puppet-server on RH 6 and have tested few RH clients which work fine. The very first hurdle is that i
2008 Feb 22
Fast clock under VMWare
Hi everyone, I have been struggling with having the clock of Linux VM's (including CentOS 4.6 and 5.1) running very fast under VMWare, no matter what I have tried. My platform: - AMD Turion X2 TL-60 - AMD 690 chipset with integrated Radeon x1250 (probably doesn't concern in this case) - Windows Vista Ultimate x64, all Windows Update patches loaded (no SP1 yet) - 4GB RAM - VMWare
2012 May 23
could not retrieve information from environment
Greetings. I am trying to set up a test puppet server in my environment to evaluate windows clients. On the server side, I am using puppet 2.7.14 (from the repos). I''m using the 2.7.14 windows 64 bit on the client (windows 2008 R2). I have another puppetmaster already using "puppet" hostname in DNS (running a very old version of puppet - can''t upgrade yet for various
2011 Nov 22
Puppet Windows: msi packages removal
I noticed that is if I uninstall an MSI that was installed by Puppet, Puppet does not notice. Looking at the source I see it might be checking for a state file to know whether a package is installed or not: C:\ProgramData\PuppetLabs\puppet\var\db\package\msi\SplunkForwarder.yml So one has to rememebr to delete that too.... Is this design not a problem? Thanks, Mohamed. -- You received this
2013 Sep 13
[windows server 2008 r2] puppet errors in 3.3.0 on exchange database servers
Hi, i recently updated our windows 2008 r2 servers to puppet 3.3.0 . Im getting the following error* (only on our exchange 2010 db servers)*ever since: LevelMessageSourceFileLineTimeerrCould not retrieve local facts: undefined method `gsub'' for nil:NilClassPuppet13.09.2013 15:12 CESTerrFailed to apply catalog: Could not retrieve local facts: undefined method `gsub'' for
2008 Jul 30
Refreshonly question
Does anyone have a technique for performing an exec the first time puppetd runs but then reverting to refreshonly => true state for subsequent runs? The basic idea is: file { "/etc/foo": notify => Exec["bar"] } exec { "bar": command => "Do stuff to /etc/foo", refreshonly => true } Should I use a fact that is unset based on a
2020 Feb 17
RE: guest-fsfreeze-freeze freezes all mounted block devices
Hmmm, using 'virsh domfsinfo testdom' gives me a crash in win2008r2 (using software from virtio-win-0.1.171.iso) Fault bucket , type 0 Event Name: APPCRASH Response: Not available Cab Id: 0 Problem signature: P1: qemu-ga.exe P2: P3: 5c473543 P4: KERNELBASE.dll P5: 6.1.7601.24545 P6: 5e0eb6bd P7: c0000005 P8: 000000000000c4d2 P9: P10: Attached files: These files may be
2013 Nov 18
Puppet Masterless on Windows
Hi all, I have been working on a configuration of a Masterless configuration on Windows. I am able to get individual jobs to run like: puppet apply <path to my puppet .pp file> However, I would like to spin up the Vagrant box off a base VM, and have a puppet manifest file in a location where puppet knows to look and provision based off that file. The obvious place seems to be
2015 Nov 12
Qemu-ga on Windows 10
Hi, I have a windows 10 guest with qemu-ga-x64.msi installed from the fedora virtio iso. qemu-ga version is 0.12.1 host qemu version is 2.1.0 (I know its older but in this version the active block commit works perfectly...) libvirt version 1.2.12 I have these lines in my xml: <channel type='unix'> <source mode='bind'
2008 Oct 08
Puppet Augeas Plugin
Bryan -- I''m using the puppet augeas plugin at;a=blob;f=modules/augeas/plugins/puppet/type/augeas.rb;h=2346c37d724d7607ed4e09b0413700bec2b7cbed;hb=HEAD I''m running into a behavior that I wouldn''t expect. I''d like to confirm an entry in sysctl.conf by changing the value if necessary or appending the key/value if it
2011 Nov 01
What's the canonical way to enforce permissions/ownership on a directory subtree?
I''ve just tried this (we assume /opt/jetty-6.1.26 already exists): file { "/opt/jetty-6.1.26": owner => "jetty", group => "users", recurse => true, } ... but it''s taking an *age*. What''s the Right Way? Cheers, Robert. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
2007 Feb 06
Unless in exec doesn''t seem to be honored on notify.
This was a fun one to track down... I was trying to use the append_if_no_such_line script from the wiki and it was working fine EXCEPT when I threw a notify at it. The notify appears to completely ignore both unless and onlyif within the exec for some reason. If I put the same test in the actual command line, it works fine. Example: unless => "/bin/grep -Fqe ''$line''
2013 Oct 31
need help !!!
Hi, I am using puppet 2.7.20 server on linux and windows client with same version of puppet. Until recently everything was working fine but lately I have started getting the error below [0m [0;32minfo: Caching catalog for node_windows [0m [0;37mdebug: Puppet::Type::Exec::ProviderShell: feature posix is missing [0m [0;37mdebug: Puppet::Type::Exec::ProviderPosix: feature posix is missing [0m
2020 Jun 10
Possible Bug: file.exists() Function. Due to UTF-8 Encoding differences on Windows between R 4.0.1 and R 3.6.3?
Dear Juan, I don't see what is the problem from your report. Please try to create a minimal but complete reproducible example that does not use the renv package. Perhaps you could use the R debugger (e.g. via options(error=recover)) to find out what is the argument that file.exists() has been called with. And then you could try just to call file.exists() directly with that argument to
2012 Oct 24
Exec python script on puppet clinet running on windows
I am trying to execute a python script from manifest file on puppet windows based client: exec {'' -U setuptools'': #command => ''C:\Python27\ -U setuptools'', cwd => ''C:\Python27'', path => ''C:\Python27;%PATH%'', #creates => ''C:\Program,
2017 May 15
wanna cry ransomware patch for samba-4.5.5
Hai, Not really a question for samba technical, but i can share this. No need for setting things on samba, that wont help a lot. Below is my setup and its just how you configure your pc's. This and almost all other "malware" is EASY to block, but it wil have impact on how your work. First, start with NEVER work/run as user with administrator rights. If one needs it, then not