similar to: `./puppet-enterprise-uninstaller -pd` - not removing /var/lib/peadmin

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "`./puppet-enterprise-uninstaller -pd` - not removing /var/lib/peadmin"

2012 Oct 12
Puppet liveManagement very slow
Hi , I have installed puppet enterprise , master and agent in two nodes in a cluster. Everything works perfeclty except live mangement console . clicking this option take lot of time and finally it doesnot come up. It came 1 or 2 times. Can you explain what could be reason? Thanks Leo -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users"
2013 Feb 14
Puppet Enterprise Live Management
Hello all, To experiment with Puppet Enterprise (we already use open source) and to create a case for our management to buy it, I''m trying to set up a Puppet Enterprise environment on some virtuals. While the puppet part works fine, and the client I''ve set up is doing fine as well, it seems the Live Management part is not. When I click on the Live Management tab it only
2013 Dec 13
New to puppet and recieving mcollective error
Im new to puppet and installed it in my home lab to mess with, when i installed it i used the hostname rather than FQDN so went back and changed puppet and reran the certificate tool to regenerate the certificates etc, the agent works fine now but i am getting an mccollective error i think, is there anything in the config i need to change for mccollective after altering the name to the FQDN?
2013 Nov 25
mcp ping return no responses
I''m trying to install mcollective on an environment for the first time and I''m having troubles: MC client (also the puppet master) activemq.xml <!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The
2011 Jun 15
Using Mcollective with Enterprise Ruby
We are using Enterprise Ruby - I want to dig into Mcollective; however, there is no installation script in the *.tgz. Also, the rpms have various requirements from the stock distribution (RHEL5 in my case) that are already present under our Enterprise Ruby installation. Is there some clever way to weave this together. How to install the Mcollective without the typical setup.rb scripting.
2013 Jul 01
Puppet with Mcollective, which modules and how ? (TheForeman)
Hi All, I have a working installation of a Puppet Master (CA) with Puppet agents, this using The Foreman. I really see the usage of Puppet this way but because The Foreman supports pushing your classes/templates to you nodes (agents) and uses the depricated Run/Kick for it I''m looking into Mcollective. Mcollective is supported by The Foreman since 1.2, the version I''m
2013 Dec 12
Puppet and MCollective
Hi, I am writing scripts for deployment of our software and I am also using MCollective on linux. I hope to use MCollective in order to reduce the requirement of opening a putty session to each VM and running the puppet agent manually the first time (when its registers/ creates keys etc). The problem I see with this is that I need to log in to each machine and install/configure mcollective
2013 Jan 17
mcollective puppet plugin not working for centos
I have a test setup like this: host ======= *puppet-idc*: Ubuntu 12.04 running ActiveMQ, Mcollective, puppet agent and server *puppet-node1*: Ubuntu 12.04 running MCollective and puppet agent *puppet-node2*: Ubuntu 12.04 running MCollective and puppet agent *puppet-node3*: CentOS 6.3 running MCollective and puppet agent I installed the *mcollective-plugins-puppetd plugin* on all *3 Ubuntu
2012 Aug 21
mcollective getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
I''m getting these errors when running ''puppet agent --test'' after doing a new installation of an agent: err: /Stage[main]/Pe_mcollective::Plugins/File[/opt/puppet/libexec/mcollective/mcollective/security/sshkey.rb]/content: change from {md5}512f42272699eaa085c83d2cc67c27ea to {md5}8fa3e9125fd917948445e3d2621d40e5 failed: Could not back up
2013 Mar 04
Problem while Installing software (agent) from puppetmaster to clients
I had installed puppet master and client on two different machines. machine A has puppet master and machine B has client. both are centos6 64 bit machines. Machine B (client) is successfully connected to master (machine A). My aim is to install New Relic agent (server monitorinig tool) on different clients. I had installed new relic agent on machine A and trying to build a module so that I
2012 Jan 21
Trying to understand how mcollective differs from saltstack? I found this link that talks about Func, Rundeck, Salt and mcollective, but it doesn''t really compare and contrast. a 10,000 overview Saltstack and mcollective look very similar. IE: both integrate with facter/puppet, have queuing mechanisms, allow remote
2012 Dec 14
mcollective and aptitude safe-upgrade
Guys Compliments of the festive season to everyone. Ive looked at mcollective plugins from And I tried / installed some of them. What im looking for is a method or really a mcollective plugin to ''aptitude safe-upgrade'' on my test VMs. Would anyone have a solution or method on how I can go about this. The only
2012 Jun 07
MCollective not all nodes answer to commands when using aes_security plugin
Hi, I deployed MCollective to our Puppet clients. approx. ~ 200. Our platform requires the most secure setup possible, so PSK as securityprovider is not an option. Therefor I changed the security provider to aes_security reusing puppets certificates in the server.cfg as found in the docs (1) Our goal is to use mcollective to offload event-driven actions to agents running on designated nodes from
2013 Jan 30
Mcollective on puppet server and agent?
I have a puppet server and various puppet agents. I want to do mcollective stuff. So please anyone tell me what should i install on puppet server and agent to run mcollective? Is there any need to install ActiveMQ also and where should i install it? Thanks in advance. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To unsubscribe
2011 Nov 01
Custom fact not set with mc-puppetd
Hello, I''ve mcollective 1.2.1 with puppet 2.6.12 on rhel5.6, facter 1.6.2 setup from Now I''ve create a custom fact in /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/facter/ customer_status.rb. On the client; Running facter customer_status works. Running ''puppet agent --test'' works, customer_status
2010 Oct 19
Automating infrastructure tests on Puppet nodes after a puppetrun
Hi List, I would like to discuss with whoever is interested one topic that I suppose has general interest. I want to implement some kind of automatic testing on the status of a node after a Puppet Run. These tests involve trivial and less trivial things things like: - A local service is running - A local port is open - A remote server on a remote port is reachable by the node - An URL replies
2013 Jun 19
Ruby Class or other API for controlling puppet/mcollective
HI, i''m currently trying to develop a task-driven rails-based frontend for some tasks that puppet/mcollective is doing in the background ( basically some user-management and some asset queries...). But i''m currently stuck at finding some puppet/mcollective API classes for ruby. (you''ll only find results for using ruby within puppet, which is of course more obvious).
2012 Jul 05
hash to_yaml in erb template not giving valid yaml
Hi, I want to use a file resource to write a facts.yaml file for Mcollective. For some reason it won''t provide a valid yaml format if I dump my scope to hash and convert to_yaml. file { "/etc/mcollective/facts.yaml" : owner => root, group => root, mode => 400, loglevel => debug, #content => inline_template("<%= scope.to_hash.reject {
2012 Dec 03
Unnecessary changes when creating facts.yaml
I have set up puppet to create a facts.yaml file for mcollective using the following line: content => inline_template("<%= scope.to_hash.reject { |k,v| k.to_s =~ /(uptime.*|timestamp|.*free|macaddress.*|ipaddress)/ }.to_yaml %>"), However, it is creating a lot of unnecessary changes by reordering the facts in the yaml output as you can see in the diff output between to
2010 May 04
mcollective scalability
I''ve been thinking a lot about running mcollective on my production servers recently, especially about its nice integration with puppet (using facts and so on). However I''ve got some concern about its scalability - how publish/subscribe middleware scales in terms of speed and flooding the network. I run about 2000 servers. Has anyone got any experience running mcollective on