similar to: issue storing facts values in mysql on puppet master 3.0.2

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "issue storing facts values in mysql on puppet master 3.0.2"

2012 Jan 13
mysql errors
I''m currently running three puppet masters (version 2.7.3 via apache +passenger) in a cluster, 2 on CentOS 5.7, 1 on CentOS 6.1 On the 6.1 master, I am frequently getting the following error (approximately 50% of the time when a client connects): err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Mysql::Error: Unknown prepared statement handler (7) given to
2012 Jul 25
cwd dot folders
Hi, I am trying to exec { myexectest: path => "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin", cwd => "/home/user/.ssh", command =>"echo test > test.txt", onlyif => "test -f test.txt" } it doesnt work any clues why? I think it cannot change directory to a DOT directory please HELP!! --Nikos Hatzopoulos -- You received
2013 Feb 12
Issue in using postgresql with puppetdb
Hi, When i m using Postgresql database with puppetdb in puppet 3.0.2, following error is coming. err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Failed to submit ''replace facts'' command for to PuppetDB at Connection refused - connect(2) Can anyone have any solution regarding this? -- You received this
2012 Jan 27
SSL Errors - SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B
Hello, I''m new to puppet and am getting a puppet server setup with puppet dashboard. I have the puppet server and puppet dashboard (Apache/Passenger) setup and working well with 60+ test nodes working as expected. Only problem is that I have this one error in the logs which I can''t figure out. Jan 26 17:09:41 ppt01 puppet-agent[27357]: Could not retrieve catalog from remote
2010 Jun 09
Foreman -- Reporting
Hello All, I don''t seem to be able to get reports to display on the foreman interface. I copied extras/puppet/foreman/files/foreman-report.rb to / usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/reportsforeman.rb, instead of /usr/ lib/ruby/1.8/puppet/reports/foreman.rb. Config: Centos5.4, Apache/ Passenger, Puppet 0.25.4. The reports are coming from the clients, because I can see them in
2013 Oct 08
'puppet storeconfigs export' killed
Hi, I currently have a MySQL database containing all Puppet storeconfigs. My intention is to migrate to PuppetDB on a PostgreSQL server, so the first step is to use the ''storeconfigs'' face to export all the DB to a file PuppetDB can later consume. But the ''puppet storeconfigs export'' command always ends up being killed, I suspect due to some sort of OOM
2012 Nov 05
puppetdb postgresql Connection refused
Greetings, we are trying to setup puppetdb, nut our clients get the following error: Warning: Unable to fetch my node definition, but the agent run will continue: Warning: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not retrieve facts for lxa7t.unix.lan: Failed to submit ''replace facts'' command for lxa7t.unix.lan to PuppetDB at puppetdb:8081: Connection refused - connect(2) Info: Retrieving
2011 Dec 05
puppet kick problem: host is already running
Hi, I’m managing several machines with a 2.7.6 master, and 2.7.1 and 2.7.6 mixed, not yet all fully upgraded clients. On the puppet master, I want to kick a node but it exits with error code 3, which doesn’t seem right. The agent seems to return the wrong message. <hidden>:~$ puppet kick <hidden> --trace --debug --foreground Triggering <hidden> Getting status status is running
2010 Jul 22
Foreman / External Nodes -- Node Not found
Hello All, So I finally got around to start to cut over node definitions from standard flat files to external nodes (foreman), and getting error message: "Error 400 on SERVER: Could not find node ''nodename''; cannot compile" - So basically it can''t pick up the node from the external node config. When I test the fetching of the yaml file it seems to work
2011 Mar 18
Inventory service and dashboard 1.1.0 rc1
I just set up the latest dashboard release candidate in hopes of trying out the new inventory service. After modifying the puppet- dashboard config to use the inventory service and after changing my auth.conf I gave it a whirl but ran into some issues.. I initially tried using fact_terminus = yaml and was able to do some queries via curl. I''m currently using storeconfigs so setting up
2011 Sep 08
Issues with environments not being respected
I''ve ran into a strange issue today while using my development environment I was receiving some errors about modules that shouldn''t have been used. After looking it looks like my agent (or master) isn''t respecting the environment I specify and is actually using the main (master) environment. This used to work and I haven''t had any changes beyond a upgrade ..
2010 Nov 01
No report named 'puppet_dashboard'
Hi all. I''m unable to integrate puppet dashboard as I keep getting the following error: No report named ''puppet_dashboard'' Relevant configuration (names changed to protect the innocent).. ==== /etc/puppet/puppet.conf [puppetd] libdir=$vardir/lib libdir=/var/www/puppet-dashboard/lib/puppet [puppetmasterd] reports = puppet_dashboard
2012 Aug 23
Puppet Agent VS User
Hello, Running into a problem when wanting to daemon-ize the agent. It doesnt seems to do anything: - cannot find any daemon process with (ps aux | grep puppet) - the config is not updated after editing some params on the master - /var/log/puppet stay empty... while, when logged as root, it is working without issue with $puppet agent --test. ##Conf Ubuntu 12.04 Puppet 2.7.11 ## Daemon is
2009 Aug 26
storeconfigs + environments issue
Hi Guys, Im trying to turn on storeconfigs with a mysql db backend. On my testing server in our lab, i configured this successfully and can see if keeping information on all test hosts. When trying to implent the same idea onto our production puppet server, I get the following errors: Aug 26 16:35:53 opsynxsr0097 puppetmasterd[27003]: (/Settings[/etc/
2007 Dec 22
puppet with postgresql adapter
Hi all, i'' m trying to configure puppet to use rails with postgresql. I'' m having troubles to make it work. Got no error when running puppetmasterd but nothing is being populated in the DB. Is anybody using puppet with postgres ? my config (in puppet.conf) [rails] dbadapter = postgresql dbname = mydb dbserver = localhost dbuser = user dbpassword = password
2008 Dec 18
errors after 0.24.7 upgrade ..
After upgrading my puppetmaster to 0.24.7 from 0.24.6 i am getting the following errors in the puppetmaster logs. Any help would be appreciated. Thu Dec 18 16:11:39 +1100 2008 Puppet (err): Could not store configs: undefined method `environment='' for #<Puppet::Rails::Host:0xb72c0c38> I do not use environment''s and they are not defined anywhere in the puppet.conf
2011 Apr 30
Could not autoload inventory_active_record: uninitialized constant ActiveRecord
Trying to set up the inventory service on puppet 2.6.8, pretty sure I''ve met all the dependencies but puppetmaster logs Could not autoload inventory_active_record: uninitialized constant ActiveRecord When clients attempt to connect. local gems: *** LOCAL GEMS *** abstract (1.0.0) actionmailer (3.0.7, 2.2.3) actionpack (3.0.7, 2.2.3) activemodel (3.0.7) activerecord (3.0.7)
2011 Feb 08
multiple puppetmasters (w/ Passenger) behind load balancer
Hello Gang, I''m working on scaling my puppet solution, and I''m deploying multiple masters w/ passenger that are going sit behind a load balancer. If anyone is using these type of setup, would you share how you deal with the SSL certs? I''ve been following Bode''s Blog (, and it''s not working to good for me.
2007 Aug 15
PuppetDatabase - collection "yes", anything in db "no"
Hi there! I´m trying to get my PuppetmasterDB running. Problem is, though I´m not getting any errors from the puppetmaster there is nothing stored in the database, not even tables are created. I tried "puppetmasterd --dbmigrate", didn´t help either. rails.log is kinda empty too.. Thing is: it kinda works anyway, there is just nothing stored in the DB - exported a user on host A,
2009 Nov 12
Multiple environments
So I''m trying to get multiple environments to work with puppet 0.25.1 on ubuntu 8.04 and no matter what I do, puppet just completely ignores any environment setting. There''s really next to no information in terms of configuration on the multiple environments documentation page ( other than saying that the