similar to: node_openstack dependency

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "node_openstack dependency"

2012 May 16
Puppet Node Create?
Was... Bash$ puppet node create This "create" action no longer exists. Has it been depreciated? Is the only way to create a node through puppetmaser now? Thanks, D -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To view this discussion on the web visit To post
2014 Feb 26
sentiment analysis en español en R?
Gracias Jorge! Pregunta: y por que fue archivado? ...................................................................................... Silvia Cobialca Cincinnati DBA Team - CIO RAS Team Accenture - Buenos Aires IO Delivery Center Desk: 5411 5196 2715, Mobile: 54911 4160 7748 Email:<> IM:
2014 Feb 26
sentiment analysis en español en R?
Queria saber si ya esta disponible un paquete para poder hacer sentiment analysis de textos en español en R. Si lo hay me podrían informar si lo puedo adicionar a la instalación en ingles? Gracias!!!! ...................................................................................... Silvia Cobialca Cincinnati DBA Team - CIO RAS Team Accenture - Buenos Aires IO Delivery Center Desk: 5411 5196
2013 Sep 18
Cloud provisionner on CentOS 6 issue
Hi ! I am currently testing puppet on CentOS 6 and I wish to test the cloud provisioner tool. The problem is the following : I can''t use fog because of ruby version issue. The system : CentOS 6.4 with Ruby 1.8.7 (last version for CentOS) What I did to get the problem : install puppet-server install module puppetlabs-cloud_provisioner Trying install Fog -v 0.7.2 (cloud service library
2014 Feb 26
sentiment analysis en español en R?
Muchas gracias Carlos. Lo voy a probar a ver como me funciona con lo que tengo que procesar ...................................................................................... Silvia Cobialca Cincinnati DBA Team - CIO RAS Team Accenture - Buenos Aires IO Delivery Center Desk: 5411 5196 2715, Mobile: 54911 4160 7748 Email: silvia.cobialca en IM: cobialca en Pager:
2014 Mar 17
problema con intalacion de zoo (debido a version) y sentiment140
Daniel- Yo intente bajar de zoo/archive la version anterior (la 7.10) pero no es un zip y como mi OS es windows, no hay caso, no me lo toma. Al instalar sentiment140 (si, desde ese link que has puesto) desde el zip no me aparece en la lista de los paquetes instalados y por tanto cuando hago library(sentiment) me aparece un mensaje indicando que el paquete no existe Gracias por la ayuda!
2016 Oct 25
Hi Team, Could you please help us to know about the CVE-2016-5195 on CentOs. I have server running with CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core) , will this be effected? Thanks Aswathi ________________________________ This message is for the designated recipient only and may contain privileged, proprietary, or otherwise confidential information. If you have received it in error, please notify
2014 Mar 17
problema con intalacion de zoo (debido a version) y sentiment140
Hola! Necesitaria saber como/donde consigo zoo para version anterior a 3.0.3 ya que el que se instala por defecto es ese y no lo puedo cargar lugo ya que mi version de R es anterior a la 3.0.3 Por otro lado estoy tratando de instalar sentiment140 desde el zip como indica en la pagina y no lo puedo lograr, no me funciona ni pasa nada, en el log no aparece ningún mensaje. Cualquier ayuda me será
2000 Dec 23
converting / to ext3-0.0.5d
Hi, again I ran into some difficulties while setting up my / - partition under v0.0.5. With the conversion of my /home - partition went everything well. Even under heavy load I didn't remark anything unusal - apart from a little performance-issue. My current setup is now the following: / - partition: no conversion possible: V1-journal with journal-data mode /home - partition: conversion
2016 May 12
Openssl vulnerability
Hi Team, I have a centos 7 running server with openssl version openssl-1.0.1e-51.el7_2.4.x86_64, I have received a set of vulnerability from security team, can anyone tell me as per below CVE do I need to update my openssl version to 1.0.1t? Or the current version which we have is safe. CVE-2016-0701, CVE-2015-3197 CVE-2015-4000 CVE-2015-0204 CVE-2015-0286, CVE-2015-0287, CVE-2015-0289,
2011 Jul 21
ANNOUNCE: Cloud Provisioner v0.6.0rc1 release
We are happy to announce the first public release candidate of our Puppet Cloud Provisioner. This release is available for download at our Module Forge:<> Extensive documentation can be found at: Please report feedback via the
2002 Oct 15
synchronizing part of a file
Hi all, I would like to synchronize a part of the source file with a part of the destination file. In detail I would like to - synchronize a file on a remote host from line "n" onwards with the file content on the local host starting with line "n" in the file. - the firs "n" lines of the files on the local and remote host should not be changed. My questions
1999 May 19
Samba performance question
Hi all, I am running a samba server (2.0.3) in a small eth-based home network. There is only one win client (NT workstation, Sp4). The samba box ist set up with wins support enabled and the NT box? wins server entry points to samba server. Everything works fine: no error messages neither server nor client. The server shows up immediately in the NT?s network neigborhood. Browsing is fast. !!But
2003 Apr 25
unix-filenames do not translate
Hello list, I have problems displaying certain UNIX-files in samba. For example if I have a file named like this: ABNAHMELEHRE??????,PP272140019???,*,??,?,Z,?000,IBK,Y414019253751.model or BAUTEIL ,A21133321?2202,*, , ,Z, 000,IBK,F633302719552.model samba shows dos-like names as follow: Abnah~2s.mod and Baute~1m.mod Is there any way in telling samba to display
2003 Apr 25
Missing File
Sometimes an install errors out looking for a file called I did a locate and the file IS there, it just doesn't see it. I don't want to have to download a 16 meg RPM just for one small file. Does anyone know where JUST this file (most likely updated) can be found by itself? Kev
2009 Feb 24
Winbind/PAM/SLES 8-problem
Hi Gurus! I'm working on getting some old SLES 8-serveres to use winbind, letting users authenticate to our Windows AD. All the setup of samba, winbind, adding the server to the AD etc. is working fine, and all kinds of wbinfo returns what it is supposed to. BUT - when I try to login (using ssh), it utterly ignores winbind, and only tries to validate local users. Not one entry in messages
2013 Jul 17
Unable to use Cloud Provisioner
Hi Guys, I''m unable to load the module cloud provisioner, when I try to run node_aws it gives me the below errors: Error: Could not autoload puppet/face/node_aws/list_keynames: no such file to load -- guid Error: Could not parse application options: Could not autoload puppet/face/node_aws/list_keynames: no such file to load -- guid And when I see the help list I can see the below
2008 Nov 07
Dtrace command
Hi All, Can I get Dtrace command, which is useful for regular system administration like performance issue. Advance Thanks Muthu -- This message posted from
2006 Oct 11
ZFS Inexpensive SATA Whitebox
All, So I have started working with Solaris 10 at work a bit (I''m a Linux guy by trade) and I have a dying nfs box at home. So the long and short of it is as follows: I would like to setup a SATAII whitebox that uses ZFS as its filesystem. The box will probably be very lightly used, streaming media to my laptop and workstation would be the bulk of the work. However I do have quite a
2020 Jun 09
Virtual IP/netbios name for AD-authenticated shares in failover cluster
Hi Gurus, I have a simple failover cluster on two SLES 12 SP3 nodes with Samba/winbind for authenticating AD-user access to the shares. The shares are reached through a virtual hostname/IP which differs from the SLES-server itself. The servers uses SSSD for normal SSH-authentication, also against the same Active Domain. Here is the problem - if I get Samba/winbind to work with the virtual