similar to: puppet-module error with 3.0.2

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "puppet-module error with 3.0.2"

2010 Mar 17
passenger errors
Has anyone seen this come up, I am using 0.24.8 version of puppet. I followed the directions on the wiki and installed passenger correctly from what I can tell. [Wed Mar 17 09:07:56 2010] [notice] Apache/2.2.14 (Unix) DAV/2 Phusion_Passenger/2.2.5 mod_python/3.3.1 Python/2.5.2 mod_ssl/2.2.14 OpenSSL/0.9.8g mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.0 configured -- resuming normal operations
2012 Jan 24
Cipher is not a module
Hi, I''m trying to install puppet as a client on a new machine. I received this weird error when trying to start up as /etc/init.d/ puppet start : /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/openssl/cipher.rb:22: Cipher is not a module (TypeError) from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb: 36:in `gem_original_require'' from
2006 Dec 29
Gems looking in the wrong dir
Hello, When I tested out SVN 1987, puppetmasterd barfs because gems is looking in puppet/rails/lib no puppet/rails. This is under FC6 with gems/rails installed from source. The simple fix for me was to create the directory lib and link the files in /puppet/rails there. .r'' Original error: # puppetmasterd --debug /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:27:in
2011 Jan 22
uninitialized constant ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper::ERB (NameError)
I am a new to ruby and rails and am trying to refactor some code with rspec and have run into a problem that has stumped me for a few days and I have searched google and ruby/rails forums to no avail so I really hope somebody can help me out with this problem which I think may be caused by a rails config problem. Anyway, I used ''rails new myapp'' to make a new rails project and
2007 Apr 13
mongrel on linux error - custom_require.rb:27:in `gem_original_require'': no such file to load -- (LoadErro
We''re deploying mongrel with Apache on CentOS. I have installed mongrel but when I try to run it, I get the following error. Can someone tell my why and how to fix it. Also does anyone have experience in deploying mongrel on CentOS ? mongrel_rails start -d /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:27:in `gem_original_require'': no such file to load -- (LoadError)
2009 Jun 10
uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::Cache (NameError)
Hi After having updated some GEMS I get `load_missing_constant'': uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::Cache (NameError) on starting the server of a freshly generated rails project. Before, I already had Rails 2.3.2 projects succesfully running, now all of them generate this error. These are my GEMS: actionmailer (2.3.2, 2.2.2, 2.1.2, 2.1.1, 2.1.0) actionpack (2.3.2, 2.2.2, 2.1.2,
2012 Feb 25
Seems I'm missing some kind of library?
When I run "rake db:create --trace" in my rails directory, or if I attempt a "bundle install" I get the same error around missing "rubygems/format". I am new, but I am really hoping there is some way that I can discover which package this "rubygems/format" belongs in. I did a locate on "format" | grep gem and I didn''t find any
2009 Oct 30
wxRuby on Ubuntu 9.10
Installing the gem from rubygems, along with the available wxwidgets packages from synaptic, I'd recieve this error: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/wxruby-2.0.1-x86-linux/lib/ /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/wxruby-2.0.1-x86-linux/lib/ symbol _ZN13wxAuiNotebook14ShowWindowMenuEv, version WXU_2.8.5 not defined in file with link time reference -
2009 Mar 14
The 2.3 branch and Rails Edge failing
I found Brandon''s 2.3 branch for Facebooker and thought I''d give that a try to get around the problems I ran into starting script/server with Rails Edge. Unfortunately, no go. The error I get on start up is: > /Users/user/Sites/iwr2/vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/ > dependencies.rb:440:in `load_missing_constant'': uninitialized > constant
2009 Dec 29
undefined method `alias_method_chain' for I18n::Backend::Simple:Class
Hi, We are running RE: ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-12 patchlevel 174) [sparc-solaris2.10], MBARI 0x8770, Ruby Enterprise Edition 2009.10 I tried a simple web app with a controller rendering a text and is working in my PC but on the server I get: Error message: undefined method `alias_method_chain'' for I18n::Backend::Simple:Class Exception class: NoMethodError Application root:
2008 Jan 01
Compiling wxruby-1.9.2
Hi, I''m trying to compile wxruby-1.9.2. This is my first time using rake. All I get is the following: (in /bld/lib/wxruby-1.9.2) rake aborted! can''t convert nil into String /bld/lib/wxruby-1.9.2/rakefile:48 (See full trace by running task with --trace) And with --trace: (in /bld/lib/wxruby-1.9.2) rake aborted! can''t convert nil into
2009 Apr 06
After Rails 2.3.2 upgrade: superclass mismatch for class TestCase (TypeError)
I upgraded a working app from rails 2.1 to 2.3.2. Now when I run rake test:units I get this error: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ activesupport-2.3.2/lib/active_support/test_case.rb:17: superclass mismatch for class TestCase (TypeError) I generated a new test app and all tests run OK. For the upgrade I ran rake:update and renamed the class in test_helper to ActiveSupport::TestCase. Also renamed
2012 Oct 08
Puppet 3.0 upgrade issue
Hi @all, after upgrading my puppet server to Puppet 3.0 I got the following error every time a client connect to the server: [ pid=1532 thr=70147393710520 file=utils.rb:176 time=2012-10-08 11:17:56.504 ]: *** Exception NoMethodError in PhusionPassenger::Rack::ApplicationSpawner (undefined method `settings'' for Puppet:Module) (process 1532, thread #<Thread:0x7f98ecf7d370>):
2009 Apr 23
BackgrounDRb start error
Hi, I''ve got a Rails 2.2.2 app and I''m trying to get BackgrounDRb running. I''m just following the simple example in Advanced Rails Recipes. I installed BackgrounDRb from Git, installed the packet and chronic gems, ran ''rake backgroundrb:setup'', generated a worker, and then tried to run ''script/backgroundrb start'' but I get:
2012 Feb 23
Deploying puppet via NFS
I''m attempting to deploy puppet via an NFS share. It''s on a local-only network, and it will contain only ruby (gems) and whatever is needed. Seems simple enough, but tonight I am having an issue with this error: # service puppet start Starting puppet: /local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/ custom_require.rb:36:in `gem_original_require'': no such file to load -- openssl
2008 Oct 24
Rails problem
What wrong? # gem install rails -s -v 2.2.0 Successfully installed activesupport-2.2.0 Successfully installed activerecord-2.2.0 Successfully installed actionpack-2.2.0 Successfully installed actionmailer-2.2.0 Successfully installed activeresource-2.2.0 Successfully installed rails-2.2.0 6 gems installed Installing ri documentation for activesupport-2.2.0...
2010 Mar 04
Newbie problem with installing rails.
Installed Ruby fine, works fine. Windows, 1.8.6 Fire up RubyGems to install rails. gem install rails Various success messages to screen. Open a command line. rails test Ton of creates ... OK. cd test ruby script/server Get a message saying I''m trying to run 1.3.2 and I''ve got 1.3.1 and I should run gem update --system Go to RubyGems and run ''gem update
2007 Dec 24
backgroundrb script crashing on startup
Everything works fine on my development box (Ubuntu 7.10, Ruby 1.8.6) but on my server (Fedora Core 6, Ruby 1.8.5) when I run script/backgroundrb start, the process fails to start. This is with Rails 2.0.2 frozen in the app, and I have the most recent version of the plugin (r297). Is Ruby 1.8.6 a requirement for backgroundrb now? I can''t figure any other reason it would fail...
2012 Oct 16
`method_missing_without_paginate': undefined method `class_attribute' for ActiveRecord::Base:Class
hi i am using radiant 0.8.2 , rails 2.3.4, ruby 1.8.7 and rubygems 1.4.2. and i can''t able to run my existing application. error occurred : run command for server "script/server -e production -p 3001" error: => Booting WEBrick => Rails 2.3.4 application starting on config.gem: Unpacked gem rack-rewrite-1.2.1 in vendor/gems has no specification
2009 Apr 30
Plese have a look on this error and tell me y it comes
Drive\Ruby Projects\ramf>ruby script/generate model category by/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.2/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:440:in `load_missing_constant initialized constant RAMF::OperationProcessorsManager (NameError) from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.2/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:80:in `const_mis from E:/D Drive/Ruby